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The ‘Walkover’ That Wasn't: ‘Miscalculation’ and the ‘Unnecessary’ South African War

Pages 106-129 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • Schreuder , D. M. 1969 . Gladstone and Kruger 134 – 60 . London See (see also Hansard, 3rd series, CCLXIII, col. 1855: Gladstone's remarks
  • Hancock , W. K. 1962 . Smuts: The Sanguine Years, 1870–1919 Cambridge (106;JohnBright's anti-war images, from Crimean times, had remained an inspiration to Liberal anti-imperialists
  • 1901. . See, for example, Public Record Office (hereafter PRO), Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(1), f. 170, Kitchener to Brodrick, 26 Apr.
  • Bourne , K. 1970 . The Foreign Policy of Victorian England, 1830–1902 Oxford (ch. 5
  • Hancock , W. L. and van der Poel , J. 1966–73 . Selections from the Smuts Papers Vol. 1 , 322 – 9 . Cambridge eds, (vol., esp. 326, memo by Smuts, secret, 4 Sep. 1899;see also Hancock, Smuts The Sanguine Years, 104–5, 107–12
  • Breytenbach , J. H. Die Geskiedenis van die Tweede Vreyheidsoorlog in Suid-Afrika, 1899–1902 See, 2 vols (Pretoria, 1969–1971), vol. 1, 152–3, 156–8. This denies that the Boer strategy was one of deep penetration and contradicts the general British interpretation of the Times History;see C.J. Barnard, Generaal Louis Botha op die Natalse Front, 1899–1900 (Cape Town, 1970), ch. 2, and pp. 17–43, passim. Deneys Reitz and the rank-and-file burghers believed the sea was the objective: D. Reitz, Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War (London, 1929), 26
  • Barnard . Botha 17–43, passim;for a British verdict on the ‘aimless’ and ‘futile’ bombardment of Ladysmith, see BL, Add. MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) (5)58 W.O., memo Artillery in War
  • See Hancock and Van der Poel, Smuts Papers, vol. 1, 623–4
  • Ibid., 147–309, passim, and esp. 179
  • 1899. . For this impression of Milner at Bloemfontein, see ibid., 242, Smuts to his wife, 1 June
  • 1900 . National Army Museum (hereafter NAM), Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45, Milner to Roberts, 21 June; see also copy in Bodleian Library, Milner Papers, MP 15, f. 159. On Milner's role see Hancock, Smuts: The Sanguine Years, ch. 1 ‘Commitment’, G.H.L.le May, British Supremacy in South Africa (Oxford, 1965). ch. 1 ‘Sir Alfred Milner's War’
  • 1899 . Milner attended the Bloemfontein Conference in June only because Britain should ‘seem to be forced into war’: Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner), f. 137, Milner to Selborne, 17 May 1899. Significantly these crucial words were omitted by the tendentious editor C. Headlam, The Milner Papers, 2 vols (London, 1931), vol. 1, 384, 17th line of letter. Consequently he broke up the conference when he felt he had ‘a clear issue’. On his influence at Middelburg see below; on ‘boshing’ or ‘pouring cold water’ on conferences aimed at reducing tension, see Headlm, Milner Papers, vol. 1, 304–06, 358–9. Milner to Hely Hutchinson, 23 Feb. and 8 May 1899
  • 1900. . Bodleian Library, Milner Papers, MP 183, f.72, Milner to Chamberlain, copy, 4 Apr.
  • 1899. . Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner), f. 158, Milner to Selborne, 14 June Frere had unsuccessfully attempted to federate South Africa in 1878–9 upon the basis of a sudden victory (unfulfilled in the event) over the Zulu
  • 1899. . BL, Add. MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) 4(5) 49, Lansdowne to Salisbury, 26 Aug.
