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The significance of outcomes within european health sector reforms: towards the development of an outcomes culture

Pages 385-424 | Published online: 26 Jun 2007


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  • Werko , L. and Banta , D. 1995 . Report from the EUR-ASSESS project . International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care , 11 ( 4 ) : 797 – 799 . For EUR-ASSESS project For further details on the ECHHO project, see Health Outcomes in Europe, the bi-annual bulletin of the European Clearing Houses on Health Outcomes, or consult the ECHHO World Wide Web site at the following address: http: //www. leeds.ac.uk/nuffield/infoservices/ECHHO/hom e.htrnl and/or contact the Project Administrator, ECHHO, Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; For health promoting hospital network and quality assurance network, see Vang, J. and Kistenson, M. Health Gain Measurements as a Tool for Hospital Management and Health Policy, Centre for Public Health Sciences, Linkoping, Sweden, 1995; Klazinga, N. “Concerted Action Programme on Quality Assurance in Hospitals 1990-1993 (COMAC/HSR/QA). Global Results of the Evaluation.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care 6 (3) (1994):219-230
  • Long , A.F. and Sheldon , T.A. 1992 . Enhancing Effective and Acceptable Purchaser and Provider Decisions . Quality in Health Care , 1 : 74 – 76 . For Effective Health Care For details on CRD, see Sheldon, T.A. and Chalmers, I. “The UK Cochrane Centre and the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination: Respective Roles within the Information Systems Strategy of the NHS R&D Programme, Coordination and Principles Underlying Collaboration.” Health Economics 3 (1994): 201-203; For details on UKCHHO, see Long, A.F., Sheldon, T.A. and Bate L. “Establishment of a UK Clearing House for Assessing Health Services Outcomes.” Quality in Health Care 1 (1992): 131-133; For Medical Audit, see Department of Health. Medical Audit Working Paper Number 6, Working for Patients, HMSO, London, 1989
  • Rosenberg , W. and Donald , A. 1995 . Evidence Based Medicine: an Approach to Clinical Problem Solving . British Medical Journal , 310 : 1122 – 26 . Sackett, D.L., Rosenberg, W. C., Gray, J.A.M., Haynes, R.B. and Richardson, W.S. “Evidence Based Medicine: What It Is and What It Isn’t.” British Medical Journal 312 (1996):71-72
  • Baumberg , L. , Long , A.F. and Jefferson , J. . Culture and Outcomes. Report of the First International Meeting of ECHHO . Leeds. European Clearing Houses on Health Outcomes, University of Leeds . Long, A. F. (ed.). Outcomes in Routine Practice. Report of the Second International Meeting of ECHHO, Leeds, European Clearing Houses on Health Outcomes, University of Leeds, 1995
  • National Health Service Executive . 1996 . Promoting Clinical Effectiveness , Leeds : Department of Health .
  • Department of Health . 1994 . Shaping a Healthier Future. A Strategy for Effective Healthcare in the 1990s , Dublin : Department of Health .
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  • Long , A. F. 1996 . Parallel Perspectives in Utrecht: When Different Groups Have Different Views . Health Outcomes in Europe , 3 : 4 – 5 .
  • Long , A. F. , ed. . Outcomes in Routine Practice. Report of the Second International Meeting of ECHHO . Leeds. European Clearing Houses on Health Outcomes, University of Leeds .
  • Long and Dixon . op. cit. ,
  • Jefferson , J. 1995 . Matters Arising: Consumers, Researchers and Methodology . Health Outcomes in Europe , 2 : 4 – 5 .
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  • Maynard . op. cit. ,
  • Davies and Crombie . op. cit ,
  • Long , A.F. 1995 . Interpretations of Outcome within UK Health Service Practice . Health Outcomes , 4 : 15 – 17 . Health Outcomes is the bulletin of the Australian Health Outcomes Clearing House, published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
  • Brettle , A. 1996 . Collecting Information Across Europe with National Databases . Health Outcomes in Europe , 3 : 10 – 11 .
  • To check on current progress or to interrogate and search ECHHO's country-based databases, the reader should access the World Wide Web site address or contact the relevant country contact points. See note 20.
  • Clinical Resource and Audit Group . 1994 . Clinical Outcome Indicators , Edinburgh : Scottish Office, Clinical Outcomes Working Group . Department of Health. Population Health Outcome Indicators for the NHS 1993, England: A Consultation Document, Department of Health, London, 1993
  • Elola , J. 1996 . Health Care System Reforms in Western European Countries: the Relevance of Health Care Organization . International Journal of Health Services , 26 ( 2 ) : 239 – 251 .
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  • Groenewegen and Calnan . op. cit. ,
  • Long , A. F. 1996 . Outcomes in routine practice: matching culture and criteria . Health Outcomes in Europe , 3 : 8 – 9 . Also see Shanks, J., and Frater, A. “Health status, outcome, and attributabiliy: is a red rose red in the dark?” Quality in Health Care 2 (1993):259-262.; Jefferson, op. cit.
  • Bullinger , M. 1995 . “ International Validation and Testing of Quality of Life Scales in Relation to Germany ” . In Quality of Life and Health: Concepts, Methods and Applications , Edited by: Guggenmoos-Holzmann , I. , Bloomfield , K. , Bremer , H. and Flick , U. Berlin : Blackwell .
  • Bowling , A. 1996 . The Effects of Illness on Quality of Life: Findings from a Survey of Households in Great Britain . Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 50 : 149 – 155 . Further support for the value of condition specific measures rather than generic quality of life scales can be found Also see Long and Fairfield, op. cit.
  • Long and Fairfield . op. cit. ,
  • Fairfield , G. and Williams , R. 1996 . Clinical Guidelines in the Independent Health Care Sector . British Medical Journal , 312 : 1554 – 1555 . Lawrence, M. and Williams, T. “Managed Care and Disease Management in the NHS.” British Medical Journal 313 (1996): 125-126
  • Fairfield and Williams . op. cit. ,
  • Berman , P. C. , Ham , C. and Calltorp , J. 1995 . Third Conference on European Integration . Eurohealth , 1 : 17 – 18 . see also, Gouvras, G. “Quo Vadis Public Health? - a Response.” Eurohealth 2, 1 (l996):21-23
  • Dekker . op. cit. ,

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