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The issue of regionalism

“Baltic studies:” The emergence, development, and problematics of an area studies specialization

Pages 133-166 | Published online: 16 Dec 2010


  • For an example of a “bridge work” see Spekke Arnolds The Baltic Sea in Ancient Maps M. Goppers Stockholm 1961
  • 1979 . AABS Newsletter , 3 ( 3 ) Sept. : 12 – 12 . and Vol. 4, No. 3–4 (Dec. 1980).
  • See, for example, the reference in Symposium om Balterna i Sverige Föredrag hållna vid Symposiet den 4–5 juni 1971 i Stockholm på Hässelby slott Baltiska Institutet Stockholm 1971 107 107
  • But a listing of various forms of Baltic cooperation in Revue Baltique Feb. 1940 1 1 does not include major references to academic endeavors
  • Information Department, RIIA The Baltic States; a Survey of the Political and Economic Structure and the Foreign Relations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Oxford University Press London 1938 reprinted by Greenwood Press in Westport CT, 1970). Malbone W. Graham, The Diplomatic Recognition of the Baltic States, appeared in three volumes covering Finland, Latvia, and Estonia (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1939). It must be added that some comprehensive works were published in England during the 1930s, focusing on the whole Baltic littoral. Examples include E. W. Polson Newman, Britain and the Baltic (London: Methuen, 1930); and John Gibbons, Keepers of the Baltic Gates (London: Robert Hale, 1939). In the United States a similar work was E. G. Woods, The Baltic Region: A Study in Physical and Human Geography (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1932)
  • Horm , Arvo . 1971 . “ Balternas flykt till Sverige 1940–1945 ” . In Symposium om Balterna i Sverige , 5 – 5 . Stockholm : Baltiska Institutet . in notes that 32,000 refugees came from Estonia, 4,500 from Latvia, and 400 from Lithuania. Andrejs Johansons estimated 5,500 Latvians in 1946; see his “Latvians in Sweden,” Baltic Review, Vol. 1, No. 6 (1949), pp. 330–331. Also see Hain Rebas, “Baltic Minorities in Sweden: Problems of Methods and Documentation. An Introduction,” in Eesti Teaduslik Selts Rootsis Aastaraamat VIII, 1977–1979, pp. 107–117
  • 1945 . Baltic Review , 1 ( 1 ) : 1 – 2 .
  • 1946 . Baltic Review , 1 ( 2–3 ) : 147 – 148 . Also A. H., “The Baltic Humanitarian Association ja ‘The Baltic Review,’” in A. Grönberg, et al., eds., Eesti Demokraatlik Klubi. Hoiak. Koguteos (Stockholm: Eesti Teataja Kirjastus, 1946) pp. 87–89
  • 1945 . Baltic Review , 1 ( 1 ) : 48 – 48 .
  • According to the final report of the U. S. Displaced Persons Commission, The DP Story U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 1952 366 366 about 72,000 individuals born in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were admitted into the country as of mid-year 1952 under the DP Act
  • Also see his Balti Ülikool Saksamaal 1945–1949 Mana 1986 55 19 29
  • See Scholar 1948 2/3 175 177 for examples of publications
  • See comments by Gert von Pistohlkors, in Kaegbein Paul Lenz Wilhelm Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung Baltische Historische Kommission Göttingen 1987 5 11 compilers
  • Kaegbein , Paul and Lenz , Wilhelm . 1987 . Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung , 22 – 26 . Göttingen : Baltische Historische Kommission . See also pp. 57–150 for a listing of papers by the members of the Commission at other conferences, and a history of their pertinent publications
  • See Commentationes Balticae 1953 1 225 228 for brief comments on the beginnings of this Institute.
  • See Acta Baltica 1960/61 1 for brief comments on the beginnings of this Institute
  • The periodical East and West. A Quarterly Review of Soviet and Baltic Problems began to appear in 1954 (No. 1), a joint effort of Alliance Publishing Company in London and the Estonian Information Centre in Stockholm.
  • See footnotes 15 and 17, above, for references to Baltic-German efforts; also AABS Newsletter Apr. 1987 11 1
  • Activities of these Committees are evident from both their English, and the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian language periodicals, bulletins and reports; see, for example Võitlev Eesti 1952 1 9 12
  • Information on the origins of AABS may be found in First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings Ivask Ivar AABS Tacoma, WA 1969
  • See First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings Ivask I. AABS Tacoma, WA 1969
  • These include Baltic History et al. AABS Columbus, OH 1974 Problems of Mini-nations. Baltic Perspectives (San Jose, CA, 1973), and Baltic Literature and Linguistics (Columbus, OH: AABS, 1973). Yet other volumes have been subvented. Examples include Jerry C. Smith and William L. Urban, translators, The Livonian Rhymed Chronicle (Bloomington: Indiana University, 1977); V. Stanley Vardys and Romuald Misiunas, eds., The Baltic States in Peace and War 1917–1945 (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978); Inara Cedrins, ed., Contemporary Latvian Poetry (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1984); Christopher Bamford, ed., The Noble Traveler. The Life and Writings of 0. V. de Milosz (West Stockbridge, MA: Lindesfarne Press, 1985).
