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‘History from Below’: 'n Oorsig

Pages 38-60 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • 1987 . What is History? 1 Johannesburg National Education Crisis Committee
  • History Workshop, 26 (1988), iii
  • Eley , G. 1989 . ‘Labour History, Social History . Alltagsgeschichte…’, Journal of Modem History , 61 : 2 297;ook M. Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? (Koln, 1988), 15;F.-J. Briiggemeier en J. Kocka, Geschichte von unten-Geschichte von innen (Hagen, 1985), 5
  • Grundlingh , A. M. “ Sosiale Geskiedenis en die Dilemma in Afrikanergeskiedskrywing ” . Suid-Afrikaanse Historiese Joemaal, 19 (1987), 31–3;TJ. Keegan, ‘The Origins of Agrarian Capitalism in South Africa: A Reply’, Journal of Southern African Studies 15, 4 (1989), 666–7;F.A. van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap: Van 'n Elitegeskiedenis van Bo tot 'n Alledaagse Geskiedenis van OnderaP, Historia 32,1 (1987), 42;F.A. van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe-'n Nuwe Stroming in die Duitse Sosiale Geskiedskrywing’, Historia 35, 1 (1990), 3
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe ” . 11;H.-U. Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, Die Zeit 19 (3 Mei 1985), 64;Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 298,340
  • Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 35
  • Keegan, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 671 n.9
  • Murray , M. J. 1989 . ‘The Origins of Agrarian Capitalism in South Africa: A Critique of the “Social History” Perspective’ . Journal of Southern African Studies , 15 : 4 647
  • Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 42;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 12
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 312
  • Rosenhaft , E. “ History, Anthropology, and the Study of Everyday Life ” . Comparative Studies in Society and History, 29,1 (1987), 100
  • Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 15;Bruggemeier en Kocka, Geschichte von unten 5–6;Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 34
  • Ritter , H. 1986 . Dictionary of Concepts in History 411 New York en Londen
  • Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 647
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 322;vir die Duitse teks kyk A. Liidtke, red., Alltagsgeschichte: zur Rekonstruktion historischer Erfahrungen und Lebensweisen (Frankfurt, 1989), 9;vgl. ook Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 16
  • Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 33
  • Saunders , C. “ Towards Understanding South Africa ” . s Past: Reflections on Recent Developments in History Writing in English’, South Africa International, 19,2 (1988), 67;ook Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 18,34;V. Ullrich, ‘Entdeckungsreise in den historischen Alltag’, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 36, 6 (1985), 403;Liidtke, Alltagsgeschichte 9;Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 37
  • Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 655
  • Morris , M. “ Social History and the Transition to Capitalism in the South African Countryside ” . Review of African Political Economy, 41 (1988), 62, 64
  • Bozzoli , B. 1979 . “ red ” . In Labour, Townships and Protest: Studies in the Social History of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg 3;B. Bozzoli, red., Class, Community and Conflict: South African Perspectives (Johannesburg, 1987), xiii-xiv;Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 67;L. Callinicos, A People's History of South Africa vol. 2: Working Life (Johannesburg, 1987), 7
  • Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 70
  • Bozzoli, Labour, Townships and Protest, 3–4
  • Bozzoli , B. 1983 . “ red ” . In Town and Countryside in the Transvaal: Capitalist Penetration and Popular Response 6 Johannesburg
  • Davenport , R. 1988 . ‘History in South Africa in the 1980s: Why Bother About It?’ . South Africa International , 19 : 2 102;L. Witz, ‘History of the People, for the People and by the People-A Brief Examination of the Development of People's History in South Africa, 1977–1988’, South Africa International 19, 2 (1988), 90
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 61
  • Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict, xvii; Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 15;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 3
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 61;Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 35;Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? ook Briiggemeier en Kocka, Geschichte von unten. Persoonlik gee ek voorkeur aan ‘history from below’ met sy hoer gebruiksfrekwensie en logieser konseptuele implikasies
  • Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’, 99
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 298, 321, 334
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . 34
  • Cannadine , D. “ The Way We Lived Then ” . Times Literary Supplement’ (7–13 Sep. 1990), 935
  • Smith , K. 1988 . The Changing Past: Trends in South African Historical Writing Johannesburg 168, 170;Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 32;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 34–5;G. Verhoef, ‘Die Neo-Marxistiese Historiografie oor Suid-Afrika’, Historia 30, 1 (1985), 13
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . 34;Smith, The Changing Past 168
