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African Higher Education and the establishment of the South African Native College, Fort Hare

Pages 60-83 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • “Higher” denotes “more advanced” and does not necessarily mean “tertiary” or “university” education
  • The Kaffir Express, November 1872, editorial
  • Wilson , M. 1973 . Edited by: Wilson , F. and Perrot , D. in Outlook on a Century, South Africa 1870–1970 ed. (Lovedale, p. 4
  • Extracts from the minutes of the Foreign Mission Reports of the United Free Church;Govan's views to Committee of Foreign Missions, 19.1.1869. Shepherd Papers, Cory library MS 14753(e)
  • The Kaffir Express in its editorial of November 1872 remarked that “South Africa probably does not contain ten thoroughly educated native young men”
  • Rose , B. and Tunmer , R. , eds. 1975 . Documents in South African Education 201 Ad. Donker
  • Dodd , A. D. 1938 . Native Vocational Training 13 Lovedale In 1893, for example, objections were made that Government grants enabled the Native training institutions to undersell outside tradesmen, see
  • Shepherd , R. H. W. 1940 . Lovedale, South Africa: The Story of a Century 1841–1941 222 Lovedale
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid., p. 223
  • Henderson described it as “far and away the strongest vindication of Native education then known”, see his letter to Hicks, 5.3.1923. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Ibid.
  • Tunmer , Rose and . op. cit. 206
  • Ibid., p. 208. Taken from Cape of Good Hope, Appendix 1 to Votes and Proceedings of Parliament for 1869, Report of an inspection of schools in the Middle and Eastern Districts by the Superintendent-General of Education during the months of March, April, May and June 1869 (G. 31–69), pp. 3–6
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • December 1872 . December , The Kaffir Express, p. 2
  • Figures given in a pamphlet concerning the inter-state Native college entitled Deputation to the Hon. the Minister of Education, 29th September 1910. A copy in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Alexander Kerr. Private collection of his son Professor A. J. Kerr
  • Rev. James Henderson to the Hon. N. F. de Waal, 23.3.1909. Cory library MS 13194;see also The Christian Express, November 1906, p. 224, for details of the College Department
  • Memorandum entitled “The lack of success in the Upper Department in relation to the proposed Native College”. Unclassified Henderson correspondence, Cory library
  • Ibid. The judgment is rather harsh when one considers that a broad, liberal education, a general widening of the horizons of the kind offered at English public schools, where often the result calculated in terms of an examination certificate did not matter, was a luxury that the African could not afford
  • E. B. Sargant to K. A. Hobart Houghton, 3.9.1903. Cory library MS 13173
  • See Hobart Houghton's report entitled “Proposed Changes in the College Department for 1910”. File marked “Personal, February 1910-April 1910,” Lennox correspondence, Fort Hare library
  • Saunders , C. and Derricourt , R. , eds. 1974 . Beyond the Cape Frontier: Studies in the History of the Transkei and Ciskei 209 Longmans
  • Seboni , M. The South African Native College, Fort Hare 1903 1954 (D. Ed. UNISA 1954), p. 6
  • James Stewart , M. D. November 1905 . November , Statement by the Rev., D.D., File entitled “Fort Hare University College-Historical”, Cory library MS 14756
  • Shepherd . op. cit. 261
  • Ibid.
  • Stewart . November 1905 . November , Statement by “Fort Hare University College-Historical”. Cory library MS 14756
  • Dr. Neil Macvicar to Dr. Alexander Kerr, 27.7.1945. File entitled “Early History of Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Henderson to Dr. Smith, 7.1.1908. Unclassified Henderson correspondence, Cory library
  • Sargant to Lord A. Milner, 24.6.1904, Stewart Papers. J. W. Jagger library, D65/48. 27E (i). Draft of this letter, Cory library MS 13169
  • Sundkler , B. G. M. 1961 . Bantu Prophets in South Africa, , 2nd ed. 41 (Oxford University Press
  • Walshe , P. 1970 . The Rise of African Nationalism in South Africa, The African National Congress 1912–1952 14 Hurst and Co.