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1984 8 4 Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 1986), Vol. 11, No. 1 (Apr. 1987), and special BSF reports and promotional materials, especially the AABS pamphlet, Planning a Gift to the Baltic Studies Fund
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1980 4 3–4 Vol. 7, No. 4 (Dec. 1983); Vol. 8, No. 4 (Dec. 1984); Vol. 11, No. 1 (Apr. 1987); also, special reports of the Canadian Committee to the AABS Board, and conversations with Olev Träss
  • See AABS Newsletter Feb. 1978 2 1 Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1982); Vol. 8, No. 1 (Mar. 1984); Vol. 9, No. 3 (Sep. 1985); also its reports to the AABS Board.
  • See AABS Newsletter August 1978 2 3 Vol. 7, No. 2 (July 1983).
  • See AABS Newsletter Aug. 1978 2 3 Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 1979); Vol. 6, No. 2 (June 1982); Vol. 8, No. 2 (June 1984); Vol. 9, No. 3 (Sept. 1985).
  • See AABS Newsletter Mar. 1986 10 1 and Vol. 10, No. 4 (Dec. 1986)
  • See AABS Newsletter May 1979 3 2
  • See AABS Newsletter July 1980 4 2 also reports and correspondence of Japanese group to AABS Board
  • See the report of the First Conference on Baltic Studies in Sweden Symposium om Balterna i Sverige Baltiska Institutet Stockholm 1971
  • Three years ago the University of Stockholm hosted a “Baltic Futures Seminar;” see AABS Newsletter Sept. 1985 9 3
  • See AABS Newsletter Mar. 1980 4 1
  • Information received from the Baltic Centre's director, Aleksander Loit. Also see AABS Newsletter Dec. 1986 10 4 in regard to the 1986 symposium on the Baltic in international relations between the two World Wars.
  • The Centre's publications in its new “Studia Baltica Stockholmiensis” series (itself a part of the series “Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis”) include Die Verbindungen zwischen Skandinavien und Ostbaltikum aufgrund der archäologischen Quellenmaterialien. (I. Symposium der sowjet-estnischen und schwedischen Archäologen. Tallinn 12.–15. Oktober 1982) Loit Aleksander Selirand Jüri Almqvist & Wiksell Stockholm 1985 Aleksander Loit, editor, National Movements in the Baltic Countries during the 19th Century (7th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 10–13, 1983) (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1985). Further volumes are forthcoming.
  • Information on the Kukk episode received from Hain Rebas; also noted in Niklus Mart Jüri Kukk. Kaks kes ei alistunud Eesti Vangistatud Vabadusvõitlejate Abistamiskeskus Stockholm 1983 175 175
  • Also see AABS Newsletter Sept. 1981 5 3 program pamphlets have also been consulted.
  • See AABS Newsletter Sept. 1981 5 3 Vol. 7, No. 4 (Dec. 1983); also see Rimvydas Silbajoris, “Toward a Chair of Lithuanian Studies,” Lituanus, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Fall 1983), pp. 5–10. Recent update in AABS Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Dec. 1986).
  • See AABS Newsletter June 1984 8 2 and Vol. 11, No. 1 (Apr. 1987).
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1983 7 4 Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 1986), and Vol. 12, No. 2 (Apr. 1988).
  • These were 7th Baltic Studies Symposium 1986 Nov. “Security and Human Rights;” Symposium on “Canadian-Soviet Relations and the Baltic Question” (May 1987).
  • See AABS Newsletter July 1977 1 3
  • See AABS Newsletter Sept. 1979 3 3 also, symposium program.
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1981 5 4 also, pp. 57–64 in P. Kaegbein and W. Lenz, Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geshichtsforschung.
  • The first of the symposium books appeared as volume 4 in a superb series “Quellen und Studien zur baltischen Geschichte,” edited by Gert von Pistohlkors and Paul Kaegbein under the auspices of the Baltische Historische Kommission: Die baltischen Provinzen Russlands zwischen den Revolutionen von 1905 und 1917 Ezergailis Andrew von Pistohlkors Gert Böhlau Köln 1982
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1981 5 4 also, symposium program and related materials; personal participation.
  • See also AABS Newsletter Dec. 1986 10 4 and Vol. 11, No. 1 (Apr. 1987).
  • There have been specialized symposia on Baltic regional topics; for example, see AABS Newsletter Sept. 1979 3 3
  • See Kaegbein P. Lenz W. Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung 73 73
  • 1984 . Baltic Forum , 1 ( 1 ) Fall in introductory “editorial statement” preceding table of contents.