  • Cannadine, “The Way We Lived Then’, 935;EJ. Hobsbawm, ‘From Social History to the History of Society’, in P.A.M. Geurts en F.A.M. Messing, samestellers, Theoretische en MethodologischeAspecten van de Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis (Den Haag, 1979), 100–1
  • Thernstrom , S. “ Reflections on the New Urban History ” . in Geurts en Messing, Ekonomische en Sociale Geschiedenis, 77;C. Kammen, On Doing Local History (Nashville, 1986), 33
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . 35
  • Hobsbawm, ‘From Social History to the History of Society’, 102
  • Ludtke, Alltagsgeschichte, 27;Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 34
  • Saunders , C. 1988 . The Making of the South African Past: Major Historians on Race and Class 169 – 70 . Kaapstad en Johannesburg Ritter, Dictionary 362–3
  • Landes , D. S. and Tilly , C. 1971 . “ reds ” . In History as Social Science 15 New Jersey
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . 36;Ritter, Dictionary 362
  • Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’, 100
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe ” . 11
  • Aangehaal deur Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal, 4
  • History Workshop, 20 (1985), 3 (redaksioneel)
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . 35
  • Samuel , R. “ Local History and Oral History ” . History Workshop, 1 (1976), 199, 201, 204;T. Sitton, ‘Black History from the Community: The Strategies of Fieldwork’, Journal of Negro Education 50, 2 (1981), 176;L. Shopes, ‘Beyond Trivia and Nostalgia: Collaborating in the Construction of Local History’, International Journal of Oral History 5,3 (1984), 152;kyk ook Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict 55, en I. Hofmeyr, ‘Exploring Experiential Testimony’, Social Dynamics 14, 2 (1988), 1
  • Kyk Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 313
  • Ibid., 314;ook Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’, 100
  • Van Jaarsveld . “ Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap ” . en ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’
  • Keegan, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 667
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 317, 340
  • Geschichte von unten , 5 Briiggemeier en Kocka, 7;Ullrich, ‘Entdeckungsreise in den historischen Alltag’, 405;Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 15,18;Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 315, 320;Ludtke, Alltagsgeschichte 11
  • Briiggemeier en Kocka, Geschichte von unten, 6
  • Alltagsgeschichte , 19 Ludtke, 30, 34, 37;Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 324;Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 16, 18
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 298,320;Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64;Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 21, 68–9;Ludtke, Alhagsgeschichte 30, 33
  • Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten?, 11,13–14,26, 30, 69;Liidtke, Alltagsgeschichte 34;M. Phayer, ‘The German Worker’, Journal of Modern History 62, 1 (1990), 188–9
  • Harries , P. 1982 . resensie in . Social Dynamics , 8 : 1 90
  • Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 66
  • Marks , S. and Samuel , R. 1981 . “ ‘Towards a People's History of South Africa? Recent Developments in the Historiography of South Africa’ ” . In People's History and Socialist Theory Londen red., 300;Saunders, The Making of the South African Past 168, 174, 177
  • Johnstone , F. resensie in Journal of Southern African Studies, 11,1 (1984), 165;Verhoef, ‘Neo-Marxistiese Historiografie’, 14–16;S.E. Katzenellenbogen, resensie in History 70, 229 (1985), 250;Smith, The Changing Past 167;A. Mabin, besprekingsartikel in Journal of Historical Geography 12, 1 (1986), 78;Saunders, The Making of the South African Past 167–8 (veral ook p. 178: ‘Class, and class struggle, were the key to unlock the past’)
  • Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal, 2
  • Marks, ‘Towards a People's History’, 301, 303;C. van Onselen, Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Witwatersand, 1886–1914 vol. 1, New Babylon (Johannesburg en Londen, 1982), xvii; Smith, The Changing Past 167–9;Grundlingh, ‘Sosiale Geskiedenis’, 32, 37
  • Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 69;Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 647;Keegan, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 666–7
  • Davenport, ‘History in South Africa in the 1980s’, 102
  • Smith, The Changing Past, 164–5;ook Saunders, The Making of the South African Past 184;Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 69;Verhoef, Neo-Marxistiese Historiografle’, 24;vgl. veral ook Briiggemeier en Kocka, Geschichte von unten 7
  • Witz, ‘History of the People’, 90
  • Tot dusver het die volgende publikasies al onder Belinda Bozzoli se redakteurskap verskyn: Labour, Townships and Protest, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal en Class, Community and Conflict. Die vierde versamelwerk onder redaksie van P. Bonner, I. Hofmeyr, D. James en T. Lodge, is in 1989 onder die titel Holding their Ground: Class, Locality and Culture in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century South Africa deur Ravan Press in Johannesburg uitgegee
  • Kallaway , P. and Pearson , P. 1986 . Johannesburg: Images and Continuities-A History of Working-Class Life through Pictures, 1885–1935 Johannesburg Kyk bv.
