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A quarter century of usable security and privacy research: transparency, tailorability, and the road ahead

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  • Abdul, Ashraf, Jo Vermeulen, Danding Wang, Brian Y. Lim, and Mohan Kankanhalli. 2018, April. “Trends and Trajectories for Explainable, Accountable and Intelligible Systems: An HCI Research Agenda.” In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Vol. 2018, 1–18. ACM. doi:10.1145/3173574.3174156.
  • Acquisti, Alessandro, Idris Adjerid, and Laura Brandimarte. 2013. “Gone in 15 Seconds: The Limits of Privacy Transparency and Control.” IEEE Security & Privacy 11 (4): 72–74.
  • Adams, Anne, and Martina Angela Sasse. 1999. “Users Are Not the Enemy.” Communications of the ACM 42 (12): 40–46. doi:10.1145/322796.322806.
  • Alizadeh, Fatemeh, Timo Jakobi, Alexander Boden, Gunnar Stevens, and Jens Boldt. 2020. “GDPR Reality Check – Claiming and Investigating Personally Identifiable Data from Companies.” In 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroSPW). IEEE, 120–129. doi:10.1109/EuroSPW51379.2020.00025.
  • Althobaiti, Kholoud, Nicole Meng, and Kami Vaniea. 2021. “I Don't Need an Expert! Making URL Phishing Features Human Comprehensible.” In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21), Article 695, 17. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3411764.3445574.
  • Angulo, Julio, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Tobias Pulls, and Erik Wästlund. 2015. “Usable Transparency With the Data Track: A Tool for Visualizing Data Disclosures.” In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA), 1803–1808. Seoul, Republic of Korea: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2702613.2732701.
  • Biczók, Gergely, Kévin Huguenin, Mathias Humbert, and Jens Grossklags. 2021. “Call for Papers: Special Issue on Managing Multi-Party, Interdependent Privacy Risks.” Computers and Security. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-security/call-for-papers/managing-multi-party
  • Bier, Christoph, Kay Kühne, and Jürgen Beyerer. 2016. “PrivacyInsight: The Next Generation Privacy Dashboard.” In Privacy Technologies and Policy (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), edited by Stefan Schiffner, Jetzabel Serna, Demosthenes Ikonomou, and Kai Rannenberg, 135–152. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-44760-5_9
  • Brandimarte, Laura, Alessandro Acquisti, and George Loewenstein. 2013. “Misplaced Confidences: Privacy and the Control Paradox.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (3): 340–347.
  • Brodsky, Jessica E., Arshia K. Lodhi, Kasey L. Powers, Fran C. Blumberg, and Patricia J. Brooks. 2021. “‘It's Just Everywhere Now’: Middle-school and College Students' Mental Models of the Internet.” Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 3 (4): 495–511. doi:10.1002/hbe2.281.
  • Brown, Barry. 2001, Marh 26. “Studying the Internet Experience.” Research Report HPL-2001-49. HP Laboratories Bristol. 24 pages.
  • Canova, Gamze, Melanie Volkamer, Clemens Bergmann, and Benjamin Reinheimer. 2015. “NoPhish App Evaluation: Lab and Retention Study.” In NDSS Workshop on Usable Security.
  • Caraban, Ana, Evangelos Karapanos, Daniel Gonçalves, and Pedro Campos. 2019. “23 Ways to Nudge: A Review of Technology-Mediated Nudging in Human-Computer Interaction.” In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19), 1–15. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery doi:10.1145/3290605.3300733.
  • Cheng, Hao-Fei, Ruotong Wang, Zheng Zhang, Fiona O'Connell, Terrance Gray, F. Maxwell Harper, and Haiyi Zhu. 2019. “Explaining Decision-Making Algorithms through UI: Strategies to Help Non-Expert Stakeholders.” In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12. ACM. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300789.
  • Cranor, Lorrie Faith, Adam L. Durity, Abigail Marsh, and Blase Ur. 2014. “Parents' and Teens' Perspectives on Privacy In a Technology-Filled World.” In Proceedings of the 10th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS, 19–35.
  • Cranor, Lorrie Faith, and Simson Garfinkel, eds. 2005. Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use. Beijing; Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly.