  • 1899 . This is certainly the impression conveyed by Salisbury's denial that he had either mentioned, or wished to apply, the principle of the Sybilline Books attributed to him by Chamberlain: BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) (5)57 (W.O.S.A. War 77), confidential memo for the Cabinet, by Salisbury, 5 Sep. see also Balfour's cautionary advice to Chamberlain: BL, Add.MSS. Balfour Papers, 49773, f. 162–5, Balfour to Chamberlain, copy, 6 May 1899, questioning Milner's ‘exceptional measures’ and suggesting milder enforceable demands for viable municipal institutions. For the view that Salisbury was ultimately determined to assert British supremacy, see A. Porter, Origins of the South African War (Manchester, 1980), passim, esp. 264–7
  • 1964 . Lord Salisbury and Foreign Policy 249 London On the Cabinet attitude in June, July and August, see J.A.S. Grenville.
  • See the reference in the Campbell-Bannerman Papers in note above
  • 1886 . Milner 78 London From (and never discounting the death of his mother's Anglo-Irish first husband in earlier agrarian outrage in Mayo) until his own last-ditch opposition to Asquithian Home Rule, Milner was an implacable Unionist: see T.O'Brien, (1979, passim, esp., 240–55;on Chamberlain and Ireland, see J.L. Garvin, The Life of Joseph Chamberlain, vol. 3 (London, 1934), passim;‘fateful partnership’ is a phrase of Grenville, Salisbury an Foreign Policy, 236–7
  • Matthew , H. C. G. 1973 . The Liberal Imperialists 62 – 90 . Oxford See (passim.
  • See Grenville, Salisbury and Foreign Policy, 235–433, passim.
  • Ibid, ch. 10;see also Hove Public Library, Wolseley Papers, W/W 4/48, Lord Wolseley to Sir George Wolseley, 16 Feb. 1899
  • At first the threat in China seemed to Boer advantage, but the need to relieve the legations led to a flurry that drew attention from South Africa: BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood), WO L (5) 48 (62), Lansdowne to Roberts, copy, PS., 8 June 1900;ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne. 28 June 1900;ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, copy, 14 July 1900
  • See Grenville, Salisbury and Foreign Policy, 147–98;on the consequent improvement of Anglo-German relations, see the Kaiser's comments to Balfour: BL, Add.MSS, Balfour Papers, 49691, f.74, memo by Balfour, for Salisbury, of a conversation with the German Emperor, 28 Nov. 1899
  • Ibid., ff. 66–74
  • 1899. . See Hancock and Van der Poel, Smuts Papers, vol. 1, 329, memo by Smuts, 4 Sep.
  • 1900 . On the implementation of the Roberts strategy, see BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood), WO L (5) 42(62). Roberts to Lansdowne 5–6 Feb., 6 Feb., 9 Feb., 16 Feb., 22 Feb., 28 Feb., 5 Mar., 16 Mar. 1900
  • 1901. . NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 26 June
  • 1901. . PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(2), ff. 263–4, Kitchener to Brodrick, 5 July There are numerous other descriptions of the scheme and of its alleged efficacy in Kitchener's correspondence
  • Martin , A. C. 1957 . The Concentration Camps Cape Town See (Explaining the Middelburg negotiation, Kitchener reported: ‘They [the Boers] evidently don't like their women being brought in and I think it has made them more anxious for peace.’ NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 28 Feb. 1901;see also Hancock and Van Der Poel, Smuts Papers, vol. 1, 465–8, Smuts to W.T. Stead, 4 Jan. 1902
  • Headlam . Milner Papers vol. 2 , 401 Milner to a friend, Oct. 1902
