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Pieter Geyl, the Diets Idea and Afrikaner Nationalism

Pages 106-140 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009


  • 1924 . The Waning of the Middle Ages Huizinga is famous for his (London, originally published in Dutch in 1919. Romein's main work was Het Onvoltooide Verleden: Cultuur-Historische Studies, (Amsterdam, 1937)
  • Ploeger , J. and Geyl' , P. J. Sep. 1967 . Historia Sep. , 199 – 201 . (obituary), (Ploeger only mentions Geyl's visit in passing. It has only recently been addressed by the editors of Pieter Geyl in Zuid-Afrika (note 21 below)
  • 1958 . Encounters in History 403 London ‘Looking Back’, talk to the Utrecht Historical Students Circle, in (1967
  • Blaas , P. B.M. 1984 . Gerretson en Geyl: De Doolhoof der Grootnederlandse Gedachte . Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis , 97 ( 1 ) : 37 – 51 . (In 1929 it seemed possible that Geyl might be appointed to a chair in Dutch history at the University of Cologne in Germany. Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl., II, p. 46n. (see note 23 below)
  • ‘Looking Back’, 403
  • 1930 . Deel 1 lot 1609 Amsterdam Beginning with (Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Stam was eventually published in six parts, covering the history of the Low Countries from the Frankish conquests to 1798 (paperback edition, Amsterdam, 1961–1962). The Revolt of the Netherlands (London, 1932) had a later starting-point, c. 1555. The Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century, part one, 1609–1648 (London, 1961) incorporated The Netherlands Divided 1609–1648 (London, 1936) and was followed by The Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century, part two. 1648–1715 (London, 1964)
  • 1961 . The Study of History vol. XII, Reconsiderations (London
  • Mehta , V. 1983 . Fly in the Fly-Bottle: Encounters with British Intellectuals 150 New York
  • Geyl , P. 1964 . Figuren en Problemen Vol. 1 , 130 – 8 . ‘Imperialisme en Nationalisme’, in, vol. (review of J.S. Marais's Fall of Kruger's Republic (Oxford, 1961)
  • von der Dunk , H. W. 1984 . De Grootnederlandse Gedachte geen tic van Excentrieke Heren . Tijdschrif voor Geschiedenis , 97 ( 2 ) : 207 – 13 .
  • 1919 . Inaugural Lecture, University of London, Oct., pp. 8–10
  • Geyl and de Decker , J. 1926 . 25 Dec., in Geyl en Vlaanderen, III, p.394 (see note 23 below)
  • Geyl , P. 1945 . Pennestrijd over Staat en Historie 336 – 7 . Utrecht ‘Levensverhaal (tot’, in (1971
  • Ibid., 337–8
  • 1937 . Zuid-Afrika 152 – 3 . (Amsterdam), August, interview with Geyl before his departure: Geyl, Unpublished Memoirs (unfinished typescript), pp. (Geyl Archive, Utrecht)
  • 1938 . Die Huisgenoot, 21 and 28 Jan., and 4 Feb.
  • 1937 . Archives of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Annual Report for, in Annual Reports, vol. 1
  • 1937 . Die Huisgenoot, 10 Dec.
  • Edgar , R. R. 1992 . An African American in South Africa: The Travel Notes of Ralph J. Bunche Johannesburg
  • 1945 . ‘Levensverhaal (tot’, 342, ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’ (see note 21), 3
  • 1937 . Published as ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika: Juli-Desember’, in Pieter Geyl in Zuid-Afrika: Verslag van de Lezingentournee langs Universiteiten in Zuid-Afrika, with an introduction and notes by P. van Hees and AW. Willemsen (Amsterdam, 2000), 1–50
  • 1938 . 564 – 77 . ‘Dietse Beschouwingen over Zuid-Afrika’, in Groot-Nederland., II (: the official report appears as an appendix to Pieter Geyl in Zuid-Afrika, 51–8
  • van Hees , P. and Puchinger , G. , eds. 1979–1981 . Briefwisseling Gerrelson-Geyl, vols. I–V (Baarn, Geyl. en Vlaanderen. Uil hel Argief van prof. Dr. P. Geyl. Brieven en Notities, vols. I–III. edited by P. van Hees and A.W. Willemsen (Antwerp, 1973–1975)
  • 1945 . ‘Levensverhaal’ (tot ‘Herinneringen uit 1944–1947’, in P. Geyl, Figuren en Problemen., vol. I, pp. 82–6;Unpublished Memoirs, Geyl Archive, Utrecht
  • 1978 . The Low Countries 1780–1940 630 – 49 . Oxford For a useful brief account of the Flemish question, see EH. Kossmann.
  • Inaugural Lecture, pp. 6, 8–10
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingingen’, 576
  • Von der Dunk, ‘Grootnederlandse Gedachte’, 210–11
  • Briefivisseling Geyl—Gerretson, II, p. 43 n. 8, gives the details
  • Blaas . ‘Gerretson en Geyl’, 40
  • Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Stam, Deel 1 tot 1609 5 – 6 .
