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SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010
Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen
Volume 20, 1978 - Issue 2
CrossRef citations to date
II. Lakes. 4. Africa

Case studies of lake ecosystems at different latitudes: the tropics: The Lake George ecosystem

With 4 figures and 4 tables in the text

Pages 1139-1152 | Published online: 01 Dec 2017


  • Including all papers concerning Lake George by the Royal Society African Freshwater Biological Team and associated workers (* indicates references for this paper).
  • vvspopenvv* Abeliovitch, A., 1967: Oxygen regime in Beit-Shean fish ponds related to summer mass fish mortalities. Preliminary observations. — Bamidgeh 19: 3–15.
  • vvspopenvv* Allanson, B. R. & Hart, R. C., 1975: The primary production of Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu, S. Africa. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19: 1426–1433.
  • vvspopenvv* Beadle, L. C., 1966: Prolonged stratification and deoxygenation in tropical lakes. 1. Crater lake Nkugute, Uganda compared with Lakes Bunyoni and Edward. — Limnol. Oceanogr. 11: 152–163.
  • vvspopenvv* Beadle, L. C., 1974: The inland waters of tropical Africa. — Longman, London.
  • vvspopenvv* Blažka, P., 1976: Nutrient recycling by zooplankton. — Limnologica 10: 279–286.
  • Burgis, M. J., 1969: A preliminary study of the ecology of the zooplankton in Lake George, Uganda. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17: 297–302.
  • Burgis, M. J., 1970: The effect of temperature on the development time of eggs of Thermocyclops sp., a tropical cyclopoid from Lake George, Uganda. — Limnol. Oceanogr. 15: 742–747.
  • Burgis, M. J., 1971: An ecological study of the zooplankton in Lake George, Uganda. — PhD. thesis, Univ. of London, UK.
  • Burgis, M. J., 1971: The ecology and production of copepods, particularly Thermocyclops hyalinus, in the tropical Lake George, Uganda. — Freshwat. Biol. 1: 169–192.
  • Burgis, M. J., 1973: Observations on the Cladocera of Lake George, Uganda. — J. Zool., Lond. 170: 339–349.
  • vvspopenvv* Burgis, M. J., 1974: Revised estimates for the biomass and production of zooplankton in Lake George, Uganda. — Freshwat. Biol. 4: 535–541.
  • vvspopenvv* Burgis, M. J., Darlington, J. P. E. C., Dunn, I. G., Ganf, G. G., Gwahaba, J. J. & McGowan, L. M., 1973: The biomass and distribution of organisms in Lake George, Uganda. — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184: 271–298.
  • vvspopenvv* Burgis, M. J. & Dunn, I. G., 1978: Production in three contrasting ecosystems. — In: Ecology of freshwater fish production (ed. S. D. Gerking). Blackwells, Oxford.
  • Burgis, M. J. & Walker, A. F., 1971: A preliminary comparison of the zooplankton in a tropical and a temperate lake (Lake George, Uganda and Loch Leven, Scotland). — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 18: 647–655.
  • vvspopenvv* Coulter, G. W., 1963: Hydrological changes in relation to biological production in southern Lake Tanganyika. — Limnol. Oceanogr. 4: 463–477.
  • vvspopenvv* Coulter, G. W., 1968: Hydrological processes and primary production in Lake Tanganyika. — Proc. 11th Conf. Great Lakes Res. (Int. Assoc. Great Lakes Res.): 609–626.
  • vvspopenvv* Darlington, J. P. E. C., 1977: Temporal and spatial variation in the benthic invertebrate fauna of Lake George, Uganda. — J. Zool. 181: 95–111.
  • Dunn, I. G., 1972: Ecological studies on the fish of Lake George, Uganda, with particular reference to the cichlid genus Haplochromis. — PhD. thesis, Univ. of London, UK.
  • Dunn, I. G., 1973: The commercial fishery of Lake George, Uganda. — Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish. 2: 109–120.
  • Dunn, I. G., 1975: Ecological notes on the Haplochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) species — flock of Lake George, Uganda (East Africa). — J. Fish. Biol. 7: 651–666.
  • Dunn, I. G., Burgis, M. J., Ganf, G. G., McGowan, L. M. & Viner, A. B., 1969: Lake George, Uganda: a limnological survey. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17: 284–288.
  • vvspopenvv* Eccles, D. H., 1974: An outline of the physical limnology of Lake Malawi (Lake Nyasa). — Limnol. Oceanogr. 19: 730–742.
  • vvspopenvv* Fuente, G. de la, Flores, A., Molina, M. R., Almengor, L. & Bressani, R., 1977: Some nutritional characteristics of a naturally occurring alga (Microcystis sp.) in a Guatemalan lake. — Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 33, 6–9.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1969: Physiological and ecological aspects of the phytoplankton of Lake George, Uganda. — PhD. thesis, Univ. of Lancaster, UK.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1972: The regulation of net primary production in Lake George, Uganda, East Africa. — In: Productivity problems of freshwaters: 693–708 (eds. Z. Kajak & A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska). Warszawa-Kraków.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1974 a: Rates of oxygen uptake by the planktonic community of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Oecologia 15: 17–32.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1974 b: Diurnal mixing and the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — J. Ecol. 62: 611–629.
