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Improper Intimacy: Afrikaans Churches, the National Party and the Anti-Miscegenation Laws

Pages 55-79 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • Moodie , T. D. 1975 . The Rise of Afrikanerdom: Power, Apartheid, and the Afrikaner Civil Religion Berkeley and Los Angeles Studies concerning the impact of the Afrikaner churches on segregation in South Africa include (J.H.P. Serfontein, Apartheid, Change and the NG Kerk (Emmarentia, 1982);J.A. Templin, The Theological Foundations of Afrikaner Nationalism (London and Westport, 1984);C. Bloomberg (edited by S. Dubow), Christian-Nationalism and the Rise of the Afrikaner-Broederbond in South Africa 1918–48 (Bloomington, 1989);and J. Gerstner, The Thousand Generation Covenant: Dutch Reformed Covenant Theology and Group Identity in Colonial South Africa, 1652–1814 (Leiden, 1991)
  • 1984 . Met Iemand van'n Ander Klew: Beskouings en Wetgewing oor Ontug Cape Town Published works of reasonably recent vintage include D. Joubert's documentary summary,(my The Mixed Marriages Act: An Historical and Theological Study (Cape Town, 1983), a preliminary study of the period up to the passing of this law, and a longer unpublished thesis, “The Mixed Marriages Act (1949): A Theological Critique Based on the Investigation of Legislative Action and Church Responses to this Legislation (MA thesis, University of Cape Town, 1985);the collection of E. de Villiers and J. Kinghorn, Op die Skaal: Gemengde Huwelike en Ontug (Cape Town, 1984);and J.J.C. Mostert's newsclipping anthology, Die Afskaffing van die Wet op Verbod van Gemengde Huwelike en Artikel 16 van die Ontugwet (Bloemfontein, 1986)
  • Scholars must obtain the party's permission in order to have access to these records and must agree to submit for clearance the initial draft of their work before it is published
  • 19 Dec. 1982 . Sunday Express 19 Dec. , In this century a significant Afrikaner minority embraced the pentecostal Apostoliese Geloofsending (Apostolic Faith Mission), which by 1982 had only about 2 000 fewer members than the GK. See.More recently, many Afrikaners joined the ultra-conservative NGK splinter group, the Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Afrikaner Protestant Church)
  • only 5.4% and 2.8% belonged to the NHK and GK respectively. See G.C. Oosthuizen et at, eds, Religion, Intergroup Relations, and Social Change in South Africa (New York, 1988), 22.According to a 1984 study, 37.4% of South African whites belonged to the NGK
  • Moodie . Rise of Afrikanerdom 60 The NHK also refused to participate in the Broederbond-organized wartime campaign, supported by the GK and NGK, to destroy the Smuts government's dual medium educational policy for white schools. See J.H.P. Serfontein, Brotherhood of Power: An Expose' of the Secret Afrikaner Broederbond (Bloomington, 1978), 69–70
  • Apartheid 127 It was, for instance, the first Afrikaans Reformed Church to ordain women. In the nineteenth century the NHK was considered more liberal than the NGK theologically and in ‘moral’ matters, for instance permitting dancing. See Serfontein
  • Woord en Daad See, for instance, the controversial journal, issued by the Afrikaner Calvinist Union, a group of prominent Afrikaner academics based at the GK's Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
  • Serfontein . Apartheid 127;T.D. Moodie, ‘The Dutch Reformed Churches as Vehicles of Political Legitimation in South Africa’, Social Dynamics 1, 2 (1975), 159. Individual GK congregations remained racially exclusive. On the origins of NGK church segregation, see C. Loff, ‘The History of a Heresy’, in J. de Gruchy and C. Villa-Vicencio, eds, Apartheid is a Heresy (Cape Town, 1983), 10–23
  • 1939 . Report of the Commission on Mixed Marriages in South Africa Cape Town Union Government (hereafter UG) 30/939, article 19
