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Secrecy and security in transatlantic terrorism finance tracking



  • Abazi, Vigjilenca. 2015. “Secrecy and Oversight in the European Union.” PhD diss., University of Amsterdam.
  • Adler-Nissen, Rebecca. 2014. Opting out of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.10.1017/CBO9781107337916
  • Adler-Nissen, Rebecca, and Kristoffer Kropp. 2015. “A Sociology of Knowledge Approach to European Integration: Four Analytical Principles.” Journal of European Integration 37 (2): 155–173.10.1080/07036337.2014.990133
  • Agromaniz, Javier. 2011. The EU and Counter Terrorism. London: Routledge.
  • Aldrich, Richard J. 2015. “American Journalism and the Landscape of Secrecy: Tad Szulc, the CIA and Cuba.” History 100 (340): 189–209.10.1111/hist.2015.100.issue-340
  • Amicelle, Anthony. 2011. “The Great (Data) Bank Robbery: Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme and the ‘SWIFT Affair’.” Research Questions, No. 36. Centre d’études et de recherches internationals, May 2011, pp. 1–27.
  • Amoore, Louise. 2011. “Data Derivatives: On the Emergence of a Security Risk Calculus for Our Times.” Theory, Culture and Society 28 (6): 24–43.10.1177/0263276411417430
  • Amoore, Louise. 2013. The Politics of Possibility. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.10.1215/9780822377269
  • Aradau, Claudia, and Rens van Munster. 2011. Governing Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown. London: Routledge.
  • Argomaniz, Javier. 2009. “When the EU is the ‘Norm‐Taker’: The Passenger Name Records Agreement and the EU’s Internalization of US Border Security Norms.” Journal of European Integration 31 (1): 119–136.10.1080/07036330802503981
  • Atkins, R., B. Marschall, and M. Schieritz. 2006. “German Concern over Transfer of Bank Data to US.” Financial Times, September 6.
  • Belgian Privacy Commission. 2006. “Advies Nr 37/2006 Betreffende de Doorgifte van Persoonsgegevens door de CVBA SWIFT.” Brussels, September 27.
  • Bellanova, Rocco, and Denis Duez. 2012. “A Different View on the Making of European Security.” European Foreign Affairs Review 17: 109–214.
  • Bender, B. 2006. “Terrorist Funds-tracking No Secret, Some Say.” The Boston Globe, June 28.
  • Bendiek, Annegret. 2006. EU Strategy on Counter-terrorism: Steps toward a Coherent Network Policy. SWP Research Paper. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.
  • Bicchi, Federica, and Caterina Carta. 2012. “The COREU Network and the Circulation of Information within EU Foreign Policy.” Journal of European Integration 34 (5): 465–484.10.1080/07036337.2011.611384
  • Birchall, Clare. 2011a. “Introduction to ‘Secrecy and Transparency’: The Politics of Opacity and Openness.” Theory, Culture and Society 28: 7–25.10.1177/0263276411427744
  • Birchall, Clare. 2011b. “‘There’s Been Too Much Secrecy in This City’: The False Choice between Secrecy and Transparency in US Politics.” Cultural Politics: An International Journal 7 (1): 133–156.10.2752/175174311X12861940861905
  • Bossong, Raphael. 2008. “The Action Plan on Combating Terrorism: A Flawed Instrument of EU Security Governance.” Journal of Common Market Studies 46 (1): 27–48.
  • Bueger, Christian, and Frank Gadinger. 2015. “The Play of International Practice.” International Studies Quarterly 59 (3): 449–460.10.1111/isqu.2015.59.issue-3
  • Bures, Oldrich. 2011. EU Counter Terrorism Policy: A Paper Tiger? Franham: Ashgate.
  • Calame, Byron. 2006a. “Secrecy, Security, the President, and the Press.” New York Times, July 2.
  • Calame, Byron. 2006b. “Can Magazines of the times Subsidize News Coverage?” New York Times, October 22.
  • Calame, Byron. 2006c. “Bill Keller Responds to Column on SWIFT Mea Culpa.” New York Times, November 6.
  • Crisp, James. 2014. “TTIP Documents Could Be Made Public after EU Court Ruling.” Euractiv, July 4. http://www.euractiv.com/section/euro-finance/news/ttip-documents-could-be-made-public-after-eu-court-ruling/
  • Curtin, Deirdre. 2011. “Top Secret Europe.” Inaugural Lecture, University of Amsterdam.
  • Curtin, Deirdre. 2013a. “Official Secrets and the Negotiation of International Agreements: Is the EU Executive Unbound?” Common Market Law Review 50: 1–36.
  • Curtin, Deirdre. 2013b. “Judging EU Secrecy.” Bruylant.
  • Curtin, Deirdre. 2014. “Overseeing Secrets in the EU: A Democratic Perspective.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (3): 684–700.10.1111/jcms.2014.52.issue-3
  • Davis Cross, Mai’a K. 2013. “A European Transgovernmental Intelligence Network and the Role of IntCen.” Perspectives on European Politics and Society 14 (3): 388–402.10.1080/15705854.2013.817805
  • De Hert, Paul, and Bart de Schutter. 2008. “International Transfers of Data in the Field of JHA: The Lessons of Europol, PNR and Swift.” In Justice, Liberty, Security: New Challenges for EU External Relations, B. Martenczuk and T. van Servaas, 303–340. Brussels: VUB Press.
  • Dean, Jodi. 2004. Publicity’s Secret. Cornell University Press.