  • vvspopenvv* Ganf, G. G., 1974 c: Phytoplankton biomass and distribution in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Oecologia 16: 9–29.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1974 d: Incident solar irradiance and underwater light penetration as factors controlling the chlorophyll a content of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — J. Ecol. 62: 593–609.
  • Ganf, G. G., 1975: Photosynthetic production and irradiance-photosynthesis relationships of the phytoplankton from a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Oecologia (Berl.) 18: 165–183.
  • vvspopenvv* Ganf, G. G. & Blažka, P., 1974: Oxygen uptake, ammonia and phosphate excretion by zooplankton of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Limnol. Oceanogr. 19: 313–325.
  • vvspopenvv* Ganf, G. G. & Horne, A. J., 1975: Diurnal stratification, primary production and nitrogen fixation in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Freshwat. Biol. 5: 13–39.
  • Ganf, G. G. & Milburn, T. R., 1971: A conductimetric method for the determination of total inorganic and particulate organic carbon fractions in freshwater. — Arch. Hydrobiol. 69: 1–13.
  • vvspopenvv* Ganf, G. G. & Viner, A. B., 1973: Ecological stability in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Proc. R. Soc. (B) 184: 321–346.
  • vvspopenvv* George, M. G., 1961: Diurnal variations in two shallow ponds in Delhi, India. — Hydrobiologia 18: 265–273.
  • vvspopenvv* Golterman, H. L., 1971: The determination of mineralisation losses in correlation with the estimation of net primary production with the oxygen method and chemical inhibitors. — Freshwat. Biol. 1: 249–256.
  • vvspopenvv* Golterman, H. L. 1975: Physiological limnology. — Elsevier.
  • vvspopenvv* Gras, R., Iltis, A. & Leveque-Duvat, S., 1967: Le plancton du Bas Chari et de la partie est du lac Tchad. Document annexe: variations annuelles aux différentes stations. — Rapp. ronéo, Fort Lamy, 72 pp.
  • Greenwood, P. H., 1973: A revision of the Haplochromis and related species (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake George, Uganda. — Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zool.) 52: (5): 141–242.
  • vvspopenvv* Greenwood, P. H., 1976: Lake George, Uganda. — Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 274: 375–391.
  • Greenwood, P. H. & Lund, J. W. G., 1973: Introductory remarks. — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184: 229–233.
  • Gwahaba, J. J., 1973: Population studies of the more abdundant fish species in Lake George, Uganda. — MSc. thesis, Makerere Univ., Kampala.
  • Gwahaba, J. J., 1973: Effects of fishing on the Tilapia nilotica (Linné) 1757 population in Lake George, Uganda over the past 20 years. — E. Afr. Wildl. J. 11: 317–328.
  • Gwahaba, J. J., 1975: The distribution, population density and biomass of fish in an equatorial lake, Lake George, Uganda. — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 190: 393–414.
  • Gwahaba, J. J., 1978: The biology of cichlid fishes (Teleostei) in an equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). — Arch. Hydrobiol. (in press).
  • Gwahaba, J. J., in press: Movements of Haplochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake George, Uganda. — Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fish.
  • vvspopenvv* Harbott, B., 1975: Preliminary observations on the feeding of Tilapia nilotica Linn. in Lake Rudolf. — Afr. J. Trop. Hydrobiol. Fisheries 4: 27–37.
  • vvspopenvv* Haworth, E. Y., 1977: The sediments of Lake George, (Uganda). V. The diatom assemblages in relation to the ecological history. — Arch. Hydrobiol. 80: 200–215.
  • vvspopenvv* Horne, A. J. & Viner, A. B., 1971: Nitrogen fixation and its significance in tropical Lake George, Uganda. — Nature, Lond. 232: 417–418.
  • vvspopenvv* Léonard, J. & Compère, P., 1967: Spirulina platensis (Gom.) Geitl., algue bleue de grande valeur alimentaire par sa richesse en proteines. — Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 37 Suppl. 23 pp.
  • vvspopenvv* Lévêque, C. & Gaborit, M., 1972: Utilisation de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances pour l'étude des peuplements en mollusques benthiques du lac Tchad. — Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M. (Hydrobiol.) 6: 47–66.
  • vvspopenvv* Lewis, W. M., 1973: The thermal regime of Lake Lanao (Philippines) and its theoretical implications for tropical lakes. — Limnol. Oceanogr. 18: 200–217.
  • Lock, J. M., 1973: The aquatic vegetation of Lake George, Uganda. — Phytocoenologia 1: 250–262.
  • McGowan, L. M., 1972: Description of the larvae of Chaoborus (Neochaoborus) anomalus Edwards and Chaoborus (Sayomyia) ceratopogones Teobald (Diptera, Chaoboridae) from Lake George, Uganda and their morphological variation in other African lakes. — Rev. Zool Bot. afr. 85: 357–368.
  • McGowan, L. M., 1973: Studies on Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in Lake George, Uganda. — MPhil. thesis, Univ. of London, UK.