  • Ibid 9
  • The Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century, 64
  • Ibid., 356–64
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 574
  • 1938 . ‘De Vlaamsche Beweging’, Die Huisgenool, 4 Feb. pp. 212–14
  • Furlong , P. J . 1991 . Between Crown and Swastika: The Impact of the Radical Right on the Afrikaner Nationalist Movement in the Fascist Era 193 Johannesburg
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 568–9;Die Huisgenoot, 21 Jan. 1938
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 569–72
  • Ibid., 574. In Belgium there was a parallel danger that Dutch in its spoken or dialect form would become a mere ‘huistaal’ unless language rights were given formal recognition
  • Ibid., 575–6
  • Ibid., 574–5
  • 1937 . Die Huisgenoot, 10 Dec.
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 576; “Nederlands in Zuid-Airika”, Jaarboek 1937: Die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring (Johannesburg), 65–9;Volksblad, Bloemfontein, 6 Nov. 1937
  • 1938 . Die Huisgenoot, 21 and 28 Jan., and 4 Feb.
  • 1937 . Die Skakel, Nov., pp. 11–16, reporting the fifth Spoorbond congress;B.A. Edwards, ‘Die Spoorbond's Struggle for Supremacy: Afrikaner Trade Unions in the South African Railways 1933–1948’ (MA dissertation. University of the Witwatersrand, 1987), 199–201
  • 1938 . Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl, III, pp. 174–5. Geyl to Gerretson. 5 Jan.;Geyl en Vlaanderen., III. pp. 171–2, Geyl to H. Vos, 5 Jan. 1938
  • June 1938 . Groot-Nederland June , Dietse Beschouwingen' was published both in (see note 22 above) and in the monthly Zuid-Afrika (the organ of the Vereniging.
  • 1939 . Geyl's article in Die Burger, 16 Jan.
  • Bevordering van Culturele Betrekkingen met Zuid-Afrika. Practische Mogelijkheden. published as an appendix to Pieler Geyl in Zuid-Afrika, 51–8. The report was duly placed before the committee later appointed by the Dutch government to consider cultural relations with South Africa
  • Ibid., 56–7;Briefwisseling Gerretson-Geyl, III, p. 174
  • Ibid.
  • ‘Nederlands in Zuid-Afrika’, Jaarboek 1937, 65
  • 1939 . Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl, III, p. 237, Geyl to Gerretson, 1 Feb.;Zuid-Afrika, July 1938, pp. 88–9, for the composition of the Netherlands committee
  • 1938 . Ibid., Oct., p. 131, for the South African committee
  • 1943 . For the details see the correspondence between Geyl and M. Valkhoff (professor of French at the University of Amsterdam and later at the University of the Witwatersrand) and other supporters of this initiative, from September to May 1944, in Geyl en Vlaanderen, III, pp. 205–31
  • ‘The Flemish movement’, in History of the Low Countries: Episodes and Problems, 212–13
  • ‘Looking Back’, pp. 403–4n
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 3–4;Geyl's article, Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad, 23 Jan. 1940
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 14;‘Bevordering’, 53
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 8, 28–9, 44
  • Ibid. , 20–1.Geyl erroneously placed D.F. Malherbe in Stellenbosch. On Radio Zeesen's Afrikaans broadcasts, see C. Marx, ‘“Dear Listeners in South Africa”: German Propaganda Broadcasts to South Africa, 1940–1941’, South African Historical Journal 27 (Nov. 1992). 172
  • “Verslag Zuid-Afrika”, 6, 10, 32–3, 37–40;`Bevordering’, 54; E.J.M. Conradie, Hollandse Skrywers nil Zuid-Afrika, I (Pretoria, 1934);and II (Cape Town, 1949)
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 38
  • Ibid, 38–9
  • 1939 . Zuid-Afrika, Dec., pp. 159–60. in Geyl's obituary of Conradie (Algemeen Handelsblad., 30 Oct. 1939) he made no mention of her pro-German stance
  • 1940 . Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad, 23 Jan.
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 41–2
  • van , P. F. , ed. 1991 . Vuurtjie in Droë Gras Potchefstroom der Schyff, ed., (276n., van Lennep's letter to E.N. van Kleffens, Netherlands minister of external affairs, 19 June 1940
  • Marx, ‘German Propaganda Broadcasts’, 169–70
  • 1940 . Van der Schyff, Vuurtjie in Droë Gras, 210, citing Malan's speech in the House of Assembly, May
  • 1993 . Div Looks Back: the Memoirs of Sir de Villiers Graaff 63 Johannesburg
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 39–40
  • 1940 . Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad, 23 Jan.
