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COVID-19 and African tourism research agendas



  • Adam, I & Kimbu, A, 2020. Strategies Africa’s tourism requires to manage blow from coronavirus. The Conversation, 23 April.
  • Amore, A, Falk, M & Adie, B, 2020. One visitor too many: assessing the degree of overtourism in established European urban destinations. International Journal of Tourism Cities 6(1), 117–37.
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  • Ateljevic, A, 2020. Transforming the (tourism) world for good and (re)generating the potential ‘new normal’. Tourism Geographies 22(3), 467–75.
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  • Benjamin, S, Dillette, A & Alderman, DH, 2020. “We can’t return to normal”: committing to tourism equity in the post-pandemic age. Tourism Geographies 22(3), 476–83.
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  • Cave, J & Dredge, D, 2020. Regenerative tourism needs diverse economic practices. Tourism Geographies 22(3), 503–13.
  • Cheer, J, 2020. Human flourishing, tourism transformation and COVID-19: a conceptual touchstone. Tourism Geographies 22(3), 514–24.
  • Chen, H, Huang, X & Li, Z, 2020. A content analysis of Chinese news coverage of COVID-19 and tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. doi:10.1080/13683500.2020.1763269
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