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Economic reforms and collectivisation in Cuban agriculture

Pages 1239-1266 | Published online: 15 Nov 2007


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  • This paper is in many ways a joint effort based on the findings of an International Labour Organisation (ilo) mission to Cuba during 1985 by Dharam Ghai, Peter Peek and myself. Neither the ilo nor the other authors of the report are responsible for the content of this paper. For a more extended treatment of some of the issues raised in this article, see D Ghai, C Kay and P Peek, Labour and Development in Rural Cuba, London: Macmillan, 1988. I am especially grateful to the members of the mission, to the ilo, to the Cuban government, and to the countless Cubans who answered our enquiries. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the Thirteenth International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (lasa) in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1986, and the Fifth General Conference of the European Association of Development Institutes (eadi) in Amsterdam in 1987.

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