  • May , Le . British Supremacy 33;Hancock and Van der Poel, Smuts Papers, vol. 1, 147–310. passim, esp. Smuts's correspondence with Hofmeyr
  • 1898 . Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner). f. 87, Milner to Selborne. 9 May; also quoted in Headlam, Milner Papers, vol. 1, 232–5
  • 1900. . NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45, Milner to Roberts, 21 June
  • Wilde , R. H. 1956 . Archives Year Book for South African History Vol. 1 , 28 – 38 . Pretoria See, ‘Joseph Chamberlain and the South African Republic’, (vol.;on ‘suzerainty’, see ibid., 21, 50, 69–72, 81–3;J.S. Marais, The Fall of Kruger's Republic (Oxford, 1961), 140–5;on ‘suzerainty’, see ibid., 125–6, 195–200. In 1884 Lord Derby significantly deleted the entire suzerainty preamble of 1881 in the working document for the 1884 convention: see Schreuder. Gladstone and Kruger, 433–4
  • 1898 . Milner early denounced the conventions in these terms: Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner), ff. 82–3, Milner to Selborne, confidential, 9 May;‘ultimate appeal to Caesar, ie the British Government’ appears to have been first used by Conyngham Greene: ibid, f 79, Greene to Milner, copy, 25 Feb. 1898
  • 1899 . Only in July did the Colonial Office re-appraise the long-term implications of probable Uitlander voting statistics: Wilde, ‘Chamberlain and the South African Republic’, 112–13;see also BL, Add.MSS, Balfour Papers, 49717, f. 69, citing the Staats Almanack statistic of white population for the Transvaal as 288 750 and adding significantly: ‘N.B. All population estimates are most untrustworthy.’
  • See the implied confession in Pretoria Archives, Milner Papers, Photostat F.K. 13 1102, p. 1420, Milner to Hely Hutchinson, 24 Aug. 1899, in which Milner blames the British public for over-concentrating on the ‘letter’, rather than ‘spirit’ of his franchise proposals. The significance is not lost on Headlam, Milner Papers, vol. 1, 520, who deliberately omits this loaded phrasing
  • 1969 . On these later miscalculations, see M. Streak, ‘Lord Milner's Immigration Policy for the Transvaal, 1897–1905’ (MA thesis, Rand Afrikaans University., passim, esp. 57–61
  • Pakenham , T. 1979 . The Boer War Johannesburg and London
  • 1899 . See BL, Campbell-Bannerman Papers, 41224, f 95, Ripon to Campbell-Bannerman, confidential, 30 Sep.: ‘The game of bluff appears to have failed.’
  • Library , Bodleian . 1899. . Selborne Papers, Envelope 9 (Chamberlain), f 64. Chamberlain to Selborne, secret, 14 Aug.
  • Ibid., ff. 69–70, Chamberlain to Selborne, secret, 5 Oct. 1899;see BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) (5)57 (WO S.A. War 77), note by Chamberlain to Lansdowne, 28 July 1899, on memo by Wolseley, 27 July 1899
  • 1900. . BL, Add.MSS, Balfour Papers, 49773, ff. 190–91, Chamberlain to Balfour, 7 Jan.
  • 1896 . PRO, Ardagh Papers, 30/40/16, Remarks on the Present Strategical Situation in South Africa, by ‘E.A.’ [Altham], 11 June, Intelligence Survey, secret;ibid., E. Altham, Frontier Defence in South Africa in a War against the Dutch Republics; ibid., E. Altham, Selection of a Line of Advance against the Transvaal, 3 June 1899;ibid., J. Ardagh, Military Notes on the Dutch Republics of South Africa (revised June 1899);ibid., Memo by Everett for D.M.I, 28 Sep. 1899, estimating Boer strength on the Natal Front
  • 1896. . See BL, Add.MSS. Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) 5(60) WO. South Africa 1896–7, questions by Chamberlain in appendix to note from Chamberlain to Lansdowne, Mar.
