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Food sovereignty, gender and everyday practice: the role of Afro-Colombian women in sustaining localised food systems

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  • Agarwal, B. 2014. “Food Sovereignty, Food Security and Democratic Choice: Critical Contradictions, Difficult Conciliations.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 41 (6): 1247–1268.
  • Akram-Lodhi, A. H., and C. Kay. 2009. Peasants and Globalization: Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question. New York: Routledge.
  • Altieri, M. A., and V. M. Toledo. 2011. “The Agroecological Revolution in Latin America: Rescuing Nature, Ensuring Food Sovereignty and Empowering Peasants.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 38 (3): 587–612.
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