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The Cape High Commission: Another neglected factor in British imperial expansion in Southern Africa

Pages 28-40 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • Galbraith , J. S. 1959–60 . One 'neglected factor’ was identified in, 'The Turbulent Frontier as a Factor in British Expansion’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol 2, pp. 150–168
  • Robinson , R. and Gallagher , J. Numerous major works and articles have contributed to this debate. Among the more recent additions are:, “The Imperialism of Free Trade’, Economic History Review, 1953–4, pp. 1–15;R. Robinson, J. Gallagher, with A. Denny, Africa and the Victorians (London, 1961), esp. Ch. XV, pp. 462–72;J. S. Galbraith, op. cit.; D. K. Fieldhouse, ‘“Imperialism”: An Historiographical Revision.’ Economic History Review, 2nd series No. 2, 1961, pp. 187–209, passim; D. K. Fieldhouse, The Colonial Empires (London, 1966);D. K. Fieldhouse, The Theory of Capitalist Imperialism (Problems and Perspectives in History-London, 1967);Oliver MacDonagh, 'The Anti-imperialism of Free Trade.’ Economic History Review, Vol. XIV, 1961–2, pp. 489–501;E. Stokes, 'Late Nineteenth Century Colonial Expansion and the Attack on the Theory of Economic Imperialism: A Case of Mistaken Identity, ‘Historical Journal, XII, No. 2, pp. 285–301;W. D. MacIntyre, The Imperial Frontier in the Tropics 1865–75 (London, 1967), esp. Ch. ‘Mid-Victorian Imperialism.’;D. C. M. Platt, 'The Imperialism of Free Trade: Some Reservations’, Economic History Review, XXI, 1968, pp. 296–306;D. C. M. Platt, 'Economic Factors in British Policy During the “New Imperialism”’, Past and Present, No. 39, Apr., 1968, pp. 120–138
  • Hobson , J. A. 1902 . Imperialism: A Study, , 3rd ed. London (1938)
  • Low , D. A. 1964 . The need for more concentration in this field is strongly pressed in an article by, 'Lion Rampant’, Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies, Vol II, No. 3, Nov., pp. 235–52
  • Goodfellow , C. F. 1966 . Great Britain and South African Confederation, 1870–81 49 – 167 . Cape Town (pp., 204–219, passim-Ch. 12
  • Gallagher , Robinson and . Africa and the Victorians 53 – 5 . 462–72, passim, esp. pp. 465–9;J. S. Galbraith, op. cit.
  • Metcalfe , G. E. 1960 . Maclean of the Gold Coast 60 – 293 . (Londen 1962), pp. passim; W. H. Oliver, The Story of New Zealand (London, pp. 45, 51
  • Maclean was President of the Council of Gold Coast Merchants;Busby merely 'British Resident’. As regards missionaries, traders and explorers the official connection was even more tenuous
  • Cecil , Robert . 1964 . See, 'The Cession of the Ionian Islands’, History Today, Sept., pp. 616–26
  • 1945 . The Durham Report 3 – 5 . Oxford Sir Reginald Coupland, (pp.: High Commission of Lord Durham under the Privy Seal, 31–3;1838
  • Morrell , W. P. 1960 . Britain in the Pacific Islands 184 – 5 . Oxford
  • Ibid., pp. 170–186
  • 1846 . C.O. 48/264 (P.R.O., London): Grey to Pottinger, 10.10.1846, Minute by Stephen, 15.10
  • 1862 . C.O. 48/415 Offices: Legal opion of W. Atherton and Roundell Palmer (later Lord Selborne), 24.12
  • 1863 . C.O. 48/420: Legal opinion of 18.6
