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Islam in East Europe

Pages 5-32 | Published online: 01 Jul 2010


  • Landay , J. 1998 . 'Inside a rebellion: banking on war' . Christian Science Monitor , 15 April Quoted by
  • Silajdzic , H. 1990 . 'Islamski fundamentalizam na Kosovu izmedu cinjenica i motiva' . Glasnik Rijaseta Islamske Zajednice (RIZ] SFA/ , 3 : 12
  • In early 1991, the 'Rezolucija o Kosovu' (Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ, 1991, 1) of the Sarajevo Muslim leadership was already sympathetic to the Kosovars' plight and talked of 'Islamic duty and human solidarity'. A few months later die Reis al-ulama's 'Memorandum on the Muslim Community in Yugoslavia' (Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ, 1991, S) spoke of (Serbian) 'police regime' and 'mass violation of human rights of the Albanian population'. (The same document already envisaged the possibility of genocide against Bosnian Muslims.) This issue of Glasnik also reports on the arrest of the Head of the Islamic Community in Prishtina: A. Kadribegovic, Hapsenje poglavara Islamske zajednice
  • Slomp , J. 1998 . ' 'One for all": the Vienna dialogue process' . Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (Jeddah) , 18 ( I ) A few days before the airstrikes started (16 March 1999) Dr Boja attended a Vienna meeting with Kyr Sava, Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and Marko Sopi, Catholic Bishop of Kosovo. It was convened by the President of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation New York Rabbi Arthur Schneider. (Austrian Information Service Washington DC, 12 March 1999) This was the last in a series of US-initiated 'peace conferences' between Balkan, particularly Bosnian, religious leaders.
  • Clayer , N. 1994 . 'Identité nationale et identité religieuse dans le discours des dirigeants des musulmans albanais (Albanie, Macédoine, Yougoslavie)' . Turkish Review of Balkan Studies , 2 : 5 7 Hena e re (Skopje), 1 July 1994, quoted in Boja and other Albanian Muslim leaders often stressed that 90 per cent of the Albanian nation are Muslim. This figure would assume a 70 per cent Muslim population in Albania, which is controversial (see note 12). Many Albanians, including intellectuals of Islamic ancestry, reject the direct correlation between national and Muslim identities, which has been the religious leaders' main thesis
  • Utku , S. 1999 . 'Kosovar Turks fear Albanian nationalism and oppression' . Turkish Daily News , 29 June
  • Eminov , A. 1997 . Turkish and Other Muslim Minorities in Bulgaria , 70 London : Hurst . Most of the above data are from him. For a Bulgarian viewpoint, see
  • Zhelyazkova , A. 1994 . Relations of Compatibility and Incompatibility between Christians and Muslims in Bulgaria , Sofia : International Centre for Minority Studies and Intel-cultural Relations .
  • Lederer , Gy . 1996 . 'Islam in Romania' . Central Asian Survey , 15 ( 3-4 )
  • Szajkowski , B. , Niblock , T. and Nonneman , G. “ 'Islam and ethnicity in East Europe: concepts, statistics and a note on the Polish case' ” . in Nonneman et al, op cit, note 10
  • Borawski , P. and Dubinski , A. 1986 . Tatany Polscy-Dveje, Obrzedy, Legendy, Tradycje , Warsaw : Iskry . (with bibliography)
  • Lederer , Gy and Takacs , I. 1990 . 'Among the Muslims of Poland' . Central Asian Survey , 9 ( 2 )
  • Ridzvanavichius , J. 1997 . 'Buvome, esame ir busime su Lietuva' . Lietuva Totoriai (The Lithuanian Tatars' monthly review) , 5 ( 15 )
  • Lederer , Gy . 1995 . 'Islam in Lithuania' . Central Asian Survey , 14 ( 3 ) Romualdas Krinickis has become the 'Mufti of Vilnius'
  • The Czech Muslims publish a newsletter, Hlas. Its summer 1998 issue reported on the Brno mosque. On the house of worship of the Hungarian Islamic Community, see Magyar Nennet (Budapest), 8 July 1997. The project of an 'Islamic Centre' in a Bratislava suburb had been raised by Arabs residing in Slovakia in 1993 and was rejected by the local authorities-Hospodarske Noviny (Bratislava), 10 January 1994
  • Kasumovic , I. 1991 . 'Prvi susret muslimana Istocne Evrope' . Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ , : 5 Called together by Jakub Selimoski the 'Conference on die Future of Islam in East Europe' took place in August 1991 in the Sarajevo Holiday Inn-M. Omerdic, Osnivanje saveza islamskih zajednica Istocne Evrope', and Al-Semmari, op cit, note 11; C. Sorabji, 'Islam and Bosnia's Muslim nation', in Carter and Noms, op cit, note 10.