  • 1896 . Ibid., memo by Northcote in answer to Chamberlain's questions, 11 July, with further observations in minute by Buller and Wood, 15 July 1896;ibid., memo in reply, by Chamberlain, 15 July 1896
  • 1896 . For Lansdowne's and Salisbury's dampening attitude, see ibid., memo by Lansdowne submitting answers to Chamberlain, 15 July ibid., memo by Salisbury, 23 July 1896;Marais, Kruger ‘s Republic, 116–18;Rhodes House. Graham Bower Memoir, MSS Afr. S 63, pp. 94–101
  • 1899. . PRO. Ardagh Papers, 30/40/16. memo by E. Altham. 3 June Selection of a Line of Advance against the Transvaal, 7
  • 1899 . BL. Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) (5) 57 (W.O. S.A. War 77). memo on Various Local Forces, by Lansdowne, 3 Oct., p. 2
  • 1908 . For Ardagh's woes, see PRO, Ardagh Papers, 30/40/16. Notes by Lady Malmesbury (Ardagh's wife). 16 Jan. ibid., 30/40/3, f. 78, Bigge to Ardagh, 14Nov. 1899, sympathizing with his indignation at ‘irresponsible attacks against the Intelligence Department'for Lansdowne having had enough of the War Office, see BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62), Lansdowne to Roberts, 5 Oct. and 1 Nov. 1900 and ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 25 Oct. 1900, sympathizing with ‘the extremely unfair manner in which the War Office has been attacked’
  • 1899. . Hove Public Library, Wolseley Papers, W/W 4/97, Lord Wolseley to Sir George Wolseley, 13 July
  • 1904 . See Royal Commission on the War in South Africa (RCWSA), British Parliamentary Papers, XL (Cd 1789), p. 22
  • 1899. . Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, SS 4/14 (2065), correspondence with Cabinet, F. Buller to Lansdowne, 30 Sep.
  • 1899. . PRO, Ardagh Papers, 30/40/3, f. 84, Charles à Court to Ardagh, 26 Nov.
  • 1899 . BL, Add.MSS, Balfour Papers, 49773, ff. 163–75, Balfour to Chamberlain, 6 May and 2 Oct. E. Drus, ‘Select Documents from the Chamberlain Papers, concerning Anglo-Transvaal Relations, 1896–1899’, Bulletin of the Institute for Historical Research, 27, 76 (Nov. 1954), 189, note 3, quoting Salisbury to Lansdowne, 30 Aug. 1899
  • Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 1 (Balfour), ff. 4b–4c, A.J. Balfour to Lord Windsor, confidential, 5 Jan. 1892;ibid. Envelope 9 (Chamberlain), f. 50, Chamberlain to Selborne, 23 June 1899;W.S. Churchill, My Early Life (London, repr. 1944), 240–1
  • 1899. . Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner), f 107, Milner to Selborne. 31 Jan.
  • 1899. . Ibid., Envelope 9 (Chamberlain), f. 52, Chamberlain to Selborne, 26 June
  • 1899. . Ibid., Envelope 11 (Milner), f. 162, Selborne to Milner, private and personal, 27 June
  • 1899. . Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, SS 4/14 (2065), correspondence with Cabinet, E, memo for Cabinet, by Buller, 24 Sep.
  • Ibid.;BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) 5(60) W.O. South Africa 1896–7, minute by Buller and Wood, 15 July 1896 on Ardagh'smemoto Wolseley, 13 July 1896 and in response to Wolseley's request for the opinion of the adjutant-generals
  • 1899 . Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, SS 4/14 (2065M) C, minute C by Buller to C-in-C. 5 Sep., printed for Cabinet of 8 Sep. 1899;BL, Add.MSS, Balfour Papers, 49773, ff. 173–5, Balfour to Chamberlain, copy, 2 Oct. 1899;BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) (5)57 (W.O. S.A. War 77), confidential memo, ‘The South African Situation’, by Chamberlain, 6 Sep. 1899, printed for Cabinet of 8 Sep. 1899, p. 2
  • Ibid., unsorted 5(60) (W.O. South Africa 1896–7), Selborne to Haliburton, confidential, 10 July (Bower);ibid., minute by Grenfell and memo by Wolseley, 15 July 1896;ibid., secret memo on Line-of-Advance by Evelyn Wood, 5 May 1897;ibid., memo of Lansdowne for the Cabinet, 25 Sep. 1899, abandoning his earl ier view that the OFS route was ‘tabooed'C.G. Melville. The Life of General Sir Redvers Buller, 2 vols (London, 1923), vol. 2, p. 3, putting the view to Buller in the first place
  • 1899 . Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, 2065 add. 6, Buller to G.O.C. Cape Town, 29 Sep., reporting the decision; see also PRO, Buller Papers, WO 132/24, ‘Account of Events June 1899–22 June 1900’, p. 6
  • See PRO, Ardagh Papers, 30/40/16, Military Notes…, footnote p. 52 and p. 51
  • 1898. . RCWSA, British Parliamentary Papers, 1904, XL (Cd 1789), p. 22, citing Colonel Stopford. Assist. Adj. Gen. to G.O.C.(S.A), 21 Dec.