  • 1847–8 . Parl. Papers, XLIII(912) p. 5: Pottinger's High Commission under the Royal Sign Manual
  • 1846 . Cf. Grey's promise to support him for an Indian Government after he had settled matters at the Cape. Howick Papers (Private Papers of 3rd Earl Grey, Prior's Kitchen, Durham Cathedral) 120.2: Grey to Pottinger, 14.9
  • C.O. 48/264: Minute by Stephen, 7.10.1846, following Grey to Stephen, 29.9.1846. (Private)
  • C.O. 48/264: Pottinger to Grey, 29.9.1846 (Private), and C.O. 48/264: Minute by Stephen, 7.10.1846, following Grey to Stephen, 29.9.1846, to the effect that Pottinger had written earlier to Russell about being placed on the footing of a special mission
  • C.O. 48/264: Memo by Stephen, 8.10.1846, following Pottinger to Grey, 29.9.1846;cf. also C.O. 48/264: Minute by Stephen, 7.10.1846, following Grey to Stephen, 29.9.1846, and C.O. 48/264: Grey to Pottinger, 10.10.1846 (Copy)
  • Howick Papers 120.2: Pottinger to Grey, Private, 10.2.1847;C.O. 48/264: Pottinger to Grey, 29.9.1846
  • Ibid., Minute by Grey, 4.10.1846, following Grey to Stephen, 29.9.1846
  • Howick Papers 120.2: Pottinger to Grey, Private, 23.8.1847
  • Bell , K. N. and Morrell , W. P. , eds. 1928 . Select Documents on British Colonial Policy, 1830–1860 502 – 6 . Oxford For the final version of Pottinger's Instructions see (Eds.), (pp.;see also C.O. 48/279: Grey to Smith, 10.9.1847
  • 1847 . C.O. 48/279: Smith to Grey, 23.12., end. No. 1, Proclamation, 23.12.1847
  • 1848 . Parl. Papers 1847–8, XLIII(969) p. 63: Smith to Grey, No. 16, 3.2., end. No. 3, Proclamation of Sovereignty, 3.2.1848
  • 1848 . C.O. 48/284: Smith to Grey, No. 31.11., end. Proclamation of 8 March
  • 1849 . Parl. Papers 1851 XXXVII(1360) pp. 3–7: Smith to Grey, No. 62, 26.3., end. No. 1, Proclamation of 14.3.1849
  • Keir , D. L. and Lawson , F. H. 1954 . Cases in Constitutional Law, , 4th ed. 469 – 71 . In terms of the Law of Empire British subjects had the right to legislate for themselves in ‘Territories of Settlement’. See (Oxford, pp. and pp. 490–1): Mansfield quoting Calvin's Case.
  • 1851 . For the Cape Attorney General's opinion see Parl. Papers, XXXVII(1360) pp. 3–7: Smith to Grey, No. 62, 26.3.1849;for the opinion of Herman Merivale, British Permanent Under-Secretary, see Minutes by Merivale, 10.3.1848 and 6.6.1848 following C.O. 48/284: Smith to Grey, Nc. 31, 11.3.1848
  • 1849 . Howick Papers: Grey to Pottinger, Private, 5.1
  • 1853 . C.O. 48/337: Memo of Attorney-General, 8.11.1852, encl. in Cathcart to Newcastle, No. 51, 11.2
  • 1853 . C.O. 48/348: Minute by Peel, 27.10., following Clerk to Newcastle, 25.8.1853
  • Annexures to Votes & Proceedings of the Cape Parl., G 48 of ‘62: Letters Patent
  • Du Toit , A. E. 1954 . “The Cape Frontier: A Study of Native Policy 1847–1866” printed ” . In Archives Year Book for South African History 79 – 80 . in, Vol. 1), pp., and footnote 84, pp. 93–4
  • Ibid., pp. 93–4
  • These latter were gathered together in what was known as Maclean's Compendium of Native Laws and Customs. Annexures to Votes & Proceedings of the Cape Parliament, G 4 of ‘83, Appendix B 1
  • Toit , Du . op. cit. 164 – 78 . passim.
