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Original Articles

The University as European Cultural Heritage: A Historical ApproachFootnote1

Pages 369-379 | Published online: 18 May 2010


Selective Historiographical Publications

  • Denley , P. 1994 . “The History of Universities: Trends and Resources” . Universitas. Newsletter of the International Centre for the History of Universities and Science , 6 : 1 – 4 .
  • Hammerstein , N. 1978 . “Neue Wege der Universitätsgeschichtsschreibung” [New Directions in University History] . Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung , 5 : 449 – 463 .
  • Hammerstein , N. 1983 . “Jubiläumsschrift und Alltagsarbeit. Tendenzen bildungsgeschichtlicher Literatur” [Jubilee Publications and Every Day Activity. Trends in Eduacational Literature] . Historische Zeitschrift , 236 : 601 – 633 .
  • Müller , W. 1998 . “Erinnern an die Gründung. Universitätsjubiläen, Universitätsgeschichte und die Entstehung der Jubiläumskultur in der frühen Neuzeit” [Memorising University Foundations. University Jubilees, University History and the Origin of a Jubilee Traditions in the Early Modern Period] . Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte , 21 : 79 – 102 .
  • Robinson‐Hammerstein , H. 1998 . “Recent Research on the History of Universities in the early Modern Period” . German Historical Institute London. Bulletin , 11 : 1 – 10 .
  • SchuerkogelJ . 1981 . “Nieuwe universiteitsgeschiedenis en late middeleeuwen [New University History and the Late Middle Ages]” . Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis , 94 : 194 – 204 .
  • Verschaffel , T. 2001 . “Religion, Patrie, Liberté et Science. L'auto‐représentation historique de l'Université de Louvain (1859–1935)” . In Leuven/Louvain‐la‐Neuve. Aller Retour , Edited by: Roegiers , J and Vandevivere , I . Leuven : Presses Universitaires de Louvain .