  • Dupree, Janna Lynn, Richard Devries, Daniel M. Berry, and Edward Lank. 2016. “Privacy Personas: Clustering Users via Attitudes and Behaviors toward Security Practices.” In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 5228–5239. ACM. doi:10.1145/2858036.2858214.
  • Egelman, Serge, Marian Harbach, and Eyal Peer. 2016. “Behavior Ever Follows Intention?: A Validation of the Security Behavior Intentions Scale (SeBIS).” In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 5257–5261. doi:10.1145/2858036.2858265.
  • Egelman, Serge, and Eyal Peer. 2015. “The Myth of the Average User: Improving Privacy and Security Systems Through Individualization.” In Proceedings of the 2015 New Security Paradigms Workshop, 16–28. doi:10.1145/2841113.2841115.
  • Emami-Naeini, Pardis, Janarth Dheenadhayalan, Yuvraj Agarwal, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. 2022. “An Informative Security and Privacy “Nutrition” Label for Internet of Things Devices.” IEEE Security & Privacy 20 (2): 31–39. doi:10.1109/MSEC.2021.3132398.
  • Emami-Naeini, Pardis, Tiona Francisco, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Franziska Roesner. 2021. “Understanding Privacy Attitudes and Concerns Towards Remote Communications During the {COVID-19}.” In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 695–714.
  • Farke, Florian M., Lennart Lorenz, Theodor Schnitzler, Philipp Markert, and Markus Dürmuth. 2020. “‘You Still Use the Password After All’ – Exploring FIDO2 Security Keys in a Small Company.” In Sixteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS '20), 19–35. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2020/presentation/farke.
  • Franz, Anjuli, Gregor Albrecht, Verena Zimmermann, Katrin Hartwig, Christian Reuter, Alexander Benlian, and Joachim Vogt. 2021. “Still Plenty of Phish in the Sea – A Taxonomy of User-Oriented Phishing Interventions and Avenues for Future Research.” In Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 339–358.
  • Frik, Alisa, Leysan Nurgalieva, Julia Bernd, Joyce Lee, Florian Schaub, and Serge Egelman. 2019. “Privacy and Security Threat Models and Mitigation Strategies of Older Adults.” In Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2019), 21–40. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2019/presentation/frik.
  • Ganster, Daniel C., Richard W. Woodman, Jerome Adams, Michael McCuddy, Howard Fromkin, and Paul D. Tolchinsky. 1979. “Information Privacy in Organizations: An Examination of Employee Perceptions and Attitudes.” In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the National Academy of Management, 262–266.
  • Garcia, David. 2017. “Leaking Privacy and Shadow Profiles in Online Social Networks.” Science Advances3: 1–6. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1701172.
  • Garfinkel, Simson L., and Heather Richter Lipford. 2014. Usable Security. History, Themes, and Challenges. Synthesis Lectures on Information Security, Privacy, and Trust 5, 1–124. San Rafael, California (USA): Morgan & Claypool. doi:10.2200/S00594ED1V01Y201408SPT011.
  • Gerber, Nina, Paul Gerber, and Melanie Volkamer. 2018. “Explaining the Privacy Paradox: A Systematic Review of Literature Investigating Privacy Attitude and Behavior.” Computers & Security 77: 226–261. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2018.04.002.
  • Gerlitz, Eva, Maximilian Häring, and Matthew Smith. 2021. “Please Do Not Use !?_ or Your License Plate Number: Analyzing Password Policies in German Companies.” In Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS '21), 17–36. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2021/presentation/gerlitz.
  • Golla, Maximilian, Grant Ho, Marika Lohmus, Monica Pulluri, and Elissa M. Redmiles. 2021. “Driving 2FA Adoption at Scale: Optimizing Two-Factor Authentication Notification Design Patterns.” In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '21). USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/golla.
  • Gorski, Peter Leo, Sebastian Moller, Stephan Wiefling, and Luigi Lo Iacono. 2021. “‘I Just Looked for the Solution!’ - On Integrating Security-Relevant Information in Non-Security API Documentation to Support Secure Coding Practices.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1–1.doi:10.1109/TSE.2021.3094171.
  • Green, Matthew, and Matthew Smith. 2016. “Developers are Not the Enemy!: The Need for Usable Security APIs.” IEEE Security & Privacy 14 (5): 40–46. doi:10.1109/MSP.2016.111.