  • 1983 . Social Dynamics , 9 : 1 ‘Report on the Third History Workshop Conference’, 109;Bozzoli, Labour, Townships and Protest 4;Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal 4–5;Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict xiii, xvii; Bonner et al., Holding their Ground iv
  • Smith, The Changing Past, 165
  • Bozzoli, Labour, Townships and Protest, 3;Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 320
  • Callinicos , L. 1989 . ‘Intellectuals, Popular History and Worker Education’ . Perspectives in Education , 11 : 1 57
  • Hofmeyr . ‘Exploring Experiential Testimony’, 1
  • Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 67;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 35
  • Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten?, 21;Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal 6
  • 1986 . Rural Transformations in Industrializing South Africa: The Southern Highveld to 1914 Johannesburg Tim Keegan het bv. in sy gepubliseerde proefskrifen in sy jongste werk Facing the Storm: Portraits of Black Lives in Rural South Africa (Kaapstad en Johannesburg, 1988) ruim van hierdie ingesamelde inligting gebruik gemaak
  • Manson , A. , Cachalia , D. and Sideris , C. 1985 . ‘Oral History Speaks Out’ . Social Dynamics , 11 : 2 1;B. Bozzoli, ‘Migrant Women and South African Social Change: Biographical Approaches to Social Analysis’, African Studies 44,1 (1985), 87–8;Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict 51,63–4 n. 18;Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 67;Smith, The Changing Past 166–7
  • Peires , J. B. and Vansina , J. 1985 . Oral Tradition as History Londen in South African Historical Journal 18 (1986), 266;J. Ki-Zerbo, ‘Oral Traditions as a Historical Source’. The Unesco Courier (Apr. 1990), 43–6
  • Van Onselen, New Babylon, vol. 2, New Nineveh.
  • Marks, ‘Towards a People's History’. 308
  • Smith, The Changing Past, 185;kyk ook L. Vail, resensie in African Economic History 13 (1984), 197
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 35;ook W. (Bill) Freund, resensie in African Studies 44, 2 (1985), 204–5;EJ. Carruthers, resensie in South African Historical Journal 17 (1985), 129–30
  • Marks , S. 1987 . “ red. ” . In ‘Not Either an Experimental Doll’: The Separate Worlds of Three South African Women Durban en Pietermaritzburg
  • Edgar , R. 1988 . Because they Chose the Plan of God: The Story of the Bulhoek Massacre Johannesburg
  • La , P. 1988 . “ Hausse ” . In Brewers, Beerhalls and Boycotts: A History of Liquor in South Africa Johannesburg
  • Keegan, Facing the Storm. Kyk Robert Morrell se resensie oor die publikasie in South African Historical Journal, 22 (1990), 202
  • Marks , S. and Atmore , A. “ reds ” . In Economy and Society in Pre-Industrial South Africa (Londen, 1980)
  • Marks , S. and Rathbone , R. “ reds ” . In Industrialization and Social Change in South Africa (Londen, 1987)
  • Beinart , W. , Delius , P. and Trapido , S. 1986 . “ reds ” . In Putting a Plough to the Ground-Accumulation and Dispossession in Rural South Africa, 1850–1930 Johannesburg
  • Beinart , W. and Bundy , C. 1987 . “ reds ” . In Hidden Struggles in Rural South Africa: Politics and Popular Movements in the Transkei and Eastern Cape, 1890–1930 Johannesburg
  • James , W. G. and Simons , M. 1989 . “ reds ” . In The Angry Divide: Social and Economic History of the Western Cape Kaapstad
  • Die publikasies wat in hierdie paragraaf vermeld word, is nie bedoel om 'n omvattende lys of eksklusiewe kategorie van ‘history from below’-werk te wees nie
  • Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict, xiii
  • Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal, 6
  • Witz, ‘History of the People’, 90. Peter Kallaway verkiaar in sy ongepubliseerde referaat, “The Crisis of History Education in Our Schools’ (aangebied by die konferensie van die SA Historiese Vereniging in Pietermaritzburg, Januarie 1989), onomwonde dat ‘people's history’ eintlik die geskiedenis van die ‘majority of the people’ is (p. 5)
  • Bozzoli, Labour, Townships and Protest, 4;ook N. Southey, ‘Making Southern Africa's Early Past Accessible: Alternative Histories for Schools’, South African Historical Journal 23 (1990). 170