  • Ibid.;‘VerslagZuid-Afrika’, 41
  • 1944–1947 . ‘Herinneringen uit’, 83–4
  • Ibid., The likelihood is that T.J. Haarhoff, professor of classics at the University of the Witwatersrand, who was an occasional contributor to The Forum at the time, sent certain issues to Geyl. It is not clear which these were, but clearly, in its coverage of the course of South African politics. Geyl found justifiication for the line he now took
  • See Furlong, Between Crown and Swastika, for a detailed assessment of the reception of Nazi ideology by Afrikaner nationalists;also the articles by Furlong, W. Hagemann, C. Marx, W. Schellack and M. Shain on German—South African relations in the Nazi era, in South African Historical Journal 27 (Nov. 1992)
  • van der Merwe , W. 1982 . Die Geskiedenis van die Afrikaans-en Suid-Afrikaanse Duitse Kultuurvereniging 1932–1982 Pretoria (7;Geyl, ‘Duits en Diets’, book review in Nederlandsche Hisloriebladen, 1 (1938), 190–200
  • Merwe , Van der . Kultuurvereniging 13–14,25
  • Furlong . Crown and Swastika xvi–xxvii, 7–8, 13–14;Van der Schyff, Die Ossewa Brandwag, 59, 319
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 575
  • ‘Culturele Betrekkingen’, 51–2
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 12–13, 19, 40
  • Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl, III, 201–2n, 289n;Die Burger, 9 June and 12 Dec. 1938. Geyl's articles were placed by arrangement with Die Burger's foreign affairs editor. F.J.L. Rompel, who was Dutch. Geyl's view was that Rompel's position was no enviable one and that he was sufficiently a ‘Hollander’ and European to ‘see through’ (‘doorzien’) German National Socialism in a way that his employers did not. Here Geyl was unfair to A.L. Geyer, the editor of Die Burger, whose private papers (Cape Archives Depot, Cape Town) contain evidence that, by the end of 1940, he was highly critical of the pro-German proclivities of such Afrikaners as O. Pirow, P.J. Meyer and J.F.J, van Rensburg
  • 1943 . Briefwisseling 163 IV, pp., 167n., Geyl to Gerretson, 15 Dec. Geyl reviewed C. Steding's Das Reich und die Krankheit der europäischen Kultur (Hamburg, 1938) in his Historikus in die tijd (Utrecht, 1954), 67–74
  • Brits , P. J. 1984 . Op die Vooraand van Apartheid: Die Rassevraagstuk en die Blanks Politiek in Suid-Afrika 89 – 92 . Pretoria For example (Furlong, Crown and Swastika, 225–30
  • 1944–1947 . ‘Herinneringen uit’, 84
  • 1964 . Geyl en Vlaanderen, III, pp. 503–4, Geyl to F. van der Elst, 27 Oct. (later Geyl added a note saying that this letter had not been sent). After a conversation with Verwoerd in 1937 Geyl had described him as ‘een krachtige en heldere jongman’ (a strong and clear-headed young man);‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 47n
  • ‘Looking Back’, 416
  • ‘Holland during the Second World War and After’, in History of the Low Countries: Episodes and Problems, 264–6
  • 1937 . Geyl en Vlaanderen, III, p. 166, Geyl to H. Vos, 30 Sep.
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 21–5
  • Geyl en Vlaanderen., III, 166
  • ‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 14, 16–19
  • Ibid., 17–19
  • Ibid., 34–5
  • Ibid., 18
  • 1967 . 36 ‘Pieter Geyl’ (obituary), Encounter, 28, 5
  • Scholtz , G. D. 1979 . Die Ontwikkeling van die Politieke Denking van die Afrikaner, VII: 1924–1939 Johannesburg (63, quoting Langenhoven
  • ‘Dietse Beschouwingen’, 74–5.
  • 1938 . Briefwisseling Gerrelson—Geyl, III, p. 174, Geyl to Gerretson, 5 Jan.;‘Verslag Zuid-Afrika’, 28,40–1. Van Heerden was not interned;the allegation that he was emanated from the Nazi-controlled radio station at Hilversum
  • Ibid.
  • ‘Looking Back’, 421
  • ‘Toynbee's System’, 151–2;‘Hitler's Europe’, in Encounters in History, 330
  • Blaas, ‘Gerretson en Geyl’, 40, citing ‘Levensverhaal’
  • ‘Looking Back’, 417
  • Von der Dunk, 209–11
  • 1926 . Geyl en Vlaanderen, 1, pp. 140–2, Geyl to J. de Decker, 28 Dec., criticising de Valera's rejection of dominion status as a solution for Ireland
  • 1938 . Die Huisgenoot, Dec. (special number), 23–7
  • ‘Woord Vooraf’, ix
  • Parker , G. 1979 . The Dutch Revolt Harmondsworth (282 n. 11
  • Israel , J. 1995 . The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness and Fall Oxford (v–vi
  • Geyl en Vlaanderen, I, p.7;Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl, V, pp. 284–6
  • 1937 . Briefwisseling Gerretson—Geyl, pp. 165–6, letter to Gerretson, 15 Nov.

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