  • 1899. . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) L (5) 431898, Lansdowne to the Queen, 11 Oct.
  • 1897 . Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, Envelope 11 (Milner). ff. 11–13, Milner to Selborne, aboard ‘Norham Castle’, 24 Apr. ibid., f. 18, Selborne to Milner, confidential, 29 Apr. 1897
  • 1902 . The Times History of the War in South Africa Vol. 2 , 103 London (vol.
  • 1899 . PRO, Colonial Office (hereafter CO), 417/275, f. 715, extract of secret letter, G.O.C. (S.A.) to Under-Secretary for War, 12 Sep. ibid., f. 676, Knox (W.O.) to Under Secretary (CO.), secret and immediate, 20 Sep. 1899, confirming Laing's Nek should not be occupied
  • 1899. . Hove Public Library, Wolseley Papers, W/W 4/108, Lord Wolseley to Sir George Wolseley, 1 Nov.
  • 1899 . Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, SS4/14, Buller to Stopford, 2 Aug., expressing preference for a defensive line between the Klip and Tugela rivers
  • 1899. . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) L (5) 431898, Lansdowne to the Queen, 11 Oct.
  • 1899 . PRO, CO 417/275, f. 75, G.O.C.(Natal)toSecretarofState(War), 11 Oct. see also ibid., minute by Lansdowne, 11 Oct 1899
  • 1904 . RCWSA, British Parliamentry Papers, XL (Cd 1789), p. 23
  • See ibid., p. 22: ‘the special function of the Commander-in-Chief…was not exercised…in any systematic fashion…’ on White's slight to Sir George Wolseley and Wolseley appointing him, see Hove Public Library, Wolseley Papers, W/W 4/104, Wolseley to George Wolseley, 28 Sep. 1899
  • 1899 . See PRO, CO 417/275, f. 75, G.O.C. (Natal) to Secretary of State (War), 11 Oct. BL, Add.MSS, 49691, f. 74, memo by Balfour of a conversation with the German Emperor, 28 Nov. 1899
  • 1899. . Devon Record Office. Buller Papers, 2065 add. 6. p 18. White to Buller, no. 199, 31 Oct.
  • Ibid.
  • 1899. . Ibid., p. 18b, Buller to White, 1 Nov. Buller did, however, consent to White staying in Ladysmith
  • 1900 . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 22 Feb., enclosing statement of W. Schultz on the re-occupation of Spion Kop; see also O. Ransford, The Battle of Spion Kop (1969)
  • 1899 . See Devon Record Office, Buller Papers, 2065 add. 6, vol. 1, telegram book, p. 22, Buller to ‘Proemial’, 4 Nov. on the possible collapse of overall opposition
  • 1899 . NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-10, Bullerto Roberts, 28 Dec., suggesting this as “easier and quicker” than up the main railway
  • Hancock and Van der Poel . Smuts Papers vol. 1, pp. 562–4
  • Pakenham . Boer War 318–20
  • 1900. . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62), Roberts to Lansdowne, private, 29 Apr.