  • Heydenrych , J. J.F.C. 1968 . ‘Die Maatskaplike Implikasies by die Toepassing van Artikel 16 van Wet Nr. 23 van 1957’ 4f University of Stellenbosh . Summaries of pre-1910 anti-miscegenation laws are in Report of Mixed Marriages Commission, article 12ff. On English and Dutch-speaking churchmen's role in pressing for such laws, see C van Onselen, ‘Prostitutes and Proletarians, 1886–1914’ in C. van Onselen, Studies in the Social History of the Witwatersrand 1886–1914, vol. 1 (Johannesburg, 1982), 116–50.(MA thesis,. f
  • Report of Mixed Marriages Commission article 78
  • Thorn , H. B. 1980 . D.F. Malan 13 Cape Town
  • Durand , J. and Smit , D. 1988 . “The Afrikaner Churches on War and Violence' ” . In Theology and Violence: The South African Debate Edited by: Villa-Vicencio , C. 32 – 4 . Grand Rapids Decisions of the Council of Churches were largely advisory. Only the 1962 union of regional churches in a general synod gave a national NGK body significant power. See P.B. van der Watt, Die Loedolff-saak en die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, 1862–1962 (Cape Town, 1973)
  • Synod , G. K . 1952 . Handelinge 201 In 1952 this ruling was extended to apply to extra-marital relationships
  • le Roux , J. H. , Coetzer , P. W. and Marais , A. H. 1987 . Generaal J.B.M. Hertzog: Sy Lewe en Stryd 346f – 4 . Johannesburg See f. and esp. 363 and 369
  • 1926 . Debates 1193 – 5 . Roos claimed he was just trying to remove the discriminatory aspects of the old Transvaal legislation which had only punished African men involved in such activity. See South Africa, House of Assembly, col
  • 1927 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 39;Senate, Debates, 1927, col. 46
  • see article 65 of its report.This was the view of the Mixed Marriages Commission
  • van , F. A. , ed. 1980 . Honderd Basiese Dokumente by die Studie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis 1648–1961 232 Cape Town See ‘Program van Beginsels van die Verenigde Party, 5 Desember 1934’, in! Jaarsveld, ed., and ‘Bylae B: Program van Beginsels van die Nasionale Party van die Unie, 1936’, in J.H. le Roux and P.W. Coetzer, Die Nasionale Party Deel 3: Die Eerste Bewindsjare 1924–1934 (Bloemfontein, 1982,639
  • Furlong , P. 1991 . Between Crown and Swastika: The Impact of the Radical Right on the Afrikaner Nationalist Movement in the Fascist Era London and Hanover On the impact of anti-Semitism and Nazi ideology on the NP between 1933 and 1948, see (H. Simson, The Social Origins of Afrikaner Fascism and its Apartheid Policy (Stockholm, 1980);and D. O'Meara, Volkskapitalisme: Class, Capital and Ideology in the Development of Afrikaner Nationalism 1934–1948 (Cambridge, 1983)
  • von , W. L. and Scholtz , R. “ makes a convincing case for such an intellectual lineage and for the indirect influence of National Socialism on the growing stress on racial purity in the NP. See his ‘Die Rol van Politieke Opvattinge en Sosiaal-Ekonomiese Faktore in die Ontstaan van die Wette’ ” . In Op die Skoal Edited by: Villiers , De and Kinghorn . 13 – 19 . in.On Cronjé's influence on Afrikaner thought, see J.M. Coetzee, The Mind of Apartheid: Geoffrey Cronjé 1907-', Social Dynamics 17, 1 (June 1991), 1–35
  • in Natal, only a tiny number of coloured men had the vote, and in the interior provinces only whites had ever enjoyed the franchise.By 1931, whereas mixed race Cape men could still vote on the common roll, if they met property and educational qualifications, all adult white Cape men and women could vote
  • van Zyl Papers , D. H. 1937 . Minutes 27 Cape Archives Depot, Cape Town, Senator Cape National Party Congress
  • 1934 . Handelinge , 90 : 147 Orange Free State NGK Synod
  • Ibid. 65