  • 1999 . 'Mu'tamar gam'iyya at-talaba al-muslimin fi Bulanda' . Conference of Muslim Students in Poland . June 1999 , Milano . Al-Europiya . The May 1999 issue of Al-Hadara publishes the informative speeches delivered at the ten-year anniversary conference of the federation that was held on 2-5 April 1999. See also
  • Lewis , B. 1985 . 'Islamic fundamentalism' . The Washington Quarterly , 8 ( 3 )
  • Applebaum , A. 1995 . 'The crusade against Islam can only be a phoney war' . Daily Telegraph , 7 February Quoted in
  • Bejtja , A. 1999 . Islam, 'Albanians and war in Kosovo' . AIM , 31 May The editorials of Mohamed Sid-Ahmed and Salama Ahmed Salama in the 1-7 April, Hassan Nafaa in the 15-21 April 1999 issues of Al-Ahram Weekly, are good examples and so is A. Jaballah, 'Ma'sat Kosovo bayn al-'agz wat-tasaulat al-muhayyira' ('The tragedy of Kosovo between helplessness and confusing questions'), Al-Europiya, June 1999. This magazine (of the Federation of the Islamic Organisations in Europe) is purported to become the representative organ of arabophone European Muslims. To accuse the Atlantic Alliance of becoming the instrument of US domination in Europe, and West European social democrat leaders of betraying socialism by supporting the NATO war in Yugoslavia without a UN mandate, are phoney and disturbing arguments for Balkan Muslims and East European minorities threatened by post-communists (and not just by Milosevic). Such arguments were raised not only by Al-Ahram but also in several articles of the April 1999 issues of Le monde diplomatique. See also
  • Kane , H. 1992 . 'Media reports from Bosnia: a mixture of outright lies, staged events and untold stories' . The Globe and Mail (Toronto) , 17 October : 76 Many Jews worldwide and in Israel, particularly on the side of Labour, were sympathetic with Kosovars and Boshnyaks as victims of genocide. In a March 1999 public letter to President Clinton the Reform Jewish Organization of the USA backed him and NATO on the air-strikes (http://shamash.org/reform/rac/ news/032499.html). On the other hand, former Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon had warned against Kosovar Albanian independence insisting it would create a greater Albanian 'fundamentalist Islamic state' in the heart of Europe. (Sharon Remarks on 'Large Islamic Block in Europe', Ma'ariv, 8 April 1999) Director of the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense, Yohanan Ramati, also criticized the idea of US intervention. (Jerusalem Post, 15 October 1998). It is interesting to note that the Jewish Defense League has co-operated with the Serbian Unity Congress and taken Serbia's side since the Bosnian war.
  • 1999 . 'Kosovo crisis presents Iran with policy dilemma' . STRATFOR , 4 August
  • Imamovic , M. 1997 . Historija Bosnjaka , Sarajevo : Bosnjacka Zajednica Kulture .
