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EU External Action, Intention and Explanation


  • Bellier, I. 2000. A Europeanized Elite? An Anthropology of European Commission Officials? Yearbook of European Studies 14: 135–156.
  • Blau, P. M. 1955. The Dynamics of Bureaucracy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Burlyuk, O. 2017 The “oops!” of EU engagement abroad: analyzing unintended consequences of EU external action. Journal of Common Market Studies 55 (5): 1009–1025.
  • Chelotti, N. 2015. A ‘Diplomatic Republic of Europe’? Explaining Role Conceptions in EU Foreign Policy. Cooperation and Conflict 50 (2): 190–210.
  • Cusumano, E. 2018. Migrant rescue as organized hypocrisy: EU maritime missions offshore Libya between humanitarianism and border control. Cooperation and Conflict. forthcoming. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0010836718780175
  • De Zwart, F. 2015. Unintended but not unanticipated consequences. Theory and Society 44 (3): 283–297.
  • Elias, N. 1982. The Civilizing Process. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ferguson, A. 1995 [1793]. An essay on the history of civil society. In F. Oz-Salzberger, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Giddens, A. 1977. Studies in social and political theory. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gouldner, A. W. 1954. Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy. A Case Study of Modern Factory Administration. New York: The Free Press.
  • Henökl, T. 2015. How do EU Foreign Policy-Makers Decide? Institutional Orientations within the European External Action Service. West European Politics 38 (3): 679–708.
  • Hirschman, A. O. 1991. The rhetoric of reaction: Perversity, futility, jeopardy. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
  • Hooghe, L. 2002. The European Commission and the Integration of Europe. Images of Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hooghe, L. 2012. Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive their Institution’s Role. Journal of Common Market Studies 50 (1): 87–111.
  • Hyde-Prize, A. 2006. Normative Power Europe: A Realist Critique. Journal of European Public Policy 13 (2): 217–234.
  • Joachim, J., and Dembinski, M. 2011. A contradiction in terms? NGOs, democracy, and European foreign and security policy. Journal of European Public Policy 18 (8): 1151–68.
  • Juncos, A., and Pomorska, K. 2006. Playing the Brussels Game: Strategic Socialisation in the CFSP Council Working Groups. European Integration online Papers (EIoP) 10 (11).
  • Juncos, A., and Pomorska, K. 2010. Secretariat, Facilitator or Policy Entrepreneur? Role Perceptions of Officials of the Council Secretariat. European Integration online Papers, Special Issue 1: 14.
  • Juncos, A., and Pomorska, K. 2011. Invisible and Unaccountable? National Representatives and Council Officials in EU Foreign Policy. Journal of European Public Policy 18 (8): 1096–1114.
  • Kassim, H., Peterson, J., Bauer, M., Connolly, S., Dehousse, R., Hooghe, L., Thompson, A. 2013. The European Commission of the Twenty-first Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Le Carré, J. 1978. The Honourable Schoolboy. London: Pan Books.
  • Lewis, J. 2010. How Institutional Environments Facilitate Cooperative Negotiation
  • Styles in the EU Decision Making. Journal of European Public Policy 17 (5): 650–666.
  • Lindblom, C. E. 1959. The science of muddling through. Public Administration Review 19 (2): 79–88.
  • Merton, R. K. 1936. The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action. American Sociological Review 1 (6): 894–904.
  • Merton, R.K. 1940. Bureaucratic structure and personality. Social Forces 18 (4): 560–568.
  • Merton, R.K. et al. 1952. Reader in Bureaucracy. Glencoe: Free Press.
  • Mica, A. 2018. Sociology as Analysis of the Unintended: From the Problem of Ignorance to the Discovery of the Possible. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Salminen, A. 2011. Performance management. In B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser and L. Morlino, eds. International Encyclopedia of Political Science: 1855–1857. London: Sage.
  • Selznick, P. 1953. TVA and the grassroots. A study in the sociology of formal organization. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
  • Smith, K. 2006. Speaking with one voice? European Union Co-ordination on Human Rights Issues at the United Nations. Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (1): 113–137.
  • Voltolini, B. 2015. Non-state actors and framing processes in EU foreign policy: The case of EU-Israel relations. Journal of European Public Policy 23 (10): 1502–1519.
  • Voltolini, B. 2016. Lobbying in EU foreign policy-making: The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. London: Routledge.
  • Webb, J. 2018. EU external action in the Western Balkans: anticipating unintended consequences? Paper presented at the workshop “Unintended Consequences of EU External Action: What, Why and How”. Maastricht University, Campus Brussels, 15-16 March.