  • 1943 . Handelinge 60 – 3 . Anti-Semitic reports on the ‘Jewish Question’ were tabled at meetings of the NGK's umbrella body, the Council of Churhes, and Council of Churches, 1945Handelinge, 40–51.Regular reports on the threat of ‘Communism’ and one on 'Class Division in our Volk Life' (Council of Churches, 1945Handelinge, 51–9) show recurring concern with poor Afrikaners
  • Furlong . Between Crown and Swastika 99 – 102 . On the by then almost obsessive nature of PNP interest in race, see
  • 1935 . Handelinge 98 NGK Council of Churches,.See also detailed press statements on NP race policy, summarizing the key Sauer Report on apartheid in Die Burger, 29 and 30 Mar. 1948. Compare with the 1934 programme of principles in Le Roux and Coetzer, Die Nasionale Party Deel 3, 639. For a more detailed exposition of the view that the NGK led the formulation of apartheid, see S. Ritner, ‘Salvation through Separation: The Role of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa in the Formulation of Afrikaner Race Ideology’ (PhD thesis, Columbia University, 1971, esp. 135–76, covering the period 1930–1945
  • 1936 . Handelinge 244 Cape NGK Synod,.Instead of the usual Afrikaans word for ‘coloured’–in the sense of mixed race–kleurling, a less common term, gekleurdes, with broader connotations, was used. As the synod certainly intended to include Africans in their resolution, I have translated this word to have the wider meaning of persons not considered “white'
  • Report of Mixed Marriages Commission art. 80. Regional synodical commissions ran the church between synod meetings
  • Ibid. art. 66;House of Assembly, Debates, 1936, col. 2642–7 and 2863–86
  • Noakes , J. and Pridham , G. , eds. 1984 . Nazism 1919–1945: A Documentary Reader Vol. 2 , 535 – 6 . Exeter See Document 403 in, eds
  • 1937 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 533
  • Paton , A. 1964 . Hofmeyr Cape Town Report of Mixed Marriages Commission, art. 80. On Hofmeyr's career as a liberal working inside the government, see
  • 1937 . Handelinge 33 – 4 . reproduced in OFS NGK Synod : 8 Aug. 1936 . Van Huyssteen to Hofmeyr,.See also correspondence of J.P. van der Spuy, scribe of NGK Council of Churches, with Secretary of Interior, 31 Mar. 1937 and 8 Apr. 1937, reproduced in NGK Council of Churches, 1939, Handelinge, 39–40. The scribe was the equivalent of synod secretary
  • 1937 . Handelinge 34 – 5 . OFS NGK Synod
  • 1937 . Handelinge 24 NGK Council of Churches
  • 1937 . Handelinge 37 OFS NGK Synod
  • Pienaar , S. W. and Scholtz , J. J.J. , eds. 1964 . Glo in U Volh Dr D.F. Malan as Redenaar 1908–1954 237 – 30 . Cape Town See, for instance, speeches in, eds, 110
  • Strijdom to Van Huyssteen, 20 Jan. 1938, cited in J.L. Basson, J.G. Strijdom: Sy Politieke Loopbaan van 1929 tot 1948 (Pretoria, 1980), 168.Van Huyssteen to Strijdom, 2 Sep. 1937
  • Ibid. 168 – 9 .
  • 1937 . Report of the Commission of Inquiry Regarding the Cape Coloured Population of the Union 124 – 8 . Union of South Africa, UG 54/1937, articles 121 and
  • Report of Mixed Marriages Commission articles 131ff;see also A.H. van Wyk, ‘Die Funksionering van die Wette in Ons Regspraktyk’, in De Villiers and Kinghom, Op die Skoal, 79
  • Report of Mixed Marriages Commission 73 – 5 . articles
  • 1940 . Ibid art. 81and ‘Verslag van Algemene Sinodale Kommissie’, OFS NGK Synod, Handelinge, 4
  • Report of Mixed Marriages Commission 82 – 3 . articles
  • Van der Merwe . Die Huwelik 253
  • Walshe , P. 1987 . The Rise of African Nationalism in South Africa 269 – 70 . Cape Town On Smuts's short-lived liberalism, see
  • 1939 . Handelinge 19 – 21 . NGK Council of Churches
  • 1941 . Handelinge 98 NGK Council of Churches
  • 1940 . Handelinge 4 ‘Verslag van Algemene Sinodale Kommissie’, OFS NGK Synod
  • 1940 . Handelinge 443 OFS NGK Synod
  • 1940 . Handelinge Cape NGK Synod, 155 and 233
  • Durand and Smit . ‘The Afrikaner Churches on War and Violence’ 40 – 42 .