  • Clayer , N. and Popovic , A. 1998 . “ 'Muslim identity in the Balkans in the post-Ottoman period' ” . In Islam Communities and the Nation: Muslim Identities in South Asia and Beyond , Edited by: Hasan , Mushirul . 414 New Delhi : Manohar . A few years earlier the same author reportedly found Bosnjyastvo (Bosnism) 'an outdated term … unacceptable as a common national name for the future', M. Imamovic, 'Muslimani spram Bosnjyastva', Knjizevna Revija (Sarajevo), August-September 1990, p 13, quoted in
  • Banac , I. 1994 . “ 'Bosnian Muslims: from religious community to socialist nationhood and post-communist statehood' ” . In The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina , Edited by: Pinson , M. Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press .
  • Dz. Latic, 'Neo-commumsts are trying to fool voters' (English version), Ljiljan, 26 June 1996. The idea of the 'alienation' of the Boshnyak intelligentsia from the people was raised previously by M. Rizvic, 'Muslimanska inteligencija i narodni interesi: (Kobe i odvajanja', Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ (Sarajevo), 1991, No 5
  • Pecanin , S. 1997 . 'Dzemo pije a Alija placa' . Dani , : 61 'Formula sekulamoj drzavi i nesekularnom drustvu'-
  • Canapa , M-P. 1986 . “ 'L'Islam et la question des nationalités en Yougoslavie' ” . In Radicalisme s islamiques , Edited by: Carre , O. and Dumont , P. Vol 2 , Paris : L'Harmattan .
  • Poulton , H. 1997 . Muslim Identity and the Balkan State , Edited by: Poulton , H. and Taji-Farouki , S. 168 London : Hurst . Intervju (Belgrade), 28 March 1986, quoted by
  • Bougarel , X. 1995 . 'Ramadan during a civil war' . Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations , 6 ( 1 ) : 80 According to the Pantic survey the level of religious observance among the 'Muslims' ('nation') of Yugoslavia was 37 per cent in 1990-D. Pantic, 'Religioznost gradana Jugoslavije', Jugoslavia na Kriznoj Prekretnici, Belgrade, Institut Drustvenih Nauka, 1991, quoted by
  • Nonneman , G. , Niblock , T. and Szajkowski , B. , eds. 1996 . Muslim Communities in the New Europe , New York : Ithaca Press . few studies acknowledge the distinctive particularities of Islam among religions. The Middle Eastern dimension and substance of contemporary Balkan Islam is not discussed by the authors of Muslim Identity, op cit, note 9. It is more about ethnicity.
  • Vertovec , S. and Peach , C. , eds. 1997 . Islam in Europe , London : MacMillan Press . is mostly about the western part of the continent.
  • Popovic , A. 1986 . L'Islam balkanique , Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz . is still the main, if not the only real scholarly reference on post-Ottoman Islam in the region despite the dramatic developments since its publication
  • 1997 . The Summer/Fall special issue of Islamic Studies (Islamabad) , 36 ( 2-3 ) contains a number of articles on religion itself. For short surveys see
  • Joffe , G. 1996 . “ 'Muslims in the Balkans' ” . In The Changing Shape of the Balkans , Edited by: Carter , F.W. and Noms , H.T. London : UCL Press .
  • Balic , S. 1979 . 'East Europe, the Islamic dimension' . Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs , 1 ( 1 )
  • Bakr , A-M. 1985 . Al-aqalliyatal-muslimafi Urubba (Muslim Minorities in Europe) , Mecca : Dar al-Haqq .
  • Kettani , A. 1986 . Muslim Minorities in the World Today , London : Mansell .
  • Al-Semmari , F. 1992 . Al-'amal al-islamifi Urubba ash-sharqiyya-at-tahaddiyat wal-mustaqbal (Islamic Action in East Europe-Challenges and Future) , Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University of Riyadh . There is a unique Saudi document on the proposed strategy to Islamize East Europe: The author's suggestions are probably not on die agenda anymore as a result of the Bosnian war
  • Nonneman-Niblock-Szajkowski . “ 'Islam and ethnicity in East Europe' ” . 30 – 34 . in Nonnemann et al., op cit, note 10
  • Lani , R. 1998 . Tirana: adieu brethren Muslims' . Alternativna Informativna Mreza {AIM} (Paris) , 11 January realize this problem. They talk of 6-9 million Muslims in East Europe. The method is for example to multiply the current population of Albania by 0.7, the proportion of Muslims in 1945. This would mean 2.5 million Muslims in today's Albania! 'Groups for the protection of human rights active in Albania demanded a new religious census of the population which would give a more precise picture of the religious reality in the country.'