  • For example, see issues of National Geographic 1938 June and Dec. 1939; also, weekly Baltic Times, published in Tallinn from 1932 to 1940.
  • Information Department, RIIA The Baltic States 3 3
  • See, for example Anderson Edgar The Baltic Entente: Phantom or Reality? The Baltic States in Peace and War 1917–1945 Vardys V. Stanley Misiunas Romuald Pennsylvania State University Press University Park 1978 in
  • The annotated contents of this periodical may be found in Baltic Review New York 1953 Dec. 74 79 No. 1
  • Page , Stanley W. 1959 . The Formation of the Baltic States. A Study of the Effects of Great Power Politics upon the Emergence of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia , Cambridge : Harvard University Press . reprint by Howard Fertig, 1970
  • Manning , Clarence A. 1952 . The Forgotten Republics , New York : Philosophical Library .
  • United States Congress, House of Representatives (83rd Congress, 2nd Session) Select Committee on Communist Aggression Baltic States: A Study of Their Origin and National Development Third Interim Report U. S. Government Printing office Washington 1954 Their Seizure and Incorporation into the U. S.S.R. reprinted by William S. Hein, 1972), p. 1.
  • See, for example, his Baltic Essays Latvian Legation Washington 1945 Baltic Problem and the United Nations. Facts in Review (Washington: Latvian Legation, 1947); The Baltic States and the Problem of the Freedom of the Baltic Sea (Washington: Latvian Legation, 1943).
  • Rei , August . 1948 . Nazi-Soviet Conspiracy and the Baltic States , London : Boreas . and The Drama of the Baltic Peoples (Stockholm: Vaba Eesti, 1970).
  • von Rauch , Georg . 1970 . Geschichte der baltischen Staaten , Stuttgart : Kohlhammer . published in English as The Baltic States. The Years of Independence (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974).
  • Rubulis , Aleksis . 1970 . Baltic Literature , Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press . Ivar Ivask, “Baltic Literature in Exile: Balance Sheet of a Quarter Century,” in A. Ziedonis, Jr., et al., eds., op. cit. (footnote 25, above), which is a reprint of a piece in Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. 3 (Spring 1972), pp. 1–17; and “Introduction” to a special issue (“A Look at Baltic Letters Today”) of Books Abroad (Autumn 1973), pp. 623–635.
  • Straumanis , Alfred , ed. 1979 . The Golden Steed. Seven Baltic Plays , 3 – 3 . Prospect Heights, IL : Waveland Press .
  • Vardys , V. Stanley and Misiunas , Romuald , eds. 1978 . The Baltic States in Peace and War, 1917–1945 , University Park, PA : Pennsylvania State University Press .
  • Vardys , V. Stanley and Misiunas , Romuald , eds. 1978 . The Baltic States in Peace and War, 1917–1945 , 1 – 2 . University Park, PA : Pennsylvania State University Press .
  • Vardys , V. Stanley and Misiunas , Romuald , eds. 1978 . The Baltic States in Peace and War, 1917–1945 , 13 – 13 . University Park, PA : Pennsylvania State University Press .
  • Misiunas , Romuald and Taagepera , Rein . 1983 . The Baltic States. Years of Dependence 1940–1980 , Berkeley : University of California Press .
  • Misiunas , Romuald and Taagepera , Rein . 1983 . The Baltic States. Years of Dependence 1940–1980 , 1 – 1 . Berkeley : University of California Press .
  • Misiunas , Romuald and Taagepera , Rein . 1983 . The Baltic States. Years of Dependence 1940–1980 , xi – xi . Berkeley : University of California Press .
  • Ivask , Ivar , ed. 1969 . First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings , v – v . Tacoma, WA : AABS .
  • Leijins , Peter P. “ The First Conference on Baltic Studies ” . In First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings , Edited by: Ivask , I. 15 – 16 . Tacoma, WA : AABS .
  • Vardys , V. Stanley . 1969 . “ A Case for Baltic Studies in the United States ” . In First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings , Edited by: Ivask , I. 16 – 16 . Tacoma, WA : AABS . in
  • Vardys , V. Stanley . 1970 . Some Thoughts About What We Should Do in 1970/71 . Bulletin of Baltic Studies , Oct. : 3 – 3 .
  • Anderson , Edgar . 1969 . “ The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies: A Proposal ” . In First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings , Edited by: Ivask , I. 119 – 119 . Tacoma, WA : AABS . in
  • Puhvel , Jaan . 1971 . Past and Present in Baltic Studies . Bulletin of Baltic Studies , : 2 – 2 . Fall
  • Suggestion of Peter P. Leijins at founding meeting of AABS at the University of Maryland on December 1, 1968, as reported in “Minutes,” in First Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings Ivask I. AABS Tacoma, WA 1969 112 112
  • Text of AABS Constitution approved on December 27, 1969, as published in Bulletin of Baltic Studies Feb. 1970 1 7 7
  • 1970 . Bulletin of Baltic Studies , Feb. : 8 – 8 .