  • Greenberg , S. 1980 . Race and State in Capitalist Development 177 New Haven
  • 1944 . Handelinge 324 – 6 . Transvaal NGK Synod
  • Ibid 326
  • Pelzer , A. N. 1980 . Die Afrikaner-Broeaerbond: Eerste 50 Jaar, , 2nd ed. 164 (Cape Town,.Exmember of the NGK general synod moderature, Frans O'Brien Geldenhuys, held that nearly the entire post-1948 cabinets and a majority of Afrikaans Reformed ministers were Bond members. See In die Stroomversnellings: Vyftig Jacr van die NG Kerk (Cape Town, 1982), 58–9. Most members of Afrikaans Reformed moderatures and theological faculties were members. See Serfontein, Brotherhood of Power, 92–3. The GK was at first the most influential Afrikaner church in the Bond, but after Sharpeville, although it remained a Bond stronghold, the NHK was the most thoroughly Bond-controlled church. See Bloomberg, Christian-Nationalism, 49–50
  • Serfontein . Brotherhood of Power 46 – 7 .
  • Lombard , R. T.J. 1974 . ‘Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk en Rassepolitiek met Spesiale Verwysing na die Jare 1948–1961’ 82 – 3 . University of South Africa . (DLitt et Phil thesis,.See also Cape NGK Synod, 1949Handelinge, 297;.OFS NGK Synod, 1948, Handelinge, 129;Natal NGK Synod, 1948, Handelinge, 82
  • Lipton , M. 1985 . Capitalism and Apartheid 274 – 7 . Aldershot
  • 1945 . Handelinge Cape NGK Synod, 353;NGK Council of Churches, 1947, Handelinge, 56
  • Botha , P. W. 1947 . Aanvalle op Dr. Malan oor sy Kleurbeleid: Wanvoorstetllings en die Feite 4 Johannesburg In 1948 the Natal NGK Synod also condemned government proposals for direct representation of Indians on city councils. The young P.W. Botha attacked Hofmeyr in an NP pamphlet for advocating the eventual representation of Africans and Indians in parliament by their own people
  • 1948 . Handelinge 197 Natal NGK Synod,.Note the common use of verbastering in contemporary church records rather than the less offensive word for miscegenation, rassevermenging.
