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Forum on Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies

Imagined transitions: agrarian capitalism and climate change adaptation in Colombia



  • Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon, and Cristóbal Kay. 2010. “Surveying the Agrarian Question (Part 2): Current Debates and Beyond.” Journal of Peasant Studies 37 (2): 255–284.
  • Araghi, Farshad. 2009. “The Invisible Hand and the Visible Foot: Peasants, Dispossession and Globalization.” In Peasants and Globalization: Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question, edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi and Cristóbal Kay, 111–147. New York: Routledge.
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  • Bernstein, Henry. 2009. “Agrarian Questions from Transition to Globalization.” In Peasants and Globalization: Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question, edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi and Cristóbal Kay, 239–261. New York: Routledge.
  • Borras Jr, Saturnino, Ian Scoones, Amita Baviskar, Marc Edelman, Nancy Peluso, and Wendy Wolford. 2022. “Climate Change and Agrarian Struggles: An Invitation to Contribute to a JPS Forum.” Journal of Peasant Studies 49 (1): 1–28.
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  • O’Laughlin, Bridget. 2009. “Gender Justice, Land and the Agrarian Question in Southern Africa.” In Peasants and Globalization: Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question, edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi and Cristóbal Kay, 190–213. New York: Routledge.
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  • Schuller, Mark. 2008. “Deconstructing the Disaster After the Disaster: Conceptualizing Disaster Capitalism.” In Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction, edited by Nandini Gunewardena and Mark Schuller, 17–27. London: Altamira Press.
  • Scoones, Ian. 2008. “Mobilizing Against GM Crops in India, South Africa and Brazil.” Journal of Agrarian Change 8 (2-3): 315–344.
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  • Teubal, Miguel. 2009. “Peasant Struggles for Land and Agrarian Reform in Latin America.” In Peasants and Globalization: Political Economy, Rural Transformation and the Agrarian Question, edited by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi and Cristóbal Kay, 148–166. New York: Routledge.
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