Selective Secondary Sources

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  • Baldwin , J and Goldthwaite , G , eds. 1972 . Universities in Politics, Case Studies from the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period , Baltimore/London : The John Hopkins Press .
  • Bernstein , A. E. 1978 . “Magisterium and License: Corporate Autonomy against Papal Authority in the Medieval University of Paris” . Viator, Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9 : 291 – 307 .
  • Bots , H. and Waquet , F. 1997 . La République des Lettres. Europe et Histoire , Paris : Belin .
  • Donelly , J. P. 1990 . “Padua, Louvain and Paris. Three cases of University‐Jesuit Confrontation (1591–1596)” . Louvain Studies , 15 : 38 – 52 .
  • Dooley , B. 1989 . “Social Control and the Italian Universities: from Renaissance to Illuminismo” . Journal of Modern History , 61 : 205 – 239 .
  • Driver , Ch. 1972 . The Exploding University , 100 – 131 . Indianapolis : Bobbs‐Merrill .
  • Fletcher , J. M. 1981 . “Change and Resistance to Change: A Consideration of the Development of English and German Universities during the 16th Century” . History of Universities , 1 : 1 – 36 .
  • Frijhoff , W. 1985 . “L'État et l'éducation (XVIe‐XVIIe siècle): une perspective globale” . In Culture et Idéologie dans la Genèse de l'État Moderne , Edited by: Maire Vigueur , J. C and Pietri , C . 99 – 116 . Rome : Bibliothèque de l'École française . Documents of the Roundtable organized by CNRS and l'École française de Rome, Rome, 15–17 October 1984
  • Frijhoff , W. 2005 . “L'Université à l'Époque moderne” . In Université, Eglise, Culture. L 'Université Catholique à I'Epoque Moderne De la Réforme à la Révolution, XVIème‐XVIIème siècles , Edited by: Hurtubise , P . 11 – 36 . Paris : FIUC . Actes du Troisième Symposium Universidad Iberoamericana, México, 30 avril–3 mai 2003.
  • Gingras , Y and Roy , L , eds. 2006 . Les transformations des universités du XIIIe au XXIe siècle , Quebec : Presses de l'Université du Québec .
  • Grane , L , ed. 1981 . University and Reformation , Leiden : Brill . Lectures from the University of Copenhagen Symposium
  • Grundmann , H. 1951 . “Sacerdotium, Regnum, Studium” . Archiv für Kulturgeschichte , 34 : 5 – 21 .
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  • Jarausch , K. H , ed. 1983 . The Transformation of Higher Learning, 1860–1930: Expansion, Diversification, Social Opening, and Professionalization in England, Germany, Russia and the United States , Chicago : University of Chicago Press .
  • Johnson , R. 1970 . “Educational Policy and Social Control in Early Victorian England” . Past and Present , 49 : 96 – 113 .
  • Jong , O. J. De. 1985 . “States, Churches and Universities during the Reformation” . CRE‐Information , 72 : 47 – 60 .
  • Julia , D. 1986 . “Frontières étatiques, clivages confessionnels et cloisonnements intellectuels dans l'Europe des XVIe‐XVIIe siècles” [State Borders, Confessional Cleavages and Intellectuel Pilarisation in Europe during the 16th and 17th Century] ” . In État et Église dans la Genèse de l'État moderne , Edited by: Genet , J. P and Vincent , B . 78 – 82 . Madrid : Casa de Velasquez . Colloquium organized by the National Scientific Research Center and Casa de Velasquez, Madrid, 30 November–1 December 1984
  • Kittelson , J. M and Transue , P. J , eds. 1984 . Rebirth, Reform, and Resilience: Universities in Transition, 1300–1700 , Ohio : State U.P. Colombus .
  • Klinge , M. 1992 . Eine nordische Universität. Die Universität Helsinki 1640–1990 , Helsinki : Otava Kustannusosakeyhtiö .
  • Klingenstein , G , Lutz , H and Stourzh , G , eds. 1978 . Bildung, Politik und Gesellschaft. Studien zur Geschichte der europäischen Bildungswesens vom 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert , Munich : Verlag für Geschichte und Politik Wien . [General Education, Politics and Society. Studies on European History of Education from the 16th till the 20th Century] Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 5
  • Lorenz , C. 2000 . “The Myth of the Dutch Middle Way. A True Story about the Dutch Mountains” . Wissenschaftsrecht , 33 : 189 – 209 .
  • Lorenz , C. 2006 . “Van homo academicus tot homo economicus. Over de functieverandering van de universiteit in de ‘kenniseconomie’ [From homo academicus to homo economicus. Concerning the Changing Functions of the University in the Knowledge Society]”, in, De nieuwe schoolstrijd!, special issue of Christen Democratische Verkenningen ” . In Maandblad van het wetenschappelijk instituut voor het CDA 124 – 145 . Herfst
  • Lorenz , C. 2006 . “Will the Universities Survive the European Integration? Higher Education Policies in the EU and in the Netherlands before and after the Bologna Declaration” . In Sociologia Internationalis. Internationale Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Kommunikations‐ und Kulturforschung 123 – 150 .
  • Lusignan , S. 1999 . “Vérité garde le roy”. La construction d'une identité universitaire en France (XIIIe‐XVe siècle) , Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne . [The Construct of a University Identity in France (13th–15th Century)], Histoire ancienne et médiévale 55
  • McClelland , C. E. 1980 . State, Society and University in Germany 1700–1914 , Cambridge : University Press .
  • Newman , J. H. 1976 . The Idea of a University , Oxford : Clarendon Press .
  • Peset , M. and Peset , J. L. 1974 . La Universidad española (siglos XVIII y XIX). Despotismo ilustrado y revolución liberal , Madrid : Ed.Taurus . [The Spanish University (centuries XVIII and XIX). Enlightened despotism and liberal revolution]
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  • Ridder‐Symoens , H. De. 2000 . “L'Université et l'Église: considérations historiques sur des alliances alternantes” [University and Church: Historical Considerations on Alternating Alliancies] ” . In Mare Nostrum – Mare Balticum. Commentationes in honorem Professoris Matti Klinge , 451 – 472 . Helsinki : AB Raud Publishing . in
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