  • Courtage , Y. 1991 . 'Les transitions démographiques des musulmans en Europe orientale' . Population (Paris) , 3
  • Popovic , A. 1985 . “ 'Les ordres mystiques musulmans du Sud-Est européen dans la période post-ottomane' ” . In Les ordres mystiques dans l'Islam , Edited by: Popovic , A. and Veinstein , G. Paris : EHESS .
  • Curak , N. 1997 . 'Halid Cause vie (interview)' . Dani (Sarajevo) , : 63 'Bosnjaci su regionalna oznaka'. The SDA ideologists may have taken Benedict Anderson's phrase literally: 'Nations are imagined communities'
  • Jahic , A. 1996 . 'Krijeposna muslimanska drzava' ('A virtuous Muslim state'-English version on the Web) . Front Slobode , 23 August reprinted from Zmaj od Bosne (Tuzla), 17 September 1993
  • Ourdan , R. 1994 . 'La fin du rcve bosniaque' . Le Monde , 28 September Boshnyak spiritual leaders went actually far in their onslaughts on mixed marriages, but this quotation may not be authentic or may have been taken out of context
  • Hecimovic , E. 1998 . 'Bid musliman na drzavni nacin' . Dont , : 87
  • Hecimovic , E. 1998 . 'SDA Reis' . Demi , : 89 calls them the 'circle of Zagreb' (zagrebacki krug) including Hasan Cengic
  • Focho , E.F. 1994 . “ 'Exclusive interview with Reis-ul-Ulema Professor Dr Mustafa Ef. Ceric' ” . In Gazi Husrev Beg , Kuala Lumpur : Magazine of the Bosnian Islamic Culture Study Group . English version A few years earlier Ceric wrote the following on the national question: 'Since our modern historic and cultural development is heavily burdened with the past, both recent and distant, and our nationality has to be defined by its specific place within modern Islamic experience, it is not recommended, if possible at all, to set the correlation between religion and nationality on such a level of scientific approach that is otherwise feasible, indeed necessarily acceptable in the context of Muslim peoples.'
  • Ceric , M. 1990 . 'Islam izmedu religije i nacije' . Glasnik KIL u SFRJ , 5 : 12
  • Bougarel , X. 1997 . 'From Young Muslims to Party of Democratic Action: the emergence of a Pan-Islamist trend in Bosnia-Herzegovina' . Islamic Studies , 36 ( 2-3 )
  • Causevic , H. 1999 . 'Bijele calme, crna politika' . Dani , : 95
  • Perranic , D. 1994 . 'The new Islamic community of Bosnia-Herzegovina' . AIM , 5 January
  • Wielechowsld , A. 1996 . “ 'Galvanizing fear of Islam: the 1983 trial of Alija Izetbegovic in context' ” . In State and Nation-Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives , Edited by: Micgiel , J. 74 New York : The Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University . Bougarel, op cit, note 9. As an observer noted: 'Unfortunately, not much is available in the English language that is written from a religious Bosnian Muslim perspective', This kind of literature is not supposed to be in English of course. In her study, Wielechowski actually refers exclusively to sources in English. This may be the reason why she talks of 'pre-war processes which constructed the identity of Bosnian Muslims as radical Islamic fundamentalists' (p55). This is the language of Serbian propaganda, in good English on the Web. Unfortunately it influenced many Western Balkan analysts
  • Izetbegovic , A. 1983 . 'The Islamic declaration' . South Slav Journal , 6 ( 1 )
  • 1989 . Islam Between East and West , Indianapolis : American Trust Publications . see also his
  • Knezevic , A. 1997 . 'Alija Izetbegovic's Islamic declaration: its substance and its Western reception' . Islamic Studies , 36 ( 2-3 )
  • Pecanin , S. and Selimbegovic , V. 1997 . Dani , : 62 63 64 published on Caco in
  • Rahmanovic , F. 1997 . 'Caco was not the only one' . Svijet (Sarajevo) , 11 November (English version)
  • Beric , G. 1996 . 'Fatal delay' . Oslobodenje , 4 April (English version); on Mudjahidin living in Bosnia, see
  • Hecimovic , E. 1999 . 'Ako se njemu nesto dogodi…' . Dani , : 116
  • Pilsel , D. , Talibana , Ambasadori and Mulic , S. 1998 . Tribina zenska, frustracije muske' . Dani , : 71
  • Karic , E. and Cancar , N. , eds. 1990 . Islamski fundamentalizam staje to? , Sarajevo : Biblioteka 'Prepared' .
