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Europe’s Transition to Sustainability: Actors, Approaches and Policies

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  • Azman, Kübra Dilek. 2011. The Problem of “Democratic Deficit” in the European Union. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 1 (5): 242–50.
  • Blühdorn, Ingolfur. 2013. The Governance of Unsustainability: Ecology and Democracy after the Post-democratic Turn. Environmental Politics 22 (1): 16– 36.
  • Bretherton, Charlotte, and Vogler, John. 2005. The European Union as a Global Actor, 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Bretherton, Charlotte, and Vogler, John. 2008. The European Union as a Sustainable Development Actor: The Case of External Fisheries Policy. Journal of European Integration 30 (3): 401–17.
  • Brundtland, Gro Harlem. 1987. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. United Nations General Assembly document A/42/427.
  • Davidescu, Simona, and Buzogány, Aron. 2021. Cutting Deals: Transnational Advocacy Networks and the European Union Timber Regulation at the Eastern Border. The International Spectator 56 (3): 105–18.
  • Dupont, Claire, Oberthür, Sebastian, and von Homeyer, Ingmar. 2020. The Covid-19 Crisis: A Critical Juncture for EU Climate Policy Development? Journal of European Integration 42 (8): 1095–1110.
  • Dyrhauge, Helene. 2021. Discourses about EU Transport Decarbonisation: Towards a Paradigm Shift? The International Spectator 56 (3): 71–86.
  • EC. 2020. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: European Climate Pact. COM(2020) 788 final. Brussels, 9 December. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2020%3A788%3AFIN.
  • EC (European Commission). 2019. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: The European Green Deal. COM(2019) 640 final. Brussels, 11 December. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2019%3A640%3AFIN.
  • Fernandez, Rosa. 2021. Community Renewable Energy Projects: The Future of the Sustainable Energy Transition? The International Spectator 56 (3): 87–104.
  • Fraser, Evan D. G., et al. 2006. Bottom Up and Top Down: Analysis of Participatory Processes for Sustainability Indicator Identification as a Pathway to Community Empowerment and Sustainable Environmental Management. Journal of Environmental Management 78 (2): 114–27.
  • Heritier, Adrienne. 2010. Intergovernmental Decisions and Multi-level Governance: Producing Patchwork Policies. In Edoardo Ongaro, Andrew Massey, Marc Holzer, and Ellen Wayenberg, eds. Governance and Intergovernmental Relations in the European Union and the United States: 186–98. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Heritier, Adrienne. 2017. Conclusion: European Governance in a Changing World: Interests, Institutions, and Policy-Making. International Journal of Public Administration 40 (14): 1250–60.
  • Hoerber, Thomas, Kurze, Kristina, and Kuenzer, Joel. 2021. Towards Ego-Ecology? Populist Environmental Agendas and the Sustainability Transition in Europe. The International Spectator 56 (3): 41–55.
  • Jacobsson, Staffan, and Bergek, Anna. 2011. Innovation System Analyses and Sustainability Transitions: Contributions and Suggestions for Research. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transtitions 1 (1): 41–57.
  • Jänicke, Martin. 2008. Ecological Modernisation: New Perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (5): 557–65.
  • Kaiser, Wolfram, and Schot, Jonas. 2014. Writing the Rules for Europe: Experts, Cartels, and International Organizations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Köhler, Jonathan, et al. 2019. An Agenda for Sustainability Transitions Research: State of the Art and Future Directions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 31: 1–32.
  • Kohler Koch, Beate, and Larat, Fabrice, eds. 2009. European Multi-level Governance – Contrasting Images in National Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Laurent, Éloi. 2020. The European Green Deal: Bring Back the New. OFCE Policy Brief 63, January.
  • Mišík, Matúš. 2021. When the Accession Legacy Fades Away: Central and Eastern European Countries and the EU Renewables Targets. The International Spectator 56 (3): 56–70.
  • Ohler, Frauke, and Delreux, Tom. 2021. Role Perceptions in Global Environmental Negotiations: From Reformist Leaders to Conservative Bystanders. The International Spectator 56 (3): 7–23.
  • Schoenefeld, Jonas J., and Jordan, Andrew J. 2019. Environmental Policy Evaluation in the EU: Between Learning, Accountability, and Political Opportunities? Environmental Politics 28 (2): 365–84.
  • Schoenefeld, Jonas J., Schulze, Kai, Hildén, Mikael, and Jordan, Andrew J. 2019. Policy Monitoring in the EU: The Impact of Institutions, Implementation, and Quality. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60 (4): 719–41.
  • Schoenefeld, Jonas J., Schulze, Kai, Hildén, Mikael, and Jordan, Andrew J. 2021. The Challenging Paths to Net-Zero Emissions: Insights from the Monitoring of National Policy Mixes. The International Spectator 56 (3): 24–40.
  • Treib, Oliver, Bähr, Holger, and Falkner, Gerda. 2007. Modes of Governance: Towards a Conceptual Clarification. Journal of European Public Policy 14 (1): 1–20.
  • Turnheim, Bruno, et al. 2015. Evaluating Sustainability Transitions Pathways: Bridging Analytical Approaches to Address Governance Challenges. Global Environmental Change 35: 239–53.
  • Weber, Gabriel, and Cabras, Ignazio. 2021. Environmental Justice and Just Transition in the EU’s Sustainability Policies in Third Countries: The Case of Colombia. The International Spectator 56 (3): 119–37.