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From Feverish Festival to Repetitive Ritual? The Changing Fortunes of Great Trek Mythology in an Industrializing South Africa, 1938–1988

Pages 19-38 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • For an analysis of some of these aspects see B.J. Liebenberg, ‘Bloedrivier en Gods Hand’. South African Historical Journal, 12 (1980): 1–12;B.J. Liebenberg, ‘Mites random Bloedrivier en die Gelofte’, South African Historical Journal 20 (1988): 17–32;F.A. van Jaarsveld, ‘A Historical Mirror of Blood River’, in A. König and H. Keane, eds., The Meaning of History (Pretoria, 1980). 8–59. For a related but somewhat wider analysis of the topic see also A. du Toit, ‘No Chosen People: The Myth of the Calvinist Origins of Afrikaner Nationalism and Racial Ideology’, American Historical Review 88 (1983): 920–952
  • Hofmeyr , I. 1988 . “ ‘Popularising History: The Case of Gustav Preller’ ” . In Journal of African History Vol. 29 , 521 – 535 . Aspects of this have been covered by (and F.A. van Jaarsveld, ‘Die Groot Trek in die Historiese Bewussyn van die Afrikaners’, in J.S. Bergh, ed., Herdenkingsjaar 1988: Portugese, Hugenote en Voortrekkers (Pretoria, 1988), 100–123 and “n Afrikanerperspektief op die Groot Trek: Simbool en Ritueel’, Historia, 33, 2 (1988): 11–26
  • Tudor , H. 1972 . Political Myth 16 – 17 . New York Compare
  • The description of the development of the celebrations is based on A.P.J. van Rensburg, ‘Die Simboliese Ossewatrek van 1938’, Historic, 17 (1972): 12–46;E.A. Messina, ‘Die Voortrekkereeufees 1938’ (unpublished M.A. thesis, University of the Western Cape, 1981, 140 and passim; D.J. Mostert, compiler, Die Gedenkboek van die Ossewatrek (Cape Town, 1940), 37 and passim; D.W. Krüger, Age of the Generals (Johannesburg, 1958), 184 ff;T.D. Moodie, The Rise of Afrikanerdom: Power, Apartheid and the Afrikaner Civil Religion (Berkeley, 1975), 175–207;Interviewwith Mr F. Olivier of Pretoria, 15 September 1988 (Mr Olivier was a trek leader in 1938);F.A. van Jaarsveld, ‘Die Betekenis van die Voortrekkereeufees, 1938’, De Oude migrant (8 August 1988): 13
  • Public Record Office, Kew, London, Dominion Office Records 114/99, Report by High Commissioner W.H. Clarke, 15 March 1940. (We are indebted to Dr A.J. van Wyk of Unisa for this reference.)
  • For some of the available literature see the sources mentioned in footnote 4
  • Rensburg , Van . ‘Ossewatrek’ 18 (translation)
  • Coetzer , P. W. 1986 . Die Nasionale Party, Vol. 4, Die ‘Gesuiwerde’ Nasionale Party, 1934–1940 Edited by: le Roux , J. H. Bloemfontein eds., 211 (translation)
  • Thompson , L. M. 1985 . The Political Mythology of Apartheid (New Haven, 184 esp
  • Freund , W. M. 1980 . International Journal of African Historical Studies , 19 : 2 Review of The Political Mythology of Apartheid in: 368
  • Moodie, Afrikanerdom, 186
  • O'Meara , D. 1983 . Volkskapitalisme: Class, Capital and Ideology in the Development of Afrikaner Nationalism, 1934–1948 76 – 77 . Johannesburg It should be mentioned that H. Giliomee has also written extensively on the nature of Afrikaner nationalism, but that his focus has been wider than the celebrations. See, for instance, H. Adam and H. Giliomee, The Rise and Crisis of Afrikaner Power (Cape Town, 1979) and H. Giliomee, ‘Constructing Afrikaner Nationalism’, Journal of Asian and African Studies XVIII, 1–2 (January and April 1983): 83–98;‘The Beginnings of Afrikaner Ethnic Consciousness, 1850–1915’, in L. Vail, ed., The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa (London, 1989), 21–54
  • Abedian , I. and Standish , B. ‘Poor Whites and the Role of the State: The Evidence’ . South African Journal of Economics , 53 2 (June 1985): 154, 156
  • Wilkins , I. and Strydom , H. 1978 . The Super-Afrikaners Johannesburg 98;Die Huisgenoot 9 August 1968, ‘So het 'n Volk Ontwaak’
  • O'Meara . Volkskapitalisme 55;Adam and Giliomee, Afrikaner Power 110–111;L. Salomon, ‘Socio-economic Aspects of South African History, 1870–1962’ (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Boston University, 1962), 122;Die Transvaler 6 September 1938, ‘Die Afrikaner en die Staatsdiens’
  • Nairn , T. 1981 . The Break-up of Britain 340 London
  • Sunday Times 4 December 1938, ‘Wagons reach the Reef
  • Interview with Mr F. Olivier of Pretoria, 15 September 1988
  • Quoted in Salomon, ‘Socio-economic Aspects’, 127
  • Mostert, Gedenboek, 388
  • Mostert, Gedenboek, 115
  • Pienaar , S. W. and Scholtz , J. J.J. , eds. 1904 . Glo in u Volk: Dr D.F. Malan as Redenaar, 1908–1954 122 – 123 . Cape Town eds., (translation)
  • Pienaar and Scholtz . Malan as Redenaar 126 – 127 . (translation)
  • Moodie, Afrikanerdom, 198
  • Nairn, Break-up of Britain, 340
  • Anderson , B. 1983 . Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism 77 London
  • Ross , R. 1982 . “ ‘Pre-industrial and Industrial Racial Stratification in South Africa’ ” . In Racism and Colonialism: Essays on Ideology and Social Structure Edited by: Ross , R. 83 Leiden in, ed.