  • Vardys V. Stanley Presidential Address Second Conference on Baltic Studies. Summary of Proceedings et al. AABS Norman, OK 1971 26 27 in
  • See Nollendorfs V. Zeps B. Research Materials in Baltic Studies: A Survey of Availability and Need Journal of Baltic Studies 1980 9 4 1 32
  • Nollendorfs , V. and Zeps , B. 1980 . Research Materials in Baltic Studies: A Survey of Availability and Need . Journal of Baltic Studies , 9 ( 4 ) : 2 – 3 .
  • See, for example, the report on the recent Congress of Estonian Organizations in Canada, in Meie Elu 1988 Apr. 14
  • See AABS Newsletter May 1978 2 2
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1979 3 4
  • Also see AABS Newsletter Dec. 1979 3 4
  • Reports of Gimbutas and Schmalstieg to the AABS Board; also see AABS Newsletter Sept. 1981 5 3 and Vol. 7, No. 3 (Oct. 1983).
  • Also see AABS Newsletter Dec. 1984 8 4
  • See AABS Newsletter Aug. 1987 11 2
  • Excerpts of Köörna's comments in Stockholm are reported in AABS Newsletter Nov. 1987 11 3 also, personal notes recorded at his talk. Gaigulis' report appears in AABS Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Aug. 1987).
  • See Kaegbein Lenz Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung 73 73
  • The current AABS President, Rein Taagapera, addressed the underlying principles of exchanges at the Baltic Conference in Stockholm in June 1987; see AABS Newsletter Nov. 1987 11 3
  • Kordes , Rein . 1978 . Eesti emigrantide saatusaastad , 142 – 144 . Tallinn : Perioodika . teine osa
  • 1979 . Baltic Reactionary Émigrés Today 61 – 67 . Riga as translated in AABS Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 3–4 (Dec. 1980), pp. 8–11.
  • 1979 . Baltic Reactionary Émigrés Today 61 – 67 . Riga Also, AABS Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 1–2 (May 1981).
  • 1979 . Baltic Reactionary Émigrés Today 61 – 67 . Riga
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1979 3 4 also comments of present AABS President Rein Taagepera in this regard in AABS Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Mar. 1986), and in his AABS memorandum, “The Baltic Holocaust and the AABS,” dated 11/10/86. Also, see footnote 60 of the Soviet source translated in part in AABS Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 3–4 (Dec. 1980), p. 10, and Vol. 5, No. 1–2 (May 1981).
  • Kalev , Kaupo . Sept. 1986 . “ ‘Balti küsimus’ Washingtoni poliitikas: illusioonid ja tegelikkus ” . In Aja Pulss Sept. , 7 – 8 . See comments on Aja Pulss in Baltic Forum, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Fall 1987), pp. 91–94.
  • See AABS Newsletter Dec. 1980 4 3–4
  • Kahk , Juhan . 1984 . “ Kultuurisuhtlemise algpäevi meenutades ” . In VEKSA Kalender 1985 , 30 – 34 . Tallinn : Perioodika . in
  • Parming . “ The Soviet Union and the Émigré Communities ” . In Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung Edited by: Kaegbein and Lenz . in
  • Lebbin , H.A. 1980 . Antikommunismi teenistuses , Tallinn : Eesti Raamat . the book was issued under the auspices of the Institute of History of the Estonian SSR Communist Party), p. 60.
  • Koit , Ülo . 1977 . “ VEKSA—mis see on? ” . In VEKSA Kalender 1978 , 26 – 26 . Tallinn : Perioodika . in
  • Parming . “ The Soviet Union and the Émigré Communities ” . In Vier Jahrzehnte baltische Geschichtsforschung Edited by: Kaegbein and Lenz . in
  • Tiheda , T. 1980 . Blood-Soaked Traces of Bourgeois Nationalism , Tallinn : Perioodika .
  • U. S. General Accounting Office . 1985 . Report GAO/GGD-85-66, June 28, 1985 , 1 – 1 . Washington : GAO .
  • Ryan , Allan A. Jr. 1984 . Quiet Neighbors , 18 – 18 . New York : Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich . 325.
  • Taagepera's views appeared in the AABS Newsletter Oct. 1986 10 3 in a four-part series from through Vol. 11, No. 2 (Aug. 1987); excerpts of these also appeared in the Estonian press in North America, following a public lecture in Toronto. My own views on some of these matters appeared earlier in the Estonian weekly Meie Elu in a three-part series from where they were in part abstracted by other Estonian newspapers; (October 1, 8, 15, 1987).

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