  • See footnotes 14 & 15 above
  • Wodehouse Papers (Colonial Office Library C.O. 13015): Wodehouse to Newcastle, No. 20, 20.8.1863 (Private)
  • Cf. Du Toit, op. cit., pp. 179–228, passim.
  • C.O. 48/440: Wodehouse to Buckingham, No. 24, 18.3.1868, enclosing Proclamation
  • 1871 . Votes & Proceedings of the Cape Legislative Council, Appendix of Acts, Act No. 12
  • 1871 . C.O. 48/458: Offices: Law Officers to Kimberley, 20.10., and C.O. 48/458: 28.10.1871, followed by Kimberley's Minute, 30.10.1871
  • He had originally been instructed to attach Basutoland to Natal. C.O. 49/59: Buckingham to Wodehouse, No. 78, 9.12.1867
  • Walker , E. A. 1925 . Lord de Villiers and his Times 50 London (p.;Goodfellow, Great Britain and South African Confederation, pp. 23–28
  • 1871 . C.O. 48/456: Barkly to Kimberley, No. 94, 30.8. The Imperial Government accepted Barkly's reading of the situation. See C.O. 48/462: Minute by Hugessen, 9.11.1872, following Barkly to Kimberley, No. 107, 3.10.1872
  • For Southey's attitudes and activities cf. Walker, Lord de Villiers, p. 47;A. Wilmot, The Life and Times of Sir Richard Southey (London, 1904), pp. 191–94;See also Southey Papers (Cape Archives), Letterbook ACC 611/56: Southey to Erskine, 18.2.1868
  • 1871 . C.O. 48/457: Barkly to Kimberley, No. 123, 31.10., end. No. 6, Proclamation of Sovereignty, 28.10.1871
  • Vide supra, and footnotes 14 and 15
  • 1871 . C.O. 48/457: Draft of Despatch, Kimberley to Barkly, Confidential, 8.12., following Barkly to Kimberley, Private, 19.9.1871
  • 1872 . C.O. 48/459: Barkly to Kimberley, Confidential, 17.2
  • 1871 . The Cape Parliament was not prepared to go beyond vague resolutions, condoning the use of the Cape's resources to maintain the indirect authority of the High Commission on the Diamond Fields. C.O. 48/456: Barkly to Kimberley, No. 87, 15.8., encl. Resolutions of the Cape Assembly, 20 July and 5.8.1871
  • C.O. 48/457: Draft Despatch, Kimberley to Barkly, Separate, 8.12.1871, communicating commission as Governor of Griqualand West, following Barkly to Kimberley, Private, 19.9.1871
  • See C.O. 48/478: Barkly to Carnarvon, No. 33, 27.3.1876
  • Carnarvon's famous 'Confederation Despatch’ of 4.5.1875 is printed in Annexures to Votes and Proceedings of the Cape Parliament, A 20 of ‘75
  • Sir Henry Bartle Edward Frere, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., was Commissioner of Sind in 1850, Governor of Bombay in 1862, and primarily responsible for the suppression of the Zanzibar slave trade 1872–3
  • Carnarvon Papers (Public Record Office) P.R.O. 30/6/33, f1: Carnarvon to Frere, 13.10.1876;P.R.O. 30/6/23, f 48: Carnarvon to Brand, 8.2.1877
  • Sprigg Papers (Cory Library, Rhodes University), P.R. 990: Frere's extended High Commission of 27.2.1877
  • Part. Papers 1878, LVI(C2144) p. 154 et seq.
