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Grassroots Voices

Left-behind elderly: shouldering a disproportionate share of production and reproduction in supporting China’s industrial development


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  • He, C.Z., and J.Z. Ye. 2010. Impact study on the rural labour force migrant working to the life care of left-behind elders. Issues in Agricultural Economy 31, no. 6: 46–53.
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  • Hu, Q.Q. 2006. The care of aged people left behind in the countryside in urbanization. Journal of Nanjing College for Population Programme Management 22, no. 2: 25–28.
  • Li, C.Y., and C.Z. He. 2010. Research on the formal social support for left-behind elderly in rural China. Journal of China Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition) 27, no. 1: 113–20.
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  • Sun, J.J. 2006. The study on caring of the elderly in rural areas. Population Journal 158, no. 4: 14–18.
  • Ye, J.Z., and C.Z. He. 2008. Lonely sunsets: Elderly left behind in rural China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.

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