CrossRef citations to date

(Ine)quality of life: Lithuanian labor migration to Sweden during the economic crisis and its aftermath, 2008–2013


List of interviews cited

  • Aivaras, male, 54, manager. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, February 2014.
  • Arnas, male, 53, janitor. Author interview, small town in southern Sweden, March 2014.
  • Arturas, male, 43, construction worker. Author interview, mid-sized town in central Sweden, March 2014.
  • Arunas, male, 25, construction worker. Author interview, small town in southern Sweden, March 2014.
  • Ermina, female, 39, manager. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, March 2014.
  • Giedre, female, 26, domestic worker. Author interview, small town in southern Sweden, March 2014.
  • Gintaute, female, 49, manager. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, February 2014.
  • Jovita, female, 26, domestic worker. Author interview, small town in central Sweden, March 2014.
  • Kristina, female, 38, medical doctor. Author interview, small town in central Sweden, March 2014.
  • Laura, female, 45, manager. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, March 2014.
  • Loreta, female, 53, medical doctor. Author interview, mid-sized town in eastern Sweden, February 2014.
  • LR Parliament. 2008. “Socialiniu ismoku perskaiciavimo ir mokejimo laikinasis istatymas.” Amendment no. XI-537, Vilnius, December 9.
  • Milda, female, 36, medical doctor. Author interview, mid-sized town in eastern Sweden, January 2014.
  • Neringa, female, 52, domestic worker. Author interview, small town in southern Sweden, March 2014.
  • Nijole, female, 31, accountant. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, February 2014.
  • Simona, female, 28, domestic worker. Author interview, small town in southern Sweden, February 2014.
  • Vida, female, 40, manager. Author interview, large city in central Sweden, February 2014.
  • Vidmantas, male, 27, veterinary. Author interview, small town in northern Sweden, February 2014.
  • Vytenis, male, 35, construction worker. Author interview, large city in western Sweden, February 2014.

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