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Unraveling the concept of employability, bringing together research on employability in higher education and the workplace

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  • Akkermans, J., V. Brenninkmeijer, M. Huibers, and R. W. B. Blonk. 2013. “Competencies for the Contemporary Career: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Career Competencies Questionnaire.” Journal of Career Development 40 (3): 245–267.
  • Artess, J., T. Hooley, and R. Mellors-Bourne. 2017. Employability: A Review of the Literature 2012 to 2016. York: The Higher Education Academy.
  • Athey, T. R., and M. S. Orth. 1999. “Emerging Competency Methods for the Future.” Human Resource Management 38 (3): 215–225.
  • Baker-Doyle, K. 2010. “Beyond the Labor Market Paradigm: A Social Network Perspective on Teacher Recruitment and Retention.” Education Policy Analysis Archives 18 (26). http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/836.
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  • Bennett, N., E. Dunne, and C. Carré. 1999. “Patterns of Core and Generic Skill Provision in Higher Education.” Higher Education 37 (1): 71–93.
  • Billet, S. 2015. Integrating Practice-based Experiences into Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Boahin, P., and A. Hofman. 2013. “A Disciplinary Perspective of Competency-Based Training on the Acquisition of Employability Skills.” Journal of Vocational Education and Training 65 (3): 385–401.
  • Bozionelos, N. 2003. “Intra-organizational Network Resources: Relation to Career Success and Personality.” The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 11 (1): 41–66.
  • Bridgstock, R. 2009. “The Graduate Attributes We’ve Overlooked: Enhancing Graduate Employability Through Career Management Skills.” Higher Education Research & Development 28 (1): 31–44.
  • Brockmann, M., L. Clarke, and C. Winch. 2009. “Competence and Competency in the EQF and in European VET Systems.” Journal of European Industrial Training 33 (8/9): 787–799.
  • Brockmann, M., L. Clarke, and C. Winch. 2011. Knowledge, Skills and Competence in the European Labour Market: What’s in a Vocational Qualification? London: Routledge.
  • Clark, M., and M. Zukas. 2013. “A Bourdieusian Approach to Understanding Employability: Becoming a ‘Fish in Water’.” Journal of Vocational Education and Training 65 (2): 208–219.
  • Clarke, M. 2008. “Understanding and Managing Employability in Changing Career Contexts.” Journal of European Industrial Training 32 (4): 258–284.
  • Cole, D., and M. Tibby. 2013. Defining and Developing Your Approach to Employability. York: The Higher Education Academy.
  • Dacre Pool, L., P. Qualter, and P. J. Sewell. 2014. “Exploring the Factor Structure of the CareerEDGE Employability Development Profile.” Education + Training 56 (4): 303–313.
  • Dacre Pool, L., and P. Sewell. 2007. “The Key to Employability: Developing a Practical Model of Graduate Employability.” Education + Training 49 (4): 277–289.
  • DeFillippi, R. J., and M. B. Arthur. 1994. “The Boundaryless Career: A Competency-Based Perspective.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 15 (4): 307–324.
  • Delamare Le Deist, F., and J. Winterton. 2005. “What is Competence?” Human Resource Development International 8 (1): 27–46.
  • Eraut, M. 2009. “Transfer of Knowledge Between Education and Workplace Settings.” In Knowledge, Values and Educational Policy. A Critical Perspective, edited by H. Daniels, H. Lauder, and J. Porter, 65–84. London: Routlegde.
  • European Council. 2012. Council Conclusions of 11 May 2012 on the Employability of Graduates from Education and Training: 2012/C 169/04. Luxembourg: European Union, June.
  • Forrier, A., and L. Sels. 2003. “The Concept Employability: A Complex Mosaic.” International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 3 (2): 103–124.
  • Forrier, A., L. Sels, and D. Stynen. 2009. “Career Mobility at the Intersection Between Agent and Structure: A Conceptual Model.” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 82: 739–759.
  • Forrier, A., M. Verbruggen, and N. De Cuyper. 2015. “Integrating Different Notions of Employability in a Dynamic Chain: The Relationship Between Job Transitions, Movement Capital and Perceived Employability.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 89: 56–64.
  • Fugate, M., A. J. Kinicki, and B. E. Ashforth. 2004. “Employability: A Psycho-Social Construct, its Dimensions, and Applications.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 65: 14–38.
  • Hall, D. T. 2004. “The Protean Career: A Quarter-Century Journey.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 65: 1–13.
  • Harvey, L. 2001. “Defining and Measuring Employability.” Quality in Higher Education 7 (2): 97–109.
  • Helyer, R., and D. Lee. 2014. “The Role of Work Experience in the Future Employability of Higher Education Graduates.” Higher Education Quarterly 68 (3): 348–372.
