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Research Articles

Adult migrants’ voices about learning and using Swedish at work placements in basic language education



  • Ahlgren, K., and Rydell, M., 2020. Continuity and change: Migrants’ experiences of adult language education in Sweden. European journal for research on the education and learning of adults, 11 (3), 399–414.
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  • Braun, V., and Clarke, V., 2006. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3 (2), 77–101.
  • Brenner, M. E., 2006. Interviewing in educational research. In: J. L. Green, G. Camili and P. B. Elmore, eds. Handbook of complementary methods in education research. Washington: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 357–370.
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  • Lai, C., Zhu, W., and Gong, G., 2015. Understanding the quality of out-of-class English learning. TESOL quarterly, 49 (2), 278–308.
  • Lehtonen, T., 2017. You will certainly learn English much faster at work than from a textbook: Law students learning English beyond the language classroom. System, 68, 50–59.
  • Li, D., 2000. The pragmatics of making requests in the L2 workplace: a case study of language socialization. The Canadian modern language review, 57 (1), 58–87.
  • Lindberg, I., and Sandwall, K., 2017. Conflicting agendas in Swedish adult second language education. In: C. Kerfoot and K. Hyltenstam (Eds.), Entangled discourses: South-North orders of visibility. New York: Routledge, 119–136.
  • Lum, L., Alqazli, M., and Englander, K., 2018. Academic literacy requirements of health professions programs: challenges for ESL students. TESL Canada journal, 35 (1), 1–28.
  • Major, G., et al., 2014. Working it out: Migrants’ perspectives of social inclusion in the workplace. Australian review of applied linguistics, 37 (3), 249–261.
  • Martin, J. R., 2001. Language, register and genre. In: A. Burns and C. Coffin, Eds. Analysing English in a global context: a reader. New York: Routledge, 151–166.
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  • Reinders, H., and Benson, P., 2017. Research agenda: language learning beyond the classroom. Language teaching, 50 (4), 561–578.
  • Riddiford, N., and Holmes, J., 2015. Assisting the development of sociopragmatic skills: negotiating refusals at work. System, 48, 129–140.
  • Riddiford, N., and Joe, A., 2010. Tracking the development of sociopragmatic kkills. Tesol quarterly, 44 (1), 195–205.
  • Rosén, J.K., and Babba-Gupta, S., 2013. Shifting identity positions in the development of language education for immigrants: an analysis of discourses associated with ‘Swedish for immigrants. Language, culture and curriculum, 26 (1), 68–88.
  • Rydell, M., 2018. Being ‘a competent language user’ in a world of others: adult migrants’ perceptions and constructions of communicative competence. Linguistics and education, 45, 101–109.
  • Sandwall, K. 2013. Att hantera praktiken: Om sfi-studerandes möjligheter till interaktion och lärande på praktikplatser [Doctoral dissertation]. Göteborgs universitet.
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  • Tracy, S. J., 2020. Qualitative research methods: collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Wedin, Å., and Norlund Shaswar, A., 2019. Whole class interaction in the adult L2-classroom: the case of Swedish for immigrants. Apples – journal of applied language studies, 13 (2), 45–63.
  • Wedin, Å., and Norlund Shaswar, A., 2023. Interaction and meaning making in basic adult education for immigrants the case of Swedish for immigrants in Sweden (SFI). Studies in the education of adults, 55 (1), 24–43.
  • Willis, J. W., and Edwards, C., 2014. Action research: models, methods and examples. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Yates, L., and Major, G., 2015. Quick-chatting, “smart dogs” and how to “say without saying”: small talk and pragmatic learning in the community. System, 48, 141–152.