  • McGowan, L. M., 1974: Ecological studies on Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in Lake George, Uganda. — Freshwat. Biol. 4: 483–505.
  • McGowan, L. M., 1975: The occurrence and behaviour of adult Chaoborus and Procladius (Diptera: Nematocera) from Lake George, Uganda. — Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 57: 321–334.
  • Moriarty, C. M., 1973: Feeding of herbivorous fish in Lake George, Uganda. — MPhil. thesis, Univ. of Nottingham, UK.
  • vvspopenvv* Moriarty, C. M. & Moriarty, D. J. W., 1973: Quantitative estimation of the daily ingestion of phytoplankton by Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis in Lake George, Uganda. — J. Zool. 171: 15–23.
  • vvspopenvv* Moriarty, D. J. W., 1973: The physiology of digestion of blue-green algae in the cichlid fish, Tilapia nilotica. — J. Zool. 171: 25–39.
  • vvspopenvv* Moriarty, D. J. W. & Moriarty, C. M., 1973: The assimilation of carbon from phytoplankton by two herbivorous fishes: Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis. — J. Zool. 171: 41–55.
  • vvspopenvv* Moriarty, D. J. W., Darlington, J. P. E. C., Dunn, I. G., Moriarty, C. M. & Tevlin, M. P., 1973: Feeding and grazing in Lake George, Uganda. — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184: 299–319.
  • vvspopenvv* Rigler, F. H., 1975: The Char Lake Project. — In: Energy flow — its biological dimensions, eds. T. W. M. Cameron & L. Billingsley. Publ. for the Canad. Committee for IBP by the Royal Soc. of Canada, Ottawa.
  • vvspopenvv* Stross, R. G., Chisholm, S W. & Downing, T. A., 1973: Causes of daily rhythms in photosynthetic rates of phytoplankton. — Biol. Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab. Woods Hole 145: 200–209.
  • vvspopenvv* Talling, J. F., 1957: Diurnal changes of stratification and photosynthesis in some tropical African waters. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 147: 57–83.
  • vvspopenvv* Talling, J. F., 1965 a: The annual cycle of stratification and phytoplankton growth in Lake Victoria (East Africa). — Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. 50: 421–463.
  • vvspopenvv* Talling, J. F., 1965 b: Comparative problems of phytoplankton production and photosynthetic productivity in a tropical and a temperate lake. — Mem. 1st. Ital. Idrobiol. Suppl. 18: 399–424.
  • vvspopenvv* Talling, J. F., 1969: The incidence of vertical mixing, and some biological and chemical consequences in tropical African lakes. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17: 998–1012.
  • vvspopenvv* Talling, J. F., Wood, R. B., Prosser, M. V. & Baxter, R. M., 1973: The upper limit of photosynthetic productivity by phytoplankton: evidence from Ethiopian soda lakes. — Freshwat. Biol. 3: 53–76.
  • Thurston, J. P., 1969: The biology of Lernaea barnimiana (Crustacea: Copepoda) in Lake George, Uganda. — Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 80: 15–23.
  • Thurston, J. P., 1970: The incidence of Monogenea and parasitic Crustacea on the gills of fish in Uganda. — Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 82: 111–130.
  • vvspopenvv* Verbeke, J., 1957: Recherches ecologiques sur la faune des grands lacs de l'Est Congo Belge. — Explor. Hydrobiol. Lacs Kivu, Edouard et Albert (1952–54) 3: 177 pp. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belg., Bruxelles.
  • Viner, A. B., 1969: The chemistry of the water of Lake George, Uganda. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 17: 289–296.
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  • Viner, A. B., 1972: Responses of a mixed phytoplankton population to nutrient enrichments of ammonia and phosphate, and some associated ecological implications. — Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B 183: 351–370.
  • Viner, A. B., 1975 a: The supply of minerals to tropical rivers and lakes (Uganda). — In: An introduction to land-water interactions (ed. Olson, J.), Chapter 10: 227–261. Springer-Verlag.
  • Viner, A. B., 1975 b: Non-biological factors affecting phosphate recycling in the water of a tropical eutrophic lake. — Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19: 1404–1415.
  • Viner, A. B., 1975 c: The sediments of Lake George, Uganda. I: Redox potentials, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output. — Arch. Hydrobiol. 76: 181–197.
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  • vvspopenvv* Viner, A. B., 1977: The sediments of Lake George, Uganda. IV. The vertical distribution of chemical characteristics. — Arch. Hydrobiol. 80: 40–69.
  • Viner, A. B., in press: The influence of sediments upon nutrient exchanges in tropical lakes. — In: Interactions between Sediments and Freshwater (ed. H. L. Golterman). Proc. of S.I.L. — UNESCO symposium, Amsterdam, 6–10 Sept. 1976. Wageningen. Pudoc.
  • vvspopenvv* Viner, A. B. & Smith, I. R., 1973: Geographical, historical and physical aspects of Lake George. — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184: 235–270.
  • vvspopenvv* Wood, R. B., Prosser, M. V. & Baxter, R. M., 1976: The seasonal pattern of thermal characteristics of four of the Bishoftu crater lakes, Ethiopia. — Freshwat. Biol. 6: 519–530.

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