  • du Plessis , D. 1939 . Waarom ek 'n Kommunis is: 'n Afrikaner vertel Cape Town c., 3 (translation). (We are indebted to Dr D. Prinsloo of Unisa for a copy of this pamphlet.)
  • Die Transvaler 6 Julie 1938, ‘Toenemende werkloosheid skep al groter ellende aan die Rand’
  • Stals , E. L.P. Afrikaners in die Goudstad Vol. 2 1924–1961 (Pretoria, 1986), 17
  • For a recent work on the Afrikaner as a worker in Johannesburg, see J. Joubert, ‘Blanke Arbeid in die Sekonděre Industrieë aan die Witwatersrand, 1924–1933’ (unpub. D.Litt. thesis, R.A.U., 1987)
  • Huisgenoot , Die . 6 August 1948, ‘Na tien jaarp;Messina, ‘Voortrekkereeufees’, 137
  • The term is that of B. Anderson's book, Imagined Communities.
  • Fishman , J. 1972 . Language and Nationalism 9 Massachusetts The quotation is from
  • MacCrone , I. D. ‘The Great Trek and its Centenary Celebration in the Light of Group Psychology’ . Race Relations , 4 4 (November 1938), 83
  • Mosse , G. L. 1975 . The Nationalism of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich 210 New York
  • Brink , E. ‘Plays, Poetry and Production: The Literature of the Garment Workers’ . South African Labour Bulletin , 9 L. Witz, ‘Servant of the Workers: Solly Sachs and the Garment Workers’ Union, 1928–1952’ (unpublished M.A. thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, 1984), 266. See also, 8 (July 1984): 32–51
  • Witz , L. ‘Garment Workers’ Union’ 268 See;E.S. Sachs, Rebel Daughters (London, 1957), 138–139
  • Bozzoli , B. 1981 . The Political Nature of a Ruling Class: Capital and Ideology in South Africa, 1890–1933 London For the ideology of ‘South Africanism’ see 198, 204–5, 209–10, 243–4and passim.
  • Stadler , A. W. “ ‘The Afrikaner in Opposition, 1910–1948’ ” . In Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies Vol. VII , 3 See (November 1969): 205, 211
  • Ionesco , G. and Gellner , E. , eds. 1969 . Populism: Its Meanings and National Characteristics 166 – 171 . London The general features of populism as briefly summarized here are discussed in full in, eds., esp. For manifestations of those features during the centenary celebrations see, for instance, Mostert, Gedenkboek 385, 437, 553, 601, 685, 742;A.G. du Toit and L Steenkamp, compilers, Bloedrivier Eeufees-Gedenkboek (Pietermaritzburg, 1939), 35–39, 137–142
  • Welsh , D. 1969 . ‘Urbanisation and the Solidarity of Afrikaner Nationalism’ . Journal of Modern African Studies , 7 : 2 265–76.See also D. Welsh, ‘The Political Economy of Afrikaner Nationalism’, in A. Leftwich, ed., South Africa: Economic Growth and Political Change (London, 1974), 249–286
  • Welsh, ‘Urbanisation and the Solidarity of Afrikaner Nationalism’, 270;C. Charney, ‘Restructuring White Politics: The Transformations of the National Party’, South Africa Review. 1, (Johannesburg, 1983), 143
  • See, for example, Moodie, Afrikanerdom and O'Meara, Volkskapitalisme.
  • Posel , D. 1987 . “ ‘The Language of Domination, 1978–1983’ ” . In The Politics of Class and Nationalism in Twentieth Century South Africa Edited by: Marks , S. and Trapido , S. 419 – 444 . London in, eds.
