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Research Articles

Consultative referendums and democracy - assessing the short-term effects on political support of a referendum on a municipal merger



  • Accetti, C. I., and G. Oskian. 2020. “What Is a Consultative Referendum? The Democratic Legitimacy of Popular Consultations.” Perspectives on Politics 1–16. doi:10.1017/S1537592720002340.
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  • Van der Eijk, C., and J. Rose. 2021. “Winner-Loser Effects in Contentious Constitutional Referenda: Perceptions of Procedural Fairness and Brexit Referendum.” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 23 (1): 104–120. doi:10.1177/1369148120932852.
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  • Werner, H. 2020. “If I’ll Win It, I Want It: The Role of Instrumental Considerations in Explaining Public Support for Referendums.” European Journal of Political Research 59 (2): 312–330. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12358.
  • Werner, H., and S. Marien. 2020. “Process Vs. Outcome? How to Evaluate the Effects of Participatory Processes on Legitimacy Perceptions.” British Journal of Political Science 1–8. doi:10.1017/S0007123420000459.
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  • Zimmerbauer, K., and A. Paasi. 2013. “When Old and New Regionalism Collide: Deinstitutionalization of Regions and Resistance Identity in Municipality Amalgamations.” Journal of Rural Studies 30: 31–40. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2012.11.004.