  • 1900 . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 2 Aug. PRO, Kitchener Papers. 30/57/22(1), f. 25, Kitchener to Brodrick, 29 Mar. 1901
  • 1900. . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62), Roberts to Lansdowne, 15 Apr.
  • 1901. . NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 11 Jan.
  • 1900 . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62). Lansdowne to Roberts. 31 Mar. Pakenham, Boer War, 339–42
  • Hancock and Van der Poel . Smuts Papers vol. 1, pp. 549–51
  • Ibid;PRO, Kitchener Papers. 30/57/19, U4, copy, Roberts on Buller's telegram, 3 Mar. 1900;see BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) L (5) 48(62), Roberts (Machadodorp) to Lansdowne, 13 Sep. 1900, that the Natal force blamed Roberts for Buller's ‘not advancing more rapidly’
  • 1900 . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 1 Apr., ascribing ‘good many’ enteric cases to Paardeberg; see also ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 5 Mar. 1900, lamenting the ‘inadequate’ water arrangements;ibid., 22 Feb. 1900 on the ‘impossibility of providing…ample…drinking water…on the march’ibid., 6 Feb. 1900, on having to rely on the Riet and Modder rivers
  • 1900. . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 11 Oct.
  • 1900 . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 4 May. 7 June;ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, 8 June. 23 June, 30 June 1900
  • 1900 . Ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, private, 29 Apr. NAM, Roberts Papers. 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 8 Feb. 1901
  • Churchill, My Early Life, 352
  • 1900 . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood), WO L (5)48 62, Roberts (Bloemfontein) to Lansdowne, 16 Mar. ibid., Roberts (Pretoria) to Lansdowne, 7 June 1900;see also ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts (copies), 19 May, 1 June 1900
  • 1900 . Ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, copy, 20 July 1900 commenting. Compare Roberts' description of the battle—ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 19 June—with that of Smuts—Hancock and Van der Poel, Smuts Papers, vol. 1, pp. 554–61
  • 1900. . BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood), WO L (5)48 62, Roberts to Lansdowne, 13 July
  • 1900 . See ibid., Roberts to Lansdowne, 13 Sep. ‘my presence will no longer be necessary’ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, copy, 28 Sep. 1900, notifying him of his Command-in-Chief
  • 1900. . Ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, 21 Sep.
  • 1900 . See, for example, PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22, f. 14, Brodrick to Kitchener, confidential, 24 Nov. ibid., 30/57/22(2), ff. 197,211,251, Brodrick to Kitchener, 4 May, 18May,25 June 1901, etc
  • 1901 . Ibid, 30/57/22(1), f. 70, Brodrick to Kitchener, 16 Feb. ibid., f. 77, Kitchener to Brodrick, 16 Feb. 1901;NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 9 Mar. 1902
  • 1900. . PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22, f. 16, Kitchener to Brodrick, 3 Dec.
  • 1900. . Ibid., f. 2, Brodrick to Kitchener, confidential, 9 Nov.
  • 1901 . Ibid., 30/57/22(1), ff. 85–6, Kitchener to Brodrick, 22 Feb. NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 28 Feb. 1901
  • 1901. . See Kitchener's criticism of Milner as ‘very narrow’ and ‘vindictive’: PRO. Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(1), ff. 115–16, Kitchener to Brodrick. 22 Mar.
  • 1901. . Ibid., f. 107, Brodrick to Kitchener, confidential, 22 Mar.
  • 1901 . Ibid., A. 169, Kitchener to Brodrick, 26 Apr. ibid., f. 116, Kitchener to Brodrick. 22 Mar. 1901
  • 1985 . 65 – 73 . See J.M.M. John and W.R Nasson, ‘Abraham Esau, Calvinia Martyr’, Social Dynamics, 11, 1 (a definitive study is HA. Shearing, ‘The Second Invasion of the Cape Colony, 1901–1902 during the Second Anglo-Boer War’ (MA dissertation, University of Natal, 1989);see also Hancock and Van der Poel. Smuts Papers, vol. 1, pp. 483–86;for more general treatment, see P. Warwick, Black People and the South African War, 1899–1902 (Cambridge, 1983);P. Warwick, The South African War: The Anglo-Boer War, 1899–1902 (London, 1980)
  • 1901. . On the embarrassments contingent on Gorringe's activities, see NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 5 Apr.
