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Research Articles

The effects of gender and training on peer feedback characteristics



  • Alqassab, M., J.-W. Strijbos, E. Panadero, J. F. Ruiz, M. Warrens, and J. To. 2023. “A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements.” Educational Psychology Review 35 (1): 18. doi:10.1007/s10648-023-09723-7.
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  • Noroozi, O., S. K. Banihashem, N. Taghizadeh Kerman, M. Parvaneh Akhteh Khaneh, M. Babayi, H. Ashrafi, and H. J. A. Biemans. 2022. “Gender Differences in Students’ Argumentative Essay Writing, Peer Review Performance and Uptake in Online Learning Environments.” Interactive Learning Environments. doi:10.1080/10494820.2022.2034887.
  • Noroozi, O., J. Hatami, A. Bayat, S. van Ginkel, H. J. A. Biemans, and M. Mulder. 2018. “Students’ Online Argumentative Peer Feedback, Essay Writing, and Content Learning: Does Gender Matter?” Interactive Learning Environments 28 (6): 698–712. doi:10.1080/10494820.2018.1543200.
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  • Ocampo, J. C., E. Panadero, and F. Díez. 2023. “Are Men and Women Really Different? The Effects of Gender and Training on Peer Scoring and Perceptions of Peer Assessment.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 48 (6): 760–776. doi:10.1080/02602938.2022.2130167.
  • Panadero, E. 2016. “Is It Safe? Social, Interpersonal, and Human Effects of Peer Assessment: A Review and Future Directions.” In Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment, 247–266. Boca Raton, FL: Routledge.
  • Panadero, E., M. Alqassab, J. F. Ruiz, and J. C. Ocampo. 2023. “A Systematic Review on Peer Assessment: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Factors.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 48(8): 1053–1075. doi:10.1080/02602938.2023.2164884.
  • Panadero, E., A. Jonsson, and M. Alqassab. 2018. “Providing Formative Peer Feedback: What Do We Know?” In The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback, edited by A. A. Lipnevich and J. K. Smith, 409–431. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316832134.020.
  • Panadero, E., A. Jonsson, and J.-W. Strijbos. 2016. “Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning through Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment: Guidelines for Classroom Implementation.” In Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of Implementation, edited by D. Laveault and L. Allal, Vol. 4, 311–326. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39211-0_18.
  • Patchan, M. M., C. D. Schunn, and R. J. Clark. 2018. “Accountability in Peer Assessment: Examining the Effects of Reviewing Grades on Peer Ratings and Peer Feedback.” Studies in Higher Education 43 (12): 2263–2278. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1320374.
  • Patchan, M. M., C. D. Schunn, and R. J. Correnti. 2016. “The Nature of Feedback: How Peer Feedback Features Affect Students’ Implementation Rate and Quality of Revisions.” Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (8): 1098–1120. doi:10.1037/edu0000103.
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  • Strijbos, J.-W., S. Narciss, and K. Dünnebier. 2010. “Peer Feedback Content and Sender’s Competence Level in Academic Writing Revision Tasks: Are They Critical for Feedback Perceptions and Efficiency?” Learning and Instruction 20 (4): 291–303. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.08.008.
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  • Wu, Y., and C. D. Schunn. 2020. “When Peers Agree, Do Students Listen? The Central Role of Feedback Quality and Feedback Frequency in Determining Uptake of Feedback.” Contemporary Educational Psychology 62: 101897. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2020.101897.
  • Wu, Y., and C. D. Schunn. 2021. “From Plans to Actions: A Process Model for Why Feedback Features Influence Feedback Implementation.” Instructional Science 49 (3): 365–394. doi:10.1007/s11251-021-09546-5.
  • Zong, Z., C. D. Schunn, and Y. Wang. 2021. “Learning to Improve the Quality Peer Feedback through Experience with Peer Feedback.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (6): 973–992. doi:10.1080/02602938.2020.1833179.

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