  • Ritter, Dictionary, 324;ook 285–6
  • Opgeneem in Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict, 44–62
  • Callinicos , L. “ Popular History in the Eighties ” . Radical History Review, 46P (1990), 285–97
  • Callinicos , L. 1980 . Gold and Workers , A People's History of South Africa vol. 1, (Johannesburg, envol. 2, Working Life (kyk voetnoot 20 hierbo). Ook Johnstone, resensie in Journal of Southern African Studies 11, 1 (1984), 165
  • Callinicos, WorkmgLife, 7;ook Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal 51;Johnstone, resensie in Journal of Southern African Studies 11, 1 (1984), 167–8;A. Roberts, resensie in Journal of African History 29, 2 (1988), 306
  • Witz, ‘History of the People’, 90
  • Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal, 6
  • Witz, ‘History of the People’, 93. My kursivering
  • Ibid., 91, 94
  • Southey, ‘Making Southern Africa's Early Past Accessible’, 170
  • Callinicos , L. 1989 . ‘New Generation of Worker Authors’ . South African Labour Bulletin , 14 : 5 116;Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict 45;T. Lodge, resensie in African Studies 39, 2 (1980), 236
  • Chapman , M. 1989 . “ red ” . In The Drum Decade: Stories from me 1950s Pietermaritzburg D. van Tonder, resensie in South African Historical Journal 23 (1990), 217
  • Callinicos, ‘New Generation of Worker Authors’, 115–16
  • Callinicos, ‘Intellectuals, Popular History and Worker Education’, 62;ook Callinicos, ‘Popular History in the Eighties’, 295
  • Manson, Cachalia en Sideris, ‘Oral-History Speaks Out’, 11;ook Witz, ‘History of the People’, 90–1;Saunders, ‘Towards Understanding South Africa's Past’, 68
  • Kyk Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict, 54–5, 56
  • Manfred Scharrer (Macht Geschichte von unten?, 17) erken dat ‘history from below’ 'n sterk polemiese karakter het. Staughton Lynd verwys na hierdie faset van ‘popular history’ as 'n soort ‘geurillageskiedskrywing’ waar die werker geleer word om nie net oog te wees nie, maar ook hand, Kyk Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 37. Oor ‘social protest history’ en ‘resistance’ vgl. Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 300;Hobsbawm, ‘From Social History to the History of Society’, 98;Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal 31–4;D J. Roorda, ‘Sociale Geschiedenis: een Situatieschets’, in Geurts en Messing, Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis 56
  • Southey, ‘Making Southern Africa's Early Past Accessible’, 169;R. Sieborger, ‘School History and the Historian in Contemporary South Africa’ (ongepubliseerde referaat aangebied by die konferensie van die SA Historiese Vereniging in Pietermaritzburg, Januarie 1989), 8–10;Bozzoli, Class, Community and Conflict xvii; Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 3
  • Odendaal , A. “ Developments in Popular History in the Western Cape in the 1980s ” . Radical History Review, 46/7 (1990), 374–5
  • Liidtke, Alltapgeschichte, 18
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 42;ook Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64
  • Vgl. Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 325;Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 660, 664;Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 62, 64;Morrell, resensie in South African Historical Journal 22 (1990), 203
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 42–3;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 12;Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 660
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 61–2
  • Letlaka-Rennert , K. resensie in Psychology in Society, 12 (1989), 56;ook persoonlike onderhoud met prof. Andre’ Burgiere, Annales-skool Parys (Frankryk), 21 Sept. 1990
  • Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten?, 24
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 12
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 64