  • Report of the South African Native Affairs Commission 1903–1905, vol. IV, p. 910
  • In a pamphlet concerning the inter-state Native college entitled Deputation to the Hon. the Minister for Education, 29th September 1910, it is asserted that the Cape Education Department some two or three years previously “had learned the names of from ninety to a hundred Native students who had gone from the Cape Colony to seek education in England and America”
  • Seboni . op. cit. 5 He states that from these separatist bodies over two hundred Africans went to America in search of higher education
  • Henderson to Dr. Smith, 7.1.1908. Unclassified Henderson correspondence, Cory library
  • January 1906 . January , The Christian Express, p. 14
  • October 1901 . October , The Christian Express, p. 146
  • Seboni . op. cit. 6 for further reference to the Jabavu-Dale College test case
  • Loram , C. T. October 1902 . The Christian Express October , 146 The above views concerning the character of education at the negro colleges are also voiced by the Native Affairs Commission for 1903–1905. See report of the South African Native Affairs Commission 1903–1905, section 329, and The Education of the South African Native (Longmans 1917), p. 32
  • Henderson to Dr. Smith, 7.1.1908. Unclassified Henderson correspondence, Cory library. In addition Henderson emphasized the rapid increase in the numbers of African children receiving education since the 1890s, see his Memorandum on the Proposed Native College for South Africa, undated but evidence points to 1910, Cory library MS 13571
  • Sargant to Milner, 24.6.1904, Stewart Papers, J. W. Jagger library, D 65/48, 27 E(i)
  • Report in The Christian Express. May 1906, p. 133, of an article in Izwi Labantu, 17.4.1906. The Reverend W. Girdwood of Tutura Mission, Butterworth, recorded in a statement which appears to have been written in 1905 that “There is a spirit abroad among not a few natives in the Colony that success can only be achieved by starting a college independently of all Mission influence and solely under Government School Board”, see memorandum entitled “Inter-State College Scheme. Opinions of European Missionaries”, Cory library MS 13555
  • May 1906 . May , The Christian Express, p. 134
  • November 1902 . November , The Christian Express, p. 175
  • Derricourt , Saunders and . op. cit. 209
  • Loram . op. cit. 81 Taken from Cape Select Committee on Native Education, Evidence, sec. 1691 et seq
  • Tengo Jabavu to Kerr, 20.11.1915. File entitled “Fort Hare, 1915–1925” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Seboni . op cit. 100, 138
  • Derricourt , Saunders and . October 1907 . op. cit. October , 207 See also The Christian Express, pp. 147–148
  • Loram . op. cit. 51 See, containing Dale's special report to the Cape House of Assembly in 1889
  • 1905 . Native Education: A Proposal pp. 5–6. A paper by Hobart Houghton which was to have been read before the British Association in Johannesburg in 1905 (Lovedale Missionary Press See also The Christian Express, August 1906, pp. 173–174
  • August 1906 . August , The Christian Express, p. 174
  • August 1908 . August , The Christian Express, p. 124
  • Stewart . November 1905 . November , Statement by “Fort Hare University College-Historical”, Cory library MS 14756
  • Historical Statement by Hobart Houghton and Macvicar, July 1945. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Recollections of Hobart Houghton. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Hobart Houghton to Stewart, 3.1.1904. Cory library MS 13163
  • Ibid. Hobart Houghton was at pains to point out to Sargant that he came to see him in a private capacity and that no one at Lovedale knew of his visit except Macvicar
  • July 1945 . July , Historical Statement by Hobart Houghton and Macvicar, Marked “B” in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Recollections of Hobart Houghton. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr;see also R. H. W. Shepherd. A South African Medical Pioneer, The Life of Neil Macvicar M.D., D.P.H., LL.D. (Lovedale Press 1952), p. 132
  • Report of the South African Native Affairs Commission 1903–1905, p. 72
  • Sargant paid another visit to Lovedale in May 1905. See Recollections of Hobart Houghton in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Sargant to Milner, 24.6.1904. Stewart Papers, J. W. Jagger library, D 65/47, 27 E (i). Draft of this letter, Cory library MS 13169
  • Ibid.
  • Seboni . op. cit. 5
  • Sargant to Milner, 24.6.1904. Stewart Papers. J. W. Jagger library, D 65/48, 27 E (i). Précis of this letter, Cory library MS 13170
  • Fort Hare Recollections: Macvicar, 3.7.1944. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Proposed cablegram of Stewart to Foreign Mission Committee of the United Free Church. Cory library MS 13164
  • Circular from Stewart, 13.11.1905. Lovedale marked “E”, “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Hobart Houghton to Macvicar, 25.7.1905. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton, 11.1.1906. Cory library MS 13175. Dyke also pointed out that the great work of Lovedale would be lost if the institution was converted into a college. See Macvicar to Hunter, 14.7.1944. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton, 23.1.1906. Cory library MS 13177
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton, undated (but evidence points to 4.3.1905), in unclassified correspondence of Hobart Houghton, Fort Hare library
  • Macvicar to D. Hunter of Lovedale. 19.11.1905. Marked “G” “Confidential” in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton. undated (but evidence points to 4.3.1905). Unclassified correspondence of Hobart Houghton, Fort Hare library
  • Walshe , P. op. cit. 12
  • Macvicar to Dr. Hunter of Lovedale, 11.12.1905. Marked “H” in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Ibid.