  • Stitkovac , E. 1990 . 'Na izvorima bez fundamentalizma' . Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ , : 1
  • Kadribegovic , A. 1990 . 'Pundamentalizam kqji to nije' . Glasnik RlZ u SFRJ , : 1
  • Kasumovic , I. 1990 . 'Problem tradicionalizma i fundamentalizma' . Glasnik RIZ u SFRJ , : 4
  • Curak , N. 1998 . 'Dr. Resid Hafizovic (interview)' . Dani , : 73
  • Esposito , J. and Voll , J. 1997 . Islam and Democracy , Oxford : Oxford University Press .
  • 1996 . 'Islam and liberal democracy' . Journal of Democracy , 7 ( 2 ) attempt to explain authoritarianism in today's Muslim countries by cultural particularities and semantic elasticity. Different approaches to this problem were the
  • Salame , Gh , ed. 1994 . Democraties sans democrates: politiques d'ouverture dans le monde arabe et islamique , Paris : Fayard . the studies in and the June 1993 conference at Columbia University's Middle East Institute, 'Under siege: Islam and democracy'. In May 1992 a similar symposium was organized by the United States Institute of Peace. Its findings were published in a monograph entitled Islam and Democracy: Religion, Politics, and Power in the Middle East. Attempts of hermeneu tic mediation, pragmatic reconciliation, overlapping consensus, etc. are in vogue in today's 'interfaith dialogue' between Western, mainly American, experts of international affairs and Westernized Muslim intellectuals living mostly in the West
  • Pecanin , S. 1998 . 'Izetbegovic (interview)' . Dani , : 72
  • Pomphret , J. 1996 . 'How Bosnia's Muslims dodged arms embargo' . The Washington Post , 22 September was referred to by a number of other US newspapers at that time. In 1992-1994 all those who were interested in TWRA's weapon shipments knew of them and so did many in Vienna who were not. 'Revealing the secret' as well as relating TWRA to Bin Ladin and all kinds of terrorists (even in the event that this was true) in the fall of 1996 served Republican electoral purposes and indirectly those of Serbian propaganda
  • Hassanein , E.A. and Basha , A. Dzu-1-Fikar . 1988 . At-tariq Ua Foca (The Road to Foca) , Khartoum : Dar al-Asala .
  • Hassanein , E.A. 1990 . Ya Uht Andalus (Oh Sister of Andalus) , Khartoum : Dar al-Asala . Their contents are more emotional than scholarly
  • Imamovic , E. 1997 . 'Dzamija po glavi bosnjaka' . Dani , : 61
  • Stitkovac , E. 1994 . 'Demolition of places of worship in the war in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina' . AIM , 21 March
  • Paunovic , M. 1998 . Ten new mosques this year in Sarajevo' . AIM , 22 April
  • Karic , E. 1997 . 'Islam in Contemporary Bosnia: a personal statement' . Islamic Studies , 36 ( 2-3 )
  • Dz. Karup . 1998 . 'Homeini je kriv za sve' . Dani , : 72
  • Bougarel , X. 1999 . 'Cultural identity or political ideology? Bosnian Islam since 1990' . Paper presented for the Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities . April 15-17 1999 , New York . Columbia University . Meanwhile, the readers of Dani, 1999, 109-111 could read this study in their own language in those issues of that Sarajevo review
  • Hedges , Ch . 1999 . 'Leaders in Bosnia are said to steal up to $1 billion' . The New York Times , 17 August Some are too often mistaken for crooks and mafiosi.