  • Hennemann, S., and I. Liefner. 2010. “Employability of German Geography Graduates: The Mismatch Between Knowledge Acquired and Competences Required.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 34 (2): 215–230.
  • Hernández-Fernaud, E., C. I. Ruiz-de la Rosa, F. Negrin, Y. Ramos-Sapena, and B. Hernandez. 2017. “Efficacy of an Intervention Program to Improve Employability of University Students.” The Spanish Journal of Psychology 20 (e3): 1–11.
  • Hillage, J., and E. Pollard. 1998. Employability: Developing a Framework for Policy Analysis. London: DfEE.
  • Hinchliffe, G. W., and A. Jolly. 2011. “Graduate Identity and Employability.” British Educational Research Journal 37 (4): 563–584.
  • Hodkinson, P. 2005. “Reconceptualising the Relations Between College-Based and Workplace Learning.” Journal of Workplace Learning 17 (8): 521–532.
  • Jackson, D. 2014. “Testing a Model of Undergraduate Competence in Employability Skills and its Implications for Stakeholders.” Journal of Education and Work 27 (2): 220–242.
  • Kearns, P. 2001. Generic Skills for the New Economy: A Review of Research Relating to Generic Skills. Adelaide: National Center for Vocational Education Research.
  • Knight, P., and M. Yorke. 2003. Assessment, Learning and Employability. Maidenhead: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
  • Knight, P., and M. Yorke. 2004. Learning, Curriculum and Employability in Higher Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Kochoian, N., I. Raemdonck, M. Frenay, and H. Zacher. 2017. “The Role of Age and Occupational Future Time Perspective in Workers’ Motivation to Learn.” Vocations and Learning 10 (1): 27–45.
  • Koole, S. L. 2009. “The Psychology of Emotion Regulation: An Integrative Review.” Cognition and Emotion 23 (1): 4–41.
  • Kraus, K., and M. Vonken. 2009. “Being Employable and Competent. Investigating the New Imperative from a Comparative Perspective.” In Reworking Vocational Education: Policies, Practices and Concepts, edited by A. Heikkinen, and K. Kraus, 141–162. Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Kumar, A. 2007. Personal, Academic and Career Development in Higher Education. SOARing to Success. London and New York: Routledge.
  • McArdle, S., L. Waters, J. P. Briscoe, and D. T. Hall. 2007. “Employability During Unemployment: Adaptability, Career Identity and Human and Social Capital.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 71: 247–264.
  • McQuaid, R. W., and C. Lindsay. 2005. “The Concept of Employability.” Urban Studies 42 (2): 197–219.
  • Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science). 2015. De waarde(n) van weten. Strategische Agenda Hoger Onderwijs en Onderzoek 2015–2025.
  • Peeters, E., J. Nelissen, N. De Cuyper, A. Forrier, M. Verbruggen, and H. De Witte. 2019. Employability Capital: A Conceptual Framework Tested Through Expert Analysis. Journal of Career Development, 46 (2): 79–93.
  • Pegg, A., J. Waldock, S. Hendy-Isaac, and R. Lawton. 2012. Pedagogy for Employability. York: The Higher Education Academy.
  • Small, L., K. Shacklock, and T. Marchant. 2018. “Employability: A Contemporary Review for Higher Education Stakeholders.” Journal of Vocational Education & Training 70 (1): 148–166.
  • Smith, C., S. Ferns, and L. Russell. 2016. “Designing Work-integrated Learning Placements that Improve Student Employability: Six Facets of the Curriculum that Matter.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education 17 (2): 197–211.
  • Struthers, C. W., R. P. Perry, and V. H. Menec. 2000. “An Examination of the Relationship among Academic Stress, Coping, Motivation, and Performance in College.” Research in Higher Education 41 (5): 581–592.
  • Sumanasiri, E. G. T., M. S. A. Yajid, and A. Khatibi. 2015. “Conceptualizing Learning and Employability ‘Learning and Employability Framework’.” Journal of Education and Learning 4 (2): 53–63.
  • Thijssen, J. G. L., B. I. J. M. Van der Heijden, and T. S. Rocco. 2008. “Toward the Employability—Link Model: Current Employment Transition to Future Employment Perspectives.” Human Resource Development Review 7 (2): 165–183.
  • Van der Heijde, C. M., and B. I. J. M. Van der Heijden. 2006. “A Competence-based and Multidimensional Operationalization and Measurement of Employability.” Human Resource Management 45 (3): 449–476.
  • Yorke, M. 2006. Employability in Higher Education: What It Is-What It Is Not. Vol. 1. York: Higher Education Academy.
  • Yorke, M., and P. Knight. 2006. Embedding Employability into the Curriculum. Vol. 3. York: Higher Education Academy.
  • Zimmerman, B. J. 2002. “Becoming a Self-Regulated Learner: An Overview.” Theory Into Practice 41 (2): 64–70.