  • 1948 . Handelinge 412 OFS NGK Synod
  • 1949 . Handelinge 298 ‘A40, Verslag van die Kommissie ter Bestryding van Maatskaplike Euwels', Cape NGK Synod
  • 1949 . Handelinge 313 GK Synod
  • 1949 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 4695
  • 1950 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 2163ff
  • Furlong . The Mixed Marriages Act 35 – 58 . See for a detailed discussion of the response to the Act. On the response of the Catholic bishops, see G. Abraham, The Catholic Church and Apartheid: The Response of the Catholic Church in South Africa to the First Decade of National Party Rule 1948–1957 (Johannesburg, 1989), 28–30;on the mainline English-speaking Protestant churches, see A Paton, Apartheid and the Archbishop: The Life and Times of Geoffrey Clayton (Cape Town, 1973), 2;C. Villa-Vicencio, Trapped in Apartheid: A Socio-Theological History of the English-Speaking Churches (New York, 1988), 78–9
  • The Torch 2 May 1949;see also ibid, 16 May, 6 June and 25 July 1949. The pro-UP Sun (6 May 1949) was more ambivalent, but considered the bill humiliating and degrading
  • 1949 . Handelinge 29 Cape NGK Synod
  • 1949 . Handelinge 196 Transvaal NGK Synod
  • Keet , B. B. 1956 . Whither-South Africa? Edited by: Marquard , N. Stellenbosch and Grahamstown See, for instance, (transl.), (and A.S. Geyser, B J. Marais et al. Delayed Action An Ecumenical Witness from the Afrikaans-Speaking Church (Pretoria, 1961). Ritner argues that in the 1950s the church was ahead of the party in the area of race doctrine, but her examples focus not on the churches, but individuals, mainly known dissidents or at least verligtes (‘enlightened’ Afrikaners, relative moderates but not really recognizably liberal), and most of her cases are from the end of the decade and the early 1960s: Ritner, Salvation Through Separation, 222
  • Kenney , H. 1991 . Power, Pride and Prejudice: The Years of Afrikaner Nationalist Rule in South Africa 102 Johannesburg
  • 1957 . Debates 83 – 85 . Union of South Africa, Senate, col. 2380. On the legal details of enforcing the 1957 law, see Van Wyk, ‘Die Funksionering van die Wette in Ons Regspraktyk’
  • 1962 . Debates 1533 – 4 . See Helen Suzman's introductory speech in opposing the second reading of the Immorality Amendment Bill in House of Assembly, col
  • Ibid. col. 1541 and 3143–5;on SABRA and Botha's committee, see D. and J. de Villiers, PW (Cape Town, 1984), 81–2
  • Liebenberg , J. P. 8 June 1949 . “ ‘Raad vir Jongmense’, in ” . In Die Kerkbode 8 June , 1472 – 4 .
  • The GK never joined the larger and more mainstream World Alliance of Reformed Churches, while the theologically more flexible NHK was not a member of the staunchly Catvinist RES
  • This RES committee included W.J. Snyman and B.J. Marais of the NGK and S. du Toit of the GK
  • 1958 . Acts 144 Potchefctroom RES
  • 1960 . Cottestoe Consultation: Report of the Consultation among South African Member Churches of the World Council of Churches 79 Johannesburg For the NHK statement, see
  • Ibid. 75
  • Lückhoff , A. H. 1978 . Cottestoe 116 Cape Town
  • 1961 . Handelinge 273 ‘Nadere Verklaring’, Cape NGK Synod,.See also Transvaal NGK Synod, 1961Handelinge, 379–81. The 1951 Transvaal synod had agreed that 'separate development' was indeed in accordance with scripture: Handelinge, 161
  • 19 Dec. 1982 . Rapport 19 Dec. , As late as 1982, when the NHK told the government not to make any changes in the miscegenation laws, observers noted the total lack of references to scripture in the NHK argument, which took for granted that apartheid was the only reasonable policy in the South African context, see.See also Bloomberg, Christian-Nationalism, 50
  • Lückhoff . Cottesloe 128ff
  • Apartheid 107 – 9 . Serfontein
  • van Wyk , D. J.C. Dr , ed. Feb. 1977 . Feb. , See NHK General Commission, 'Getuienis', supplement to Die Hervormer, provided by courtesy of, editor of Die Hervormer
  • 5 Aug. 1988 . Cape Times 5 Aug. ,
  • 1965 . Studiestukke oar Rasse-Aangeleenthede van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika met die Besluite van die Sinode van die Kaapse Kerk vir Voorlegging aan die Algemene Sinode van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk 10 – 11 . Cape Town NGK in SA [Cape NGK]
  • Ibid. 4 and 56
  • 1966 . Human Relations in South Africa 9 – 10 . Cape Town NGK General Synod
  • 1968 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 998ff
  • Lipton . Capitalism and Apartheid 313
  • Geldenhuys , O'Brien . In die Stroomversnellings 70 A.P. Treurnicht had been assigned to the rejected committee, but resigned to enter politics as editor of the NP daily, Hoofstad
  • 1974 . Handelinge ‘Reformed Ecumenical Synod : 246–7) with those of Lunteren in Cape NG Information Bureau . Compare, for example, the decisions on mixed marriages (NGK General Synod, 1968 Resolutions on Race Relations' (mimeographed), 2, provided by Ds. Lafras Moolman, Cape NGK Director of Information
  • 1974 . Handelinge 248 NGK General Synod
  • 1975 . Human Relations and the South African Scene in the Light of Scripture Cape Town and Pretoria NGK General Synod, par. 65
  • 1976 . Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Matters relating to the Coloured Population Group 487 – 8 . Cape Town Republic of South Africa, RP 38/1976
  • 1977 . White Paper on the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Matters relating to the Coloured Population Group 6 Cape Town Republic of South Africa, WPD'77,.See also par. 64.2 of the official English translation of Ras, Volk en Nasie (Human Relations and the South African Scene)
  • 1978 . Survey of Pace Relations in South Africa 43 – 52 . South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), 32 (Johannesburg,. 51
  • 1978 . Debates House of Assembly, col. 867
  • Lipton . Capitalism and Apartheid 318 – 19 .
