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Creating the valuable: reading as a matter of health and successful parenthood


  • Asdal, K. (2008). Enacting things through numbers: Taking nature into account/ing. Geoforum; Journal of Physical, Human, and Regional Geosciences, 39(1), 123–132.
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  • de Wilde, M., & Franssen, T. (2016). The material practices of quantification: Measuring ‘deprivation’ in the Amsterdam neighbourhood policy. Critical Social Policy, 36(4), 489–510. doi: 10.1177/0261018316637138
  • Doganova, J., & Muniesa, F. (2015). Capitalization devices: Business models and the renewal of markets. In M. Kornberger, L. Justesen, A. Koed Madsen, & J. Mouritsen (Eds.), Making things valuable (pp. 109–126). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • Helgesson, C.-F. (2016). Folded valuations? Valuation Studies, 4(2), 93–102. doi: 10.3384/VS.2001-5992.164293
  • Helgesson, C.-F., & Lee, F. (2017). Valuations as mediators between science and the market: How economic assumptions shape pharmaceutical trial designs. Science as Culture. doi:10.1080/09505431.2017.1374940.
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  • Kulturrådet [The Swedish Arts Council]. (2015). Med läsning som mål: Om forskning på det läsfrämjande området [Aiming towards reading: On methods and research in the field of promoting reading]. Stockholm: Kulturrådets skriftserie.
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  • Milani, T. (2009). At the intersection between power and knowledge: An analysis of a Swedish policy document on language testing for citizenship. Journal of Language and Politics, 8(2), 287–304. doi: 10.1075/jlp.8.2.06mil
  • Muniesa, F. (2007). Market technologies and the pragmatics of prices. Economy and Society, 36(3), 377–395. doi: 10.1080/03085140701428340
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  • Skolverket [The Swedish National Agency for Education]. (2012). Läsförmågan hos svenska elever i årskurs 4 i et internationellt perspektiv [The reading ability of Swedish pupils in grade 4 from an international perspective]. Stockholm: Skolverkets rapport 381.
  • Strandvad, S. M. (2014). Contingencies of value: Devices and conventions at a design school admission test. Valuation Studies, 2(2), 119–151. doi: 10.3384/vs.2001-5992.1422119
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  • Swedish Arts Council [Statens kulturråd]. (2015). Med läsning som mål: Om metoder och forskning på det läsfrämjande området [Reading as a goal: About methods and research in the reading promoting field]. Stockholm: Kulturrådets skriftserie 2015:3.