  • See Posel's analysis of the role of ideology and the dependence of its persuasive capacity upon the extent to which ideas, images and symbols are internalized and reproduced as part of individual's own way of thinking. D. Posel, ‘The Language of legitimation’. See also Moodie's discussion of the role of ‘sacred history’, Afrikanerdom, 1–11
  • Moodie, Afrikanerdom, 285–286
  • Marks and Trapido . ‘The Politics of Race, Class and Nationalism’, in Marks and Trapido . The Politics of Race, Class and Nationalism , 53
  • Hobsbawm , E. 1983 . “ ‘Introduction: Inventing Traditions’ ” . In The Invention of Traditions Edited by: Hobsbawm , E. and Ranger , T. 4 – 5 . Cambridge in, eds.
  • Hackland , B. “ ‘Incorporationist Ideology as a Response to Political Struggle: The Progressive Party of South Africa, 1960–1980’, in Marks and Trapido ” . In The Politics of Race, Class and Nationalism 366 –69.See also F. Cassim, ‘Economic Crisis and Stagnation in South Africa’, in South Africa Review 4 (Johannesburg, 1987): 535–550, and A. Stadler, The Political Economy of Modern South Africa (Cape Town, 1987), 1–9
  • Giliomee , H. ‘The Growth of Afrikaner Identity’, in Adam and Giliomee . Afrikaner Power , 83 – 127 .
  • Thompson . Political Mythology 212 – 214 .
  • Thompson . Political Mythology 217
  • Thompson . Political Mythology 223 – 224 .
  • Handhaaf February-March 1988;Insig December 1988, ‘Twee feeste’;See also Boodskap uan die Sentrale Groot Trek-Reëlingskomitee aan alle Plaaslike Fees-komitees ter Herdenking uan die 150-jarige Herdenking van die Groot Trek. In this pamphlet, it is asserted thatDie Afrikaner besef dat Suid-Afrika ook vir ander volke en groepe 'n vaderland is. Die Afrikaner is bereid om met al hierdie voike en groepe saam te leef en saam te werk vir 'n gees van wedersydse respek en erkenning van die reg van elk om sy eie identiteit te handhaaf
  • Posel , D. ‘The Language of Legitimation’;Giliomee, ‘The Growth of Afrikaner Identity’, 127
  • 1959/60 . Report on the Commission of Inquiry into European Occupancy of the Rural Areas Pretoria paras. 48–50, cited in Welsh, ‘Solidarity of Afrikaner Nationalism’, 268
  • See for example Die Huisgenoot, 28 May 1965, ‘Die Nuwe Afrikaner: sy hede is in die stede’;die Huisgenoot 12 July 1968, ‘Word ons Afrikaners te Ryk?’ Die Huisgenoot 10 November 1961 and 17 November 1961, ‘Stand en Klas by die Afrikaners’
  • Lelyveld , L. 1988 . Move Your Shadow. South Africa, Black and White 78 London
  • Weekly Mail 2 September to 8 September 1988, ‘Nee wat, they trekked better back in 38';Beeld 24 October 1988, ‘Volk se waardes in sy behoud’;Insig December 1988, ‘Twee feeste’
  • Insig December 1988, ‘Twee feeste’
  • Hyslop , J. ‘The Impact of the Ultra-Right on South African Polities’, in South African Review, 4 (Johannesburg, 1987), 393–401;S. Bekker and J. Grobbelaar, ‘The White Right-Wing Movement in South Africa: Before and after the 1987 White General Election’, paper presented to the Department of Development Administration, Unisa, 11 September 1987. See also G. Lourens and H. Kotze, ‘The South African White Election of 1987: Shuffling the Deck Chairs or Burning Boats?’, International Affairs Bulletin 11, 2 (1987): 19–43;H. Zille, ‘The Right Wing in South African Polities’, in P.L. Berger and B. Godsell, eds., A Future South Africa: Visions, Strategies and Realities (Cape Town, 1988), 55–93
  • Hyslop, ‘The Impact of the Ultra-Right’, 395–396
  • Stadler, The Political Economy of Modern South Africa, 84
  • Insig December 1988, ‘Twee feeste’
  • Die Afrikaner Volkswag nuusbrief no. 42, June 1988;Die Afrikaner Volkswag nuusbrief no. 45, October 1988
  • Weekly Mail. 14 October to 20 October 1988, ‘Exodus: The Great Trek into a better Past’
  • Frontline June 1988, ‘White Revolution’
  • Weekly Mail 23 December 1988 to 12 January 1989, ‘Rifles stutter, Cannons boom …’
  • Weekly Mail 14 October to 20 October 1988, Exodus: The Great Trek into a better Past’

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