  • 1979 . Survey , 33 : 73 SAIRR
  • Nov. 1979 . Apartheid Nov. , 6 – 32 . See, for instance, Serfontein, 158ff.,Woord en Daad and the NG Mission Church organ Die Ligdraer (16 Oct. 1979. 234
  • 1980 . Survey , 34 : 71 – 2 . SAIRR
  • 1980 . Debates 228 – 31 . House of Assembly, col
  • 1978 . Minutes 172 – 3 . See Methodist Church of Southern Africa, Annual Conference,;1979, Minutes, 183–4;and 1980, Minutes, 190–1. Also ‘Report of Church and Society Department’ (mimeographed), 1980, 5 (provided by courtesy of Wolfram Kistner) and ‘Minutes of Executive Commission’ in Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (PCSA), Papers for General Assembly, 1981, 4
  • 1982 . PCSA, Papers for General Assembly 31
  • Lipton . Capitalism and Apartheid 313 – 14 .
  • Private communication from an official of the South African Council of Churches
  • 1981 . Proceedings and Decisions PCSA General Assembly, 202;‘Report of Church and Society Department to United Congregational Church of South Africa Assembly’ (mimeographed), 1981, 20–1;Church of the Province of Southern Africa, Provincial Synod, 1982, Acts and Resolutions, 50–1;and majority decision of NG Mission Church General Synodical Commission, meeting 15–17 Mar. 1983, reported in Die Ligdraer, 1 Apr. 1983, 77
  • 27 Nov. 1981 . Ecunews 27 Nov. , 7 – 9 .
  • 17 Dec. 1982 . Beeld 17 Dec. , citing Die Hervormer.See also the pro-status quo position upheld in NHK General Church Assembly, 1983Handelinge, 367–9 and ‘Memorandum van die Kommissie van die Algemene Kerkvergadering van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika oor die Wet op Gemengde Huwelike en die Bepaling cor Ontug tussen Blank en Nie-Blank’ (mimeographed report), provided by courtesy of Ds. P.M. Smith, NHK Director of Church Information. At the 1983 assembly, only long-time NHK dissident Prof. J.A. Loader voted against retaining this position (private communication from Prof. Loader)
  • 17 Dec. 1982 and 7 Nov. 1984 . Beeld 17 Dec. 1982 and 7 Nov. , Rapport, 19 Dec. 1982. GK policy and a 1985 decision, repeating that of 1979 almost verbatim, are summarized in the GK organ Die Kerkblad, 24 Apr. 1985. The 1985 decision noted that only marriages between Jews and those of other faiths (not races) were condemned in the bible. On NHK and GK policy, see D.E. de Villiers, ‘Kerklike Standpunte Sedert die Instelling van die Wette’, in De Villiers and Kinghom, Op die Skaal, 67–9
  • Ibid 64
  • Minority Report, 1982 General Synod, art. 7.2.2 (mimeographed), provided by courtesy of Ds. Lafras Moolman
  • Handelinge 311 – 12 . Majority decision of 1982 NGK General Synod (original unpublished);by courtesy of Ds. Moolman
  • 1 June 1983 . Die Ligdraer 1 June , 137
  • 1 Dec. 1983 . Ibid 1 Dec. , 292
  • 5 Apr. 1983 . Die Afrikaner 5 Apr. ,
  • 20 Sep. 1984 . Die Vaderland 20 Sep. , Cape Times, 8 Feb. 1985;Natal Witness, 8 Feb. 1985
  • Akenson , D. H. 1992 . God's Peoples: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel and Ulster 301 Ithaca
