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Learning connected civics: Narratives, practices, infrastructures

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  • Allen, D. (2012). Towards participatory democracy. Boston Review. Retrieved from http://www.bostonreview.net/forum/port-huron-statement-50/toward-participatory-democracy
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  • Gamber-Thompson, L. (2012). The cost of engagement: Politics and participatory practices in the U.S. liberty movement. Los Angeles. Retrieved from http://ypp.dmlcentral.net/sites/all/files/publications/The_Cost_of_Engagement-Working_Paper-MAPP_12.10.12.pdf
  • Gardner, H., & Davis, K. (2013). The app generation. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Gee, J. P. (2005). Semiotic social spaces and affinity spaces: From the age of mythology to today's schools. In D. Barton & K. Tusting (Eds.), Beyond communities of practice: Language, power and social context (pp. 214–232). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge U. Press.
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  • Hall, S. & Jefferson, T. (2006). Resistance through rituals: Youth subcultures in post-war Britain. London: Routledge.
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  • Kahne, J., Middaugh, E., & Allen, D. (2014). Youth, new media, and the rise of participatory politics. YPP Research Network Working Paper #1. Retrieved from http://dmlcentral.net/sites/dmlcentral/files/resource_files/ypp_workinpapers_paper01_1.pdf
  • Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2013). “Decreasing world suck”: Fan communities, mechanisms of translation, and participatory politics. Los Angeles: MacArthur Foundation.
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