  • Pecanin , S. and Selimbegovic , V. 1999 . 'Abeceda korupcije' . Dani , : 117
  • Andrejevic , M. “ 'The Sandzak: a perspective of Serb-Muslim relations' ” . In Muslim Identity… op cit, note 9
  • Bisevac , S. 1996 . 'Borba za Izetbegovicu naklonost' . AIM , 8 January
  • Bjekic , V. 1995 . 'Demand for autonomy of Sandzak remains' . AIM , 29 October
  • Stitkovac , E. 1997 . 'Endless love for power' . AIM , 1 March
  • 1998 . 'Police detain Belgrade mufti' . Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) , 21 January
  • Lederer , Gy . 1994 . 'Islam in Albania' . Central Asian Survey , 13 ( 3 )
  • Lipsius , S. 1998 . 'Politik und Islam in Albanien-Instrumentalisiening und Abhangigkeiten' . Sudosteuropa , 47 ( 3-4 ) RFEVRL 10.8, 30.8.1996, 22.7, 17.8, 24.8, 19.10, 21.10, 26.10, 5.11, 9.11, 16.11, 10.12.1998;
  • Cela , E. “ 'Albanian Muslims, human rights and relations with the Islamic world' ” . in Nonneman et al., op cit, note 10; For understandable reasons practically all Albanians are now loyal to the US, right and left alike
  • Lani , R. 1997 . 'Albania not present at the Islamic conference' . AIM , 30 December Lam, op cit, note 12
  • Lani , R. 1999 . 'A political panorama of Albania' . AIM , 29 July
  • Clayer , N. “ 'Islam state and society in post-communist Albania' ” . In Muslim Identity… op cit, note 9
  • Popovic , A. and Veinstein , G. , eds. 1995 . Bektachiya Istanbul
  • Mehmeti , K. 1995 . 'Department of the Interior prohibiting the work of humanitarian organizations in Macedonia' . AIM , 26 January
  • 1995 . 'Macedonian Muslims activate defense mechanisms' . Vecher (Skopje) , 31 May
  • 1995 . 'Life of population groups in Macedonia organized by Muslim religious laws' . Nova Makedonja , 26 March
  • Nizami , L.K. 1996 . ' "Yugoslavization" of Macedonia' . AIM , 23 February
  • Dauti , D. 1999 . 'The Islamic Religious Association under (new) party cap' . Fljaka e Vlazimirit , 26 January English versions of these articles
  • Gaber , N. "The Muslim population in FYROM (Macedonia): public perceptions' ” . In Muslim Identity … op cit, note 9
  • Mickey , R.W. “ 'Citizenship status and minority political participation: the evidence from the Republic of Macedonia' ” . in Nonneman et ai, op cit, note 10
  • Duvnjak , N. “ 'Muslim community in the Republic of Croatia' ” . I am grateful to the author for sending me his manuscript
  • Ambrosio , T. "The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: a failure of implementation' ” . Quoted by Duvnjak, ibid; On the Croat-Bosnian antagonism see in Micgiel, op cit, note 27
  • Hadzic , H. 1998 . 'Razlaz zbog pijace i policije' . Dani , : 70
  • Anic , A. 1997 . 'Bosniacs in Croatia' . AIM , 27 April According to the latter article, the real number of Muslims is 55,000, which includes Albanians, Turks and Bosnian Muslims who preferred to declare themselves Croats to avoid troubles
  • Engelbrekt , K. 1991 . 'Nationalism reviving' . Report on East Europe , : 22

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