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Setting Europe’s agenda: the Commission presidents and political leadership


  • Bundesarchiv (Federal Archive of Germany), Koblenz.
  • BA N1266/2398-2420: Collection of speeches by Walter Hallstein.
  • BA N1266/1433: List of speeches by Walter Hallstein.
  • Historical Archives of the European Commission, Brussels.
  • Collection of Speeches: Walter Hallstein, Jacques Delors.

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  • Schönwald, M. 1999. “Hinter Stacheldraht - vor Studenten: Die ‘amerikanischen Jahre’ Walter Hallsteins, 1944–1949 [Behind Barbed Wire - in Front of Students: The American years of Walter Hallstein, 1944–1949].” In Begegnung zweier Kontinente: die Vereinigten Staaten und Europa seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg [Encounter of Two Continents: The United States and Europe since the First World War], edited by Ralph Dietl and Franz Knipping, 31–54. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
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