  • Briiggemeier en Kocka, Geschichte von unten, 7;kyk ook Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 117;Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 325;Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 664;Davenport, ‘History in South Africa in the 1980s’, 103
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 37
  • Roorda, ‘Sociale Geschiedenis’, 56, 63
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 62;ook Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 12–13
  • Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 61;ook Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 646–7
  • Keegan, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 667
  • Morrell, resensie in South African Historical Journal, 22 (1990), 203
  • Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’, 100
  • Fredrickson , G. M. 1984 . ‘In Black and White’, 77k: . New Republic , 190 : 8 38;ook Liidtke, Alltagsgeschichte 27;Wehler, ‘Geschichte-von unten gesehen’, 64;S. Jeppie, resensie in Perspectives in Education, 11, 1 (1989), 86;J. Illiffe, ‘Hidden Struggles’, Journal of African History 29, 1 (1988), 126;C. Saunders, resensie in Social Dynamics 8, 2 (1982), 85;Morris, ‘Social History and Transition to Capitalism’, 62
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 43
  • Kyk Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’, 100
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 299, 313
  • Edgecombe , R. “ Popularising the Past ” . Reality, 2,16 (1989), 14
  • Van Jaarsveld, Moderne Geskiedskrywing, 128;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 36, 38
  • Edgecombe, ‘Popularising the Past’, 14;oor die ‘politieke rol’ van ‘oral history’ kyk R. Burman, ‘Participating in the Past? Oral History and Community History in the Work of Manchester Studies’, International Journal of Oral History 5, 2 (1984), 122
  • Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 663
  • 1982 . Social Dynamics , 8 : 2 Saunders, resensie in, 86
  • Morrell, resensie in South African Historical Journal, 22 (1990), 203;ook R. Gray, ‘The Industrialisation of South Africa’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 29,2 (1987), 399–400
  • Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 655
  • Nasson , B. 1989 . resensie in . African Studies , 48 : 1 92
  • Malan , S. F. resensie in Kleio, 20 (1988), 111;HJ. van Aswegen, ‘Nuwe Mites Ewe Erg’, Insig (Nov. 1987), 70. In verband met die verskynsel van oorvereenvoudiging kyk L. Vail, resensie in Journal of Southern African Studies 10, 2 (1984), 293;Verhoef, ‘Neo-Manristiese Historiografie’, 24;Murray, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 660;S. Jones, resensie in Journal of Modem African Studies 24, 2 (1986), 358
  • Van Jaarsveld, ‘Geskiedenis van die Alledaagse Lewe’, 13
  • Eley, ‘Labour History, Social History’, 315, 322
  • Kyk Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten?, 69–70
  • Bozzoli, Town and Countryside in the Transvaal, 7
  • Kyk Rosenhaft, ‘History, Anthropology’ 101
  • Bozzoli , B. 1985 . ‘Migrant Women and South African Social Change’ . African Studies , 44 : 1 Bv., 88;Manson, Cachalia en Sideris, ‘Oral History Speaks Out’, 12;Peires, resensie in South African Historical Journal 18 (1986), 265;Van Jaarsveld, ‘Demokratisering in die Geskiedwetenskap’, 41–2;Scharrer, Macht Geschichte von unten? 68–70;Keegan, ‘Origins of Agrarian Capitalism’, 667–8;F. Hartog, ‘Memory and Time’, The Unesco Courier (Maart 1990), 13–15;B. Jewsiewicki en V.Y. Mudimbe, ‘African History Finds its Voice’, The Unesco Courier (Maart 1990), 40, 42;Ki-Zerbo, ‘Oral Tradition as a Historical Source”, 45–6
  • Ek het tot hierdie gevolgtrekking gekom na gesprekke gedurende September 1990 met akademici in Brittanje (proff. Shula Marks, Andrew Roberts en John Davis), Frankryk (proff. Andrfi Burgiere en Francois Hartog) en die VSA (proff. Peter Stearns, Joel Tarr en Bob Fogelson)
  • Davenport, ‘History in South Africa in the 1980s’, 103
  • Paneelbespreking oor ‘popular history’ tydens die tweejaarlikse konferensie van die SA Historiese Vereniging by Unisa, 24 Jan. 1991
  • Aangehaal deur Ritter, Dictionary, 326. Kyk ook Bozzoli, Labour, Townships and Protest, 4

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