  • Habib, Hana, Yixin Zou, Yaxing Yao, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Cranor, Joel Reidenberg, Norman Sadeh, and Florian Schaub. 2021. “Toggles, Dollar Signs, and Triangles: How to (In)Effectively Convey Privacy Choices with Icons and Link Texts.” In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21), 1–25. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3411764.3445387.
  • Hartwig, Katrin, and Christian Reuter. 2019. “TrustyTweet: An Indicator-Based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), 1858–1869.
  • Hartwig, Katrin, and Christian Reuter. 2021. “Nudging Users Towards Better Security Decisions in Password Creation Using Whitebox-based Multidimensional Visualizations.” In Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT), 1–24. doi:10.1080/0144929X.2021.1876167.
  • Hasegawa, Ayako A., Naomi Yamashita, Mitsuaki Akiyama, and Tatsuya Mori. 2021. “Why They Ignore English Emails: The Challenges of Non-Native Speakers in Identifying Phishing Emails.” In Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2021), 319–338. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2021/presentation/hasegawa.
  • Hayes, Jordan, Smirity Kaushik, Charlotte Emily Price, and Yang Wang. 2019. “Cooperative Privacy and Security: Learning from People with Visual Impairments and Their Allies.” In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 1–20.
  • Hochheiser, Harry. 2002, November. “The Platform for Privacy Preference as a Social Protocol: An Examination Within the U.S. Policy Context.” ACM Trans. Internet Technol. 2 (4): 276–306. doi:10.1145/604596.604598.
  • Jeske, Debora, Lynne Coventry, and Pam Briggs. 2014, April. “Nudging Whom How: IT Proficiency, Impulse Control and Secure Behaviour.” In Proceedings of the CHI Workshop on Personalizing Behavior Change Technologies, 1–4.
  • Kaiser, Ben, Jerry Wei, Elena Lucherini, Kevin Lee, Nathan Matias, and Jonathan Mayer. 2021. “Adapting Security Warnings to Counter Online Disinformation.” In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21).
  • Kamleitner, Bernadette, and Vince Mitchell. 2019. “Your Data is My Data: A Framework for Addressing Interdependent Privacy Infringements.” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 38 (4): 433–450. doi:10.1177/0743915619858924.
  • Kamleitner, Bernadette, and Mahshid Sotoudeh. 2019. “Information Sharing and Privacy as a Socio-Technical Phenomenon.” TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 29: 68–71. doi:10.14512/tatup.28.3.68
  • Kang, Ruogu, Laura Dabbish, Nathaniel Fruchter, and Sara Kiesler. 2015. “‘My Data Just Goes Everywhere:’ User Mental Models of the Internet and Implications for Privacy and Security.” In Proceedings of the 11th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 39–52. Ottawa: USENIX Association.
  • Kelley, Patrick Gage, Lucian Cesca, Joanna Bresee, and Lorrie Faith Cranor. 2010. “Standardizing Privacy Notices: An Online Study of the Nutrition Label Approach.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 1573. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1753326.1753561.
  • Kerckhoffs, Auguste. 1883, January. “La Cryptographie Militaire.” Journal des sciences militaires IX: 5–38.
  • Knijnenburg, Bart. 2017. “Privacy? I Can't Even! Making a Case for User-Tailored Privacy.” IEEE Security and Privacy 15 (4): 62–67. doi:10.1109/MSP.2017.3151331.
  • Knijnenburg, Bart, and David Cherry. 2016. “Comics as a Medium for Privacy Notices.” In Twelfth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2016).
  • Knijnenburg, Bart P., Xinru Page, Pamela Wisniewski, Heather Richter Lipford, Nicholas Proferes, and Jennifer Romano, eds. 2022. Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-82786-1
  • Kokolakis, Spyros. 2017. “Privacy Attitudes and Privacy Behaviour: A Review of Current Research on the Privacy Paradox Phenomenon.” Computers & Security 64: 122–134. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2015.07.002.
  • Kowalewski, Marvin, Franziska Herbert, Theodor Schnitzler, and Markus Dürmuth. 2022. “Proof-of-Vax: Studying User Preferences and Perception of Covid Vaccination Certificates.” Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) 22 (1): 317–338.