  • Den Boer, Monica. 2015. “Counter-terrorism, Security and Intelligence in the EU: Governance Challenges for Collection, Exchange and Analysis.” Intelligence & National Security 30 (2–3): 402–419.10.1080/02684527.2014.988444
  • Den Boer, Monica, and Jörg Monar. 2002. “Keynote Article: 11 September and the Challenge of Global Terrorism to the EU as a Security Actor.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 40: 11–28.10.1111/jcms.2002.40.issue-s1
  • Den Boer, M., C. Hillebrand, and A. Nölke. 2008. “Legitimacy under Pressure: The European Web of Counter-terrorism Networks.” Journal of Common Market Studies 46 (1): 101–124.
  • Derrida, Jacques. 1994. “‘To Do Justice to Freud’: The History of Madness in the Age of Psychoanalysis.” Critical Inquiry 20 (2): 227–266.10.1086/448710
  • ECB (European Central Bank). 2007. “Remarks by the European Central Bank on the Oversight of SWIFT,” February 1. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2007/html/pr070201.en.html.
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  • Fahey, Elaine, and Deidre Curtin, eds. 2014. A Transatlantic Community of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fuster, Gloria, Paul De Hert, and Serge Gutwirth. 2008. “SWIFT and the Vulnerability of Transatlantic Data Transfers.” International Review of Law, Computers and Technology 22 (1–2): 191–202.10.1080/13600860801925185
  • Galloway, David. 2014. “Classifying Secrets in the EU.” Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (3): 668–683.
  • General Court. 2012. “Judgement of the General in Case T-529/09, Sophie in ‘t Veld versus Council of the European Union,” May 4.
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  • de Goede, Marieke. 2012a. Speculative Security. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.10.5749/minnesota/9780816675890.001.0001
  • de Goede, Marieke. 2012b. “The SWIFT Affair and the Global Politics of European Security.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 50 (2): 214–230.10.1111/jcms.2012.50.issue-2
  • Guha, Krishna. 2006. “US Monitors Global Financial Transfers.” Financial Times, June 24.
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  • Hillebrand, Claudia. 2012. Counterterrorism Networks in the EU: Maintaining Democratic Legitimacy after 9/11. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Horn, Eva. 2011. “Logics of Political Secrecy.” Theory, Culture and Society 28: 103–122.10.1177/0263276411424583
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  • Kaunert, Christian. 2010. “Towards Supranational Governance in EU Counter-terrorism.” Central European Journal of International & Security Studies 4 (1): 41–61.
  • Kaunert, Christian, Sarah Leonard, and Patryk Pawlak, eds. 2012. European Homeland Security: A European Strategy in the Making? London: Routledge.
  • Kaunert, Christian, Sarah Léonard, and Alex MacKenzie. 2015. “The European Parliament in the External Dimension of EU Counter-terrorism: More Actorness, Accountability and Oversight 10 Years on?” Intelligence and National Security 30: 357–376.10.1080/02684527.2014.988446
  • Keller, Bill. 2006. “Letter from Bill Keller on the Times’s Banking Records Report.” New York Times, June 25.
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  • Ministerie van Financiën, The Netherlands. 2007. “Beantwoording Schriftelijke Vragen Kamerlid Pechthold, Bijlage 2 [Responses to written questions of Member of Parliament Pechthold],” June 27.
  • Mitsilegas, V. 2014. “Transatlantic Counterterrorism Cooperation and European Values.” In A Transatlantic Community of Law, edited by E. Fahey and D. Curtin, 289–315. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.10.1017/CBO9781107447141
  • Murphey, C. 2012. European Counter Terrorism Law: Pre-emption and the Rule of Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
  • Pozen, David E. 2005. “The Mosaic Theory, National Security and the Freedom of Information Act.” Yale Law Journal 115, 628–679.
  • Rees, Wynn. 2006. Transatlantic Counterterrorism Cooperation. London: Routledge.
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  • Rees, Wynn, and Richard Aldrich. 2005. “Contending Cultures of Counterterrorism: Transatlantic Divergence or Convergence?” International Affairs 81 (5): 905–923.10.1111/inta.2005.81.issue-5
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  • Schouten, Peer. 2014. “Security as Controversy: Reassembling Security at Amsterdam Airport.” Security Dialogue 45 (1): 23–42.10.1177/0967010613515014
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  • Spence, David. 2007. The European Union and Terrorism. London: John Harper.
  • Stolberg, Sheryl. 2006. “Bush Says Report on Bank Data Was Disgraceful.” New York Times, June 27.
  • Stolberg, Sheryl G., and Eric Lichtblau. 2006. “Cheney Assails Press on Report on Bank Data.” New York Times, June 24.
  • Walters, William. 2014. “Parrhēsia Today: Drone Strikes, Fearless Speech and the Contentious Politics of Security.” Global Society 28 (3): 277–299.
  • Walters, William. 2016. “The Flight of the Deported: Aircraft, Deportation and Politics.” Geopolitics 21 (2): 435–458.
  • Walters, William, and Anne-Marie D’Aoust. 2015. “Bringing Publics into Critical Security Studies: Notes for a Research Strategy.” Millennium – Journal of International Studies 44 (1): 45–68.10.1177/0305829815594439
  • Wesseling, Mara. 2013. “The European Fight against Terrorism Financing, Professional Fields and New Governing Practices.” PhD diss., University of Amsterdam.
  • Wesseling, Mara, Marieke de Goede, and Louise Amoore. 2012. “Data Wars beyond Surveillance.” Journal of Cultural Economy 5 (1): 45–62.