  • 1878 . Parl. Papers, 1878–9, LIII(C2252) pp. 29–30: Proclamation by Frere, 4.9., countersigned by Sprigg, the Cape Premier
  • 1878 . Parl. Papers, 1878–9, LII(C2222) p. 23: Frere to Hicks-Beach, No. 295, 16.11., forwarding report of commissioners and his award as High Commissioner
  • Parl. Papers, 1878–9, LIV(C2454) p. 133: Frere to Hicks-Beach, 30.6.1879;C.O. 48/493: Frere to Hicks-Beach, No. 9, 13.1.1880
  • St. Aldwyn Papers (retained by the present Earl St. Aldwyn at Williamstrip Park, Coin St., Aldwyn, Glos.) PCC 7/1: Instructions to Wolseley, 29.5.1879;C.O. 879/16 (P.R.O.) African Confidential Print No. 204, p. 32: Frere to Bulwer, communicating terms of Hicks-Beach's telegram of 28.5. encl. in Bulwer to Hicks-Beach, No. 114, 20.6.1879;Goodfellow, Great Britain and South African Confederation, pp. 169–171 and 173–4
  • 1881 . See Kimberley's remarks to Gladstone concerning the restoration of the unity of the High Commission. Gladstone Papers (British Museum) Add. MSS 4422, f 35: Kimberley to Gladstone, 29.10.1881, and ff 57–9: Kimberley to Gladstone, 21 Nov.
  • van Jaarsveld , F. A. 1961 . The Awakening of Afrikaner Nationalism 180 – 201 . Cape Town (pp. passim.
  • The costs of the war rapidly mounted to £3 million
  • See Robinson's comments on the new attitude in the Cape Parliament. C.O. 48/503: Robinson to Kimberley, Confidential, 15.5.1882
  • 1880 . St. Aldwyn Papers. PCC 3/12: Frere to Hicks-Beach, 21.3.;Cape Argus, 28.8.1879, Speech by Solomon in the Cape Assembly;Ibid., 30.8.1879, Speech by Sprigg
  • 1881 . See Robinson's Instructions. Parl. Papers, LXVI(C2754): Kimberley to Robinson, 30.12.1880, para 16
  • Orpen , Joseph . Cory Collection (Rhodes University) MS 1248:, 'Major General Gordon's Visit to Basutoland and my Administration of that Territory’, p. 8
  • 1881 . Part. Papers, LXVII(C2964) pp. 25–6: Award of 29 April, 1881
  • Theal , G. M. 1919 . A History of South Africa. 1873–1884 181 London (Vol. I
  • 1882 . Parl. Papers, XLVII(C3112) p. 49: Robinson to Kimberley, 24.7.1881;Parl. Papers, p. 54, Legal Opinion of Cole and Leonard
  • 1881 . Parl. Papers, p. 48: Kimberley to Smyth, 4.8
  • Ibid.
  • 1881 . Parl. Papers, p. 88: Commission under the Royal Sign Manual, 14.11.: C.O. 48/503: Robinson to Kimberley, No. 62, 21.2.1882, encl. proclamation introducing regulations
  • 1883 . Cf. C.O. 48/506: Smyth to Derby, Tel. 14.5.1883, Minute by Herbert, 15.5.;Merriman Papers (South African Public Library) No. 276 of 1883: Scanlen to Merriman, 20.12.1883
  • 1883 . For their acceptance, See C.O. 48/507: Gladstone to Derby, Tel., 14.12., following Smyth to Derby, Tel., 12.12.1883;Parl. Papers 1884, LVI(C3855) p. 48: Derby to Smyth, Tel., 17.12.1883
  • 1883 . C.O. 48/507: Smyth to Derby, No. 369, 12.12., encl. cutting of The Friend of the Free State, 6.12.1883, reporting proceedings at the Pitso.
  • 1883 . See Saul Solomon's remarks on the relationship between the Basuto and Bechuana-land questions. Anti-Slavery Papers (Rhodes House, Oxford) MSS Brit. Emp. S 18, C 147/198: Solomon to Chesson, 23.4
  • 1884–5 . Parl. Papers, LVI(C4263) pp. 29–30: Order in Council dated 2.2.1884, Os-borne
  • 1884 . Cape Government Gazette, 1.4., p. 745: New High Commission to Sir Hercules Robinson, 29.2.1884

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