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Research Articles

Scrutiny and policymaking in local councils: how parties use council tools

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  • Angenendt, M. 2018. “Anti-Partyism in German Independent Local Lists: Empirical Insights from a Membership Study.” German Politics 27 (3): 401–423. doi:10.1080/09644008.2018.1445723.
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  • Bochel, H., and C. Bochel. 2010. “Local Political Leadership and the Modernisation of Local Government.” Local Government Studies 36 (6): 723–737. doi:10.1080/03003930.2010.523199.
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  • Boogers, M., and G. Voerman. 2010. “Independent Local Political Parties in the Netherlands.” Local Government Studies 36 (1): 75–90. doi:10.1080/03003930903435807.
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  • Copus, C., M. Wingfield, K. Steyvers, and H. Reynaert. 2012. “A Place to Party? Parties and Nonpartisanship in Local Government.” In The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics, edited by P. John, K. Mossberger, and S. E. Clarke, 210–230. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • De Groot, M., B. Denters, and P.-J. Klok. 2010. “Strengthening the Councillor as a Representative and Scrutiniser: The Effects of Institutional Change on Councillors’ Role Orientations in the Netherlands.” Local Government Studies 36 (3): 401–423. doi:10.1080/03003931003730469.
  • Denters, B., and P.-J. Klok. 2013. “Citizen Democracy and the Responsiveness of Councillors: The Effects of Democratic Institutionalisation on the Role Orientations and Role Behaviour of Councillors.” Local Government Studies 39 (5): 661–680. doi:10.1080/03003930.2012.670747.
  • Denters, B., and L. E. Rose. 2005. “Towards Local Governance.” In Comparing Local Governance: Trends and Developments, edited by B. Denters and L. E. Rose, 246–262. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Denters, B., H. Vollaard, and H. van de Bovenkamp. 2018. “Gekozen En Niet Gekozen Vertegenwoordigers Op Lokaal Niveau.” In Democratie Dichterbij: Lokaal Kiezersonderzoek 2018, edited by G. Jansen and B. Denters, 18–28. Leiden: Stichting KiezersOnderzoek Nederland.
  • De Vries, C. E., and S. B. Hobolt. 2020. Political Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Challenger Parties in Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  • Egner, B. 2015. “Parliaments in Disguise? How German Councillors Perceive Local Councils.” Local Government Studies 41 (2): 183–201. doi:10.1080/03003930.2013.874342.
  • Egner, B., and H. Heinelt. 2008. “Explaining the Differences in the Role of Councils: An Analysis Based on a Survey of Mayors.” Local Government Studies 34 (4): 529–544. doi:10.1080/03003930802217504.
  • Egner, B., D. Sweeting, and P.-J. Klok. 2013a. “Local Councillors in Comparative Perspective: Drawing Conclusions.” In Local Councillors in Europe, edited by B. Egner, D. Sweeting, and P.-J. Klok, 255–262. New York City: Springer VS.
  • Egner, B., D. Sweeting, and P.-J. Klok, edited by. 2013b. Local Councillors in Europe. New York City: Springer VS.
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  • Green-Pedersen, C. 2010. “Bringing Parties into Parliament: The Development of Parliamentary Activities in Western Europe.” Party Politics 16 (3): 347–369. doi:10.1177/1354068809341057.
  • Gross, M., and M. Jankowski. 2020. “Dimensions of Political Conflict and Party Positions in Multi-Level Democracies: Evidence from the Local Manifesto Project.” West European Politics 43 (1): 74–101. doi:10.1080/01402382.2019.1602816.
  • Heinelt, H. 2013. “Councillors’ Notions of Democracy, and Their Role Perception and Behaviour in the Changing Context of Local Democracy.” Local Government Studies 39 (5): 640–660. doi:10.1080/03003930.2012.670746.
  • Hendriks, F., and L. Schaap. 2010. “The Netherlands: Subnational Democracy and the Reinvention of Tradition.” In The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy in Europe, edited by F. Hendriks, A. Lidström, and J. Loughlin, 97–122. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hix, S., and A. Noury. 2016. “Government-Opposition or Left-Right? The Institutional Determinants of Voting in Legislatures.” Political Science Research and Methods 4 (2): 249–273. doi:10.1017/psrm.2015.9.
  • Höhmann, D., and U. Sieberer. 2020. “Parliamentary Questions as a Control Mechanism in Coalition Governments.” West European Politics 43 (1): 225–249. doi:10.1080/01402382.2019.1611986.
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  • Hooghe, L., G. Marks, and A. H. Schakel. 2010. The Rise of Regional Authority: A Comparative Study of 42 Democracies. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.
  • Karlsson, M. 2012. “Participatory Initiatives and Political Representation: The Case of Local Councillors in Sweden.” Local Government Studies 38 (6): 795–815. doi:10.1080/03003930.2012.688036.
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  • Kempers, J., and S. Otjes. 2021. “Hoe Zetten Lokale Partijen Raadsinstrumenten In?” In Lokale Partijen in de Praktijk: Een Overzicht van Kennis Over Het Functioneren van Lokale Partijen in Nederland, edited by J. van Ostaaijen, G. Voerman, M. Boogers, S. Otjes, I. van Biezen, and G. Waling, 45–54. The Hague: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  • Klingelhöfer, T., and J. Müller. 2015. “Consociational and Rational Coalitions: Norm-Based Government Formation and the Case of the Dutch Provinces.” Acta Politica 50 (1): 101–124. doi:10.1057/ap.2013.36.
  • Klok, P.-J., and B. Denters. 2013. “The Roles Councillors Play.” In Local Councillors in Europe, edited by B. Egner, D. Sweeting, and P.-J. Klok, 63–83. New York City: Springer VS.
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  • Krapp, M.-C., P. Werner, and B. Egner. 2013. “Local Councillors and Administrative Reforms.” In Local Councillors in Europe, edited by B. Egner, D. Sweeting, and P.-J. Klok, 221–236. New York City: Springer VS.
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  • Louwerse, T., and S. Otjes. 2016. “Personalised Parliamentary Behaviour Without Electoral Incentives: The Case of the Netherlands.” West European Politics 39 (4): 778–799. doi:10.1080/01402382.2015.1111041.
  • Louwerse, T., and S. Otjes. 2019. “How Populists Wage Opposition: Parliamentary Opposition Behaviour and Populism in the Netherlands.” Political Studies 67 (2): 479–495. doi:10.1177/0032321718774717.
  • Louwerse, T., S. Otjes, D. M. Willumsen, and P. Öhberg. 2017. “Reaching Across the Aisle: Explaining Government–opposition Voting in Parliament.” Party Politics 23 (6): 746–759. doi:10.1177/1354068815626000.
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  • Otjes, S. 2021. “Waar Staan Lokale Partijen? De Ideologische Positionering van Lokale Partijen.” In Lokale Partijen in de Praktijk: Een Overzicht van Kennis Over Het Functioneren van Lokale Partijen in Nederland, edited by J. van Ostaaijen, G. Voerman, M. Boogers, S. Otjes, I. van Biezen, and G. Waling, 36–44. The Hague: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  • Otjes, S., and T. Louwerse. 2018. “Parliamentary Questions as Strategic Party Tools.” West European Politics 41 (2): 496–516. doi:10.1080/01402382.2017.1358936.
  • Otjes, S., and T. Louwerse. 2021. ”Do Anti-Elitist Parties Use Their Parliamentary Tools Differently?.” Parliamentary Affairs 74 (3): 704–721. Published online ahead of print. doi:10.1093/pa/gsab027.
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