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Unintended Consequences of EU External Action


  • Aggestam, L. 2008. Introduction: ethical power Europe? International Affairs 84 (1): 1–11.
  • Allwood, G., Guerrina, R., and MacRae, H. 2013. Unintended consequences of EU policies: reintegrating gender in European studies. Women’s Studies International Forum 39: 1–2.
  • Almondo, P. 1998. Some thoughts on two works by Robert K. Merton. In C. Mongardini and S. Tabboni. eds. Robert K. Merton and contemporary sociology: 221–238. London: Transaction Publishers.
  • Aoi, C., De Coning, C., and Thakur, R. eds. 2007. Unintended consequences of peacekeeping. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
  • Baert, P. 1991. Unintended consequences: a typology and examples. International Sociology 6 (2): 201–210.
  • Barnett, M., and Finnemore, M. 2004. Rules for the world: International organizations in global politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Beck, U. 1992. Risk society: towards a new modernity. London: Sage.
  • Bennett, C. J., and Howlett, M. 1992. The lessons of learning: reconciling theories of policy learning and policy change. Policy Sciences 25 (3): 275–294.
  • Biedenkopf, K. 2018. External effects of internal regulation: the unintended consequences of EU hazardous substances policy. Paper presented at the workshop “Unintended Consequences of EU External Action: What, Why and How”, Maastricht University, Campus Brussels, 15-16 March 2018.
  • Boerzel, T., and Pamuk, Y. 2012. Pathologies of Europeanisation: fighting corruption in the Southern Caucasus. West European Politics 35 (1): 79–97.
  • Buckland, B. 2010. Neither seen nor heard: the unintended consequences of counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling. In C. Daase and C. Friesendorf. eds. Rethinking security governance: the problem of unintended consequences: 137–156. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Burlyuk, O. 2017. The “oops!” of EU engagement abroad: analyzing unintended consequences of EU external action. Journal of Common Market Studies 55 (5): 1009–1025.
  • Carbone, M. ed. 2013. Policy coherence and EU development policy. New York: Routledge.
  • Cornut, J. 2014. Analytic eclecticism in practice: a method for combining international relations theories. International Studies Perspectives 16 (1): 50–66.
  • Daase, C., and Friesendorf, C. eds. 2010. Rethinking security governance: the problem of unintended consequences. London and New York: Routledge.
  • De Zwart, F. 2015 Unintended but not unanticipated consequences. Theory and Society 44 (3): 283–297.
  • Dickie, M., Gozdecka, D., and Reich, S. eds. 2016. Unintended consequences: the impact of migration law and policy. Acton: Australian National University Press.
  • Diez, T. 2013. Normative power as hegemony. Cooperation and Conflict 48 (2): 194–210.
  • Dimitrakopoulos, D. 2001. Unintended consequences: institutional autonomy and executive discretion in the European Union. Journal of Public Policy 21 (2): 107–131.
  • Gebhard, C. 2017. The problem of coherence in the European Union’s international relations. In C. Hill, M. Smith and S. Vanhoonacker, eds. International relations and the European Union: 123–142. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hyde-Price, A. 2006. ‘Normative’ power Europe: a realist critique. Journal of European Public Policy 13 (2): 217–234.
  • Jervis, R. 1997/1998. Complexity and the analysis of political and social life. Political Science Quarterly 112 (4): 569–593.
  • Koch, D.-J. 2018. Policy learning? The EU’s efforts to anticipate unintended consequences in its conflict minerals legislation. Paper presented at the workshop “Unintended Consequences of EU External Action: What, Why and How”, Maastricht University, Campus Brussels, 15-16 March 2018.
  • Koch, D.-J., and Schulpen, L. 2018. Special Issue: Unintended effects of international cooperation. Evaluation and Program Planning 68 (June 2018): 1–274.
  • Kohstall, F. 2010. Strengthening autocracy: the World Bank and social reform in Egypt. In C. Daase and C. Friesendorf, eds. Rethinking security governance: the problem of unintended consequences: 21–38. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Manners, I. 2002. Normative power Europe: a contradiction in terms? Journal of Common Market Studies 40 (2): 235–258.
  • Martens, K., and Wolf, K. D. 2009. Boomerangs and Trojan horses: the unintended consequences of internationalising education policy through the EU and the OECD. In A. Amaral, G. Neave, Musselin, C., and Maassen, P. eds. European integration and the governance of higher education and research: 81–107. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Merton, R. K. 1936. The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action. American Sociological Review 1 (6): 894–904.
  • Merton, R. K. 1948. The self-fulfilling prophecy. The Antioch Review 8 (2): 193–210.
  • Murphy, K. 2013. Regulating banking bonuses in the European Union: a case study in unintended consequences. Center for Law, Economic and Organization Research Papers Series No. C13-82013: 1–39. New York: Center for Law, Economic and Organization Research.
  • Pierson, P. 1996. The path to European integration: a historical institutionalist analysis. Comparative Political Studies 29 (2): 123–163.
  • Reichert, S. 2010. The intended and unintended effects of the Bologna reforms. Higher Education Management and Policy 22 (1): 59–78.
  • Schneckener, U. 2010. Unintended consequences of international statebuilding. In C. Daase and C. Friesendorf, eds. Rethinking security governance: the problem of unintended consequences: 62–81. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Sil, R., and Katzenstein, P. J. 2010. Analytic eclecticism in the study of world politics: reconfiguring problems and mechanisms across research traditions. Perspectives on Politics 8 (2): 411–431.
  • Sjursen, H. 2006. The EU as a ‘normative’ power: how can this be? Journal of European Public Policy 13 (2): 235–251.
  • Smith, M. 2011. A liberal grand strategy in a realist world? Power, purpose and the EU’s changing global role. Journal of European Public Policy 18 (2): 144–163.
  • Stevens, C. 2006. The EU, Africa and Economic Partnership Agreements: Unintended consequences of policy leverage. The Journal of Modern African Studies 44 (3): 441–458.
  • Vanhoonacker, S., and Pomorska, K. 2013. The European External Action Service and agenda-setting in European foreign policy. Journal of European Public Policy 20 (9): 1316–1331.
  • Vernon, R. 1979. Unintended consequences. Political Theory 7 (1): 35–73.
  • Webb, J. 2018. EU external action in the Western Balkans: anticipating unintended consequences? Paper presented at the workshop “Unintended Consequences of EU External Action: What, Why and How”, Maastricht University, Campus Brussels, 15-16 March 2018.
  • Whitman, R. 2013. The neo-normative turn in theorising the EU’s international presence. Cooperation and Conflict 48 (2): 171–193.
  • Zingerle, A. 1998. The unanticipated consequences of action: Sociological and ethical aspects. In C. Mongardini and S. Tabboni, eds. Robert K. Merton and contemporary sociology: 177–186. London: Transaction Publishers.