  • Upton . Capitalism and Apartheid 319
  • Mostert , ed. Afskaffing van die Wet op Verbod van Gemengde Huwelilce 158 – 215 . For these developments, see
  • 16 Apr. 1985 . Natal Mercury 16 Apr. ,
  • 2 May 1985 . Ecunews 2 May , 8
  • 5 June 1985 . Die Afrikaner 5 June ,
  • 21 May 1985 . Beeld 21 May ,
  • 20 Aug. 1984 . The Star 20 Aug. , on the growing gap in the attitudes of these groups, see Akenson, God's Peoples, 297–300
  • 1986 . Kerk en Samelewing: 'n Getuienis van die Ned Geref. Kerk soos Aanvaar deur die Algemene Sinode van die Ned. Geref. Kerk Bloemfontein NGK General Synod, par. 368
  • Ibid. par. 306
  • De Gruchy and Villa-Vicencio . Apartheid is a Heresy 173 – 5 . See ‘Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk, 1982: Statement on the WARC Decision’ and ‘Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk: Resolution on the WARC Decision’, in 183–4
  • Durand and Smit . “ ‘The Afrikaner Churches on War and Violence’ ” . In Kerk en Samelewing 46 – 7 . par. 310–25 and 375–8. The synod condemned pro-sanctions activity and civil disobedience (par. 315 and 325). See also
  • Ibid par. 265–70 and 112
  • Serfontein . Apartheid 191 – 2 . D. Bosch, 'The Fragmentation of Afrikanerdom and the Afrikaner Churches', in C. Villa-Vicencio and J. de Gruchy, eds, Resistance and Hope: South African Essays in Honour of Beyers Naudi (Grand Rapids, 1985), 71
  • Esterhuyse , W. 1981 . Apartheid Must Die Cape Town See such landmark works as (N. Smith, F. O'Brien Geldenhuys and P. Meiring, eds, Stormkompas (Cape Town, 1981);and D. Bosch, A. Konig and W. Nicol, eds, Perspektief op die Ope Brief (Cape Town, 1982). In November 1990 some NGK leaders joined other churches in still more explicitly rejecting apartheid and socio-economic injustice. See J. de Gruchy, ‘From Cottesloe to Rustenburg and Beyond: The Rustenburg Conference in Historical Perspective’ and ‘Documentation: Rustenburg Declaration-National Conference of Churches in South Africa, November 1990’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 74 (Mar. 1991), 21–34 and 64–71;also W. Jonker, ‘Understanding the Church Situation and Obstacles to Christian Witness in South Africa’, in L. Alberts and F. Chikane, The Road to Rustenburg: The Church Looking Forward to a New South Africa (Cape Town, 1991), 87–98
  • Villa-Vicencio , C. “ ‘An All-Pervading Heresy” . In Apartheid is a Heresy Edited by: De Gruchy and Villa-Vicencio . 71 See in. State indifference to the stance of the Afrikaans churches on many moral issues also showed their growing political irrelevance as the NP ceased to be a strictly ethnic party, giving pragmatic and economic considerations priority over ‘traditional’ Afrikaner morality. The government did not object to casinos and soft pornography in the ‘independent’ homelands;a lottery-style defence bond pool and relaxed censorship were also pushed through over the objections of the Afrikaans churches

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