  • 1900 . See ibid., 7101–23-45, Milner to Roberts, 23 Aug., suggesting removal of able-bodied men from farms. See also earlier discussions on disarming and dismounting Boers: BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62), Roberts to Lansdowne, 29 Apr. 1900;and Lansdowne's agreement, in ibid., Lansdowne to Roberts, copy, 19 May 1900
  • 1900 . NAM. Roberts Papers, 7101–23-33, Kitchener to Roberts, 21 Dec. see also PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(1), f. 97, Kitchener to Brodrick, 7 Mar. 1901
  • 1899 . Bodleian Library, Selborne Papers, envelope 11 (Milner), f. 210, Milner to Selborne. confidential, 30 Nov. NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45, Milnerto Roberts, 8 Oct. 1900;see also Bodleian Library, Milner Papers, MP 183, f. 71, Milner to Chamberlain, copy, 4 Apr. 1900, hinting that he should rule the Transvaal
  • 1900 . Ibid., MP 15, ff. 82–92, Milnerto Roberts, copy, confidential, 25 May (original in NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45);see also Chamberlain's adoption of Milner's suggestions in his confidential despatch of 2 Aug. 1900 enclosed in ibid., to Roberts, by Milner, 23 Aug 1900
  • 1901 . To secure these objects at home he showed himself ‘more warlike than anybody’: PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(2), f. 253, Brodrick to Kitchener, 25 June; on ‘feting’, see ibid., f. 220, Brodrick to Kitchener, 31 May 1901
  • 1900 . NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45, Milner to Roberts, 17 Oct., criticizing the policy
  • 1900 . See BL, Add.MSS, Lansdowne Papers, unsorted (Bowood) WO L (5) 48(62), Roberts to Lansdowne, 2 Aug. and 8 Aug. 1900
  • 1900 . For an early version of ‘consolidation’, see NAM, Roberts Papers, 7101–23-45, Milner to Roberts, 17 Oct. for the full version, see PRO, St John Brodrick Papers, 30/67/6, ff. 278–87, Milner to Brodrick, confidential and secret, 5 Nov. 1900;for the Secretary of State relaying the plan from home, see PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22, ff. 12, Brodrick to Kitchener, confidential, 24 Nov. 1900
  • 1901 . Ibid., 30/57/22(2), ff. 211–12, 216–18, 251, 261, Brodrick to Kitchener, 18 May, 25 May, 25 June, 29 June; see also ibid., ff. 263–4, Kitchener to Brodrick, 5 July 1901, agreeing to reductions and to rely on blockhouses instead
  • 190 . Ibid., f. 270, Brodrick to Kitchener, 6 July 1;see the pamphlet of E. Hobhouse, Report on a Visit to the Camps (1901);see also Martin, The Concentration Camps
  • 1902 . BL, Add.MSS, Campbell-Bannerman Papers, 41224, f. 212, Campbell-Bannerman to Ripon, 24 Jan. see Matthew, The Liberal Imperialists, 62–84, passim.
  • 1902 . PRO, Kitchener Papers, 30/57/22(3), ff. 549–50, Kitchener to Brodrick, 13 Apr. Bodleian Library, Milner Papers, MP 183, f. 30, Milnerto Chamberlain, 31 Jan. 1900;ibid., MP 170, ff. 5, 41–2, Chamberlain to Milner, 10 Sep. 1900. 22 Dec. 1900
  • See ibid., f. 172, Milner to Chamberlain, copy, 14 Apr. 1900;for long-term control, see NAM. Roberts Papers. 7101–23-45, Milnerto Roberts, 8 Oct. 1900

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