  • Macvicar to Kerr, July 1945. Marked “A” in “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Loram . op. cit. 302
  • September 1930 . September , The South African Outlook, p. 178
  • Henderson to Dr Smith, 7.1.1908. Unclassified Henderson correspondence, Cory library
  • Switzer , L. E. 1971 . The Problems of an African Mission in a White-Dominated, Multi-Racial Society: The American Zulu Mission in South Africa 1885–1910 340 (Ph.D. Natal
  • Perrot , Wilson and . op. cit. 553
  • Jabavu to Hobart Houghton, 29.4.1911. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Henderson to Miller, 10.2.1913. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Macvicar to Henderson, 21.5.1912. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Boucher , M. 1973 . The African in the Universities, , 2nd ed. 9 (N.U.S.A.S. publication 1954), p. See also Spes in Arduis: A History of the University of South Africa (UNISA, p. 84. He mentions that in the early years of the 20th Century there was the admission of an occasional student to one of the Colleges for Europeans
  • Henderson to Dr. Smith, 7.1.1908. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Dr. A. Miller to Henderson, 9.8.1911. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Henderson to Mrs. Henderson, 2.10.1907. Cory library MS 14426 in classified Henderson Papers. Regarding Muir's counter proposal for a Normal Training College for Africans at Queenstown, see Sargant to Hobart Houghton, 3.2.1906. Cory library MS 13179. Muir denied his opposition to the college scheme before the Cape Native Education Committee of 1908 claiming that he merely wished to see the new institution founded on solid foundations without any Utopian ideas. See the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Native Education (1908), pp. 620–621
  • Hobart Houghton to J. W. Weir, 18.6.1909. Cory library MS 13151, Letterbook 1903–1918 entitled “Letters from the Inter-State Native College officials and the S.A. Native College”
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton, undated (but evidence points to 4.3.1905). Unclassified correspondence of Hobart Houghton, Fort Hare library
  • Rough draft of minutes of Executive Committee meeting at Lovedale, 26.12.1905. Unclassified correspondence of Hobart Houghton, Fort Hare library
  • James Auld to John Lennox, 13.1.1913. File marked “Board of Trustees” in correspondence of John Lennox. Auld's emphasis
  • Sargant to Hobart Houghton, 27.2.1906. Cory library MS 13181
  • Document entitled “Notes” and marked “Private” in Macvicar's handwriting in unclassified correspondence of Hobart Houghton, Fort Hare library
  • Henderson to Rev. B. Ross, 23.6.1914. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library. The Cape Government, on his own initiative, did much to further the scheme through its overtures to the Governments of the other colonies. See Henderson's memorandum on the Proposed Native College for South Africa, Cory library MS 13571
  • Col. W. E. M. Stanford to J. W. Weir, 18.9.1906. Cory library MS 13215
  • Macvicar to Henderson, 3.4.1908. Cory library MS 13203
  • Fort Hare Recollections: Macvicar, 3.7.1944. “Early History of the Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Macvicar to Henderson, 3.4.1908. Cory library MS 13203. Previously Botha had expressed interest in the scheme and readiness to co-operate. See Henderson to Dr. Smith, 16.3.1908. Cory library MS 13429
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Fort Hare Recollections: Macvicar, 3.7.1944. “Early History of Fort Hare Scheme” in correspondence of Kerr
  • Sargant to Henderson, 17.10.1910. Unclassified correspondence of Henderson, Cory library
  • Henderson to Miller, 22.7.1913. “Board of Trustees” in correspondence of Lennox, Fort Hare library
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid.
  • October 1911 . October , The Christian Express, p. 148
  • December 1911 . December , Reported in The Christian Express, p. 188
  • Henderson to Miller, 22.7.1913. “Board of Trustees” in correspondence of Lennox, Fort Hare library
  • Ibid.
  • Shepherd , R. H. W. Lovedale, South Africa: The Story of a Century 1841–1941 282 – 283 . For the full text of Malan's wire see
  • Kerr , A. 1968 . Fort Hare 1915–1948: The Evolution of an African College 12 (Shuter and Shooter, Pietermaritzburg, in association with Hurst and Co.

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