  • Krombholz, Katharina, Karoline Busse, Katharina Pfeffer, Matthew Smith, and Emanuel von Zezschwitz. 2019. “‘If HTTPS Were Secure, I Wouldn't Need 2FA’ -- End User and Administrator Mental Models of HTTPS.” In 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 246–263. doi:10.1109/SP.2019.00060.
  • Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam, Justin Cranshaw, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Cranor, Jason Hong, Mary Ann Blair, and Theodore Pham. 2009. “School of Phish: A Real-World Evaluation of Anti-Phishing Training.” In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 1–12.
  • Kunke, Johannes, Stephan Wiefling, Markus Ullmann, and Luigi Lo Iacono. 2021. “Evaluation of Account Recovery Strategies with FIDO2-Based Passwordless Authentication.” In Open Identity Summit 2021 (OID '21). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
  • Kwon, Bum Chul, and Bongshin Lee. 2016. “A Comparative Evaluation on Online Learning Approaches using Parallel Coordinate Visualization.” In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 993–997. ACM. doi:10.1145/2858036.2858101.
  • Lassak, Leona, Annika Hildebrandt, Maximilian Golla, and Blase Ur. 2021. “‘It's Stored, Hopefully, on an Encrypted Server’: Mitigating Users' Misconceptions about FIDO2 Biometric Webauthn.” In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '21), 91–108. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/lassak.
  • Lastdrager, Elmer, Inés Carvajal Gallardo, Pieter Hartel, and Marianne Junger. 2017. “How Effective is Anti-Phishing Training for Children?.” In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 229–239.
  • Linsner, Sebastian, Franz Kuntke, Enno Steinbrink, Jonas Franken, and Christian Reuter. 2021. “The Role of Privacy in Digitalization–Analyzing Perspectives of German Farmers.” Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) 2021 (3): 334–350. doi:doi:10.2478/popets-2021-0050.
  • Lyastani, Sanam Ghorbani, Michael Schilling, Michaela Neumayr, Michael Backes, and Sven Bugiel. 2020. “Is FIDO2 the Kingslayer of User Authentication? A Comparative Usability Study of FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication.” In 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP '20), 268–285. IEEE. doi:10.1109/SP40000.2020.00047.
  • Machuletz, Dominique, and Rainer Böhme. 2020. “Multiple Purposes, Multiple Problems: A User Study of Consent Dialogs After GDPR.” Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)2020: 481–498. doi:10.2478/popets-2020-0037.
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  • McDonald, Allison, Catherine Barwulor, Michelle L. Mazurek, Florian Schaub, and Elissa M. Redmiles. 2021. “‘It's Stressful Having All These Phones’: Investigating Sex Workers' Safety Goals, Risks, and Practices Online.” In 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 375–392. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity21/presentation/mcdonald.
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  • Naiakshina, Alena, Anastasia Danilova, Eva Gerlitz, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, and Matthew Smith. 2019. “‘If You Want, I Can Store the Encrypted Password’: A Password-Storage Field Study with Freelance Developers.” In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19). Glasgow, Scotland Uk: ACM. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300370.
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  • Nicholson, James, Lynne Coventry, and Pam Briggs. 2017. “Can we Fight Social Engineering Attacks by Social Means? Assessing Social Salience as a Means to Improve Phish Detection.” In Proceedings of the Thirteenth USENIX Conference on Usable Privacy and Security, SOUPS '17, 285–298.
  • Nicholson, James, Lynne Coventry, and Pam Briggs. 2018. “Introducing the Cybersurvival Task: Assessing and Addressing Staff Beliefs about Effective Cyber Protection.” In Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2018), 443–457.
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  • Owens, Kentrell, Olabode Anise, Amanda Krauss, and Blase Ur. 2021. “User Perceptions of the Usability and Security of Smartphones as FIDO2 Roaming Authenticators.” In Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS '21), 57–76. USENIX Association. https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2021/presentation/owens.
  • Peer, Eyal, Serge Egelman, Marian Harbach, Nathan Malkin, Arunesh Mathur, and Alisa Frik. 2019. “Nudge Me Right: Personalizing Online Nudges to People's Decision-Making Styles.” SSRN Electronic Journal 1–27.
  • Petelka, Justin, Yixin Zou, and Florian Schaub. 2019. “Put Your Warning Where Your Link is: Improving and Evaluating Email Phishing Warnings.” In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–15.
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