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Driving informal institutional change: the European Parliament and the reform of the Economic and Monetary Union



  • Alcidi, C., A. Giovannini, and S. Piedrafita. 2014. “Enhancing the Legitimacy of EMU Governance, Study for the ECON Committee, European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, Brussels.” Accessed 08 June 2018. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2014/536312/IPOL_STU(2014)536312_EN.pdf
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  • Interview 1. 2015. European Parliament, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 2 February.
  • Interview 2. 2015. European Parliament, MEP, Brussels, Belgium, 4 February.
  • Interview 3. 2015. European Parliament, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 6 February.
  • Interview 4. 2015. General Secretariat of the Council. Brussels, Belgium, 9 February.
  • Interview 5. 2015. European Parliament, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 10 February.
  • Interview 6. 2015. EU officials. Brussels, Belgium, 11 February.
  • Interview 6T. 2014. European Commission, DG ECFIN, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 14 November.
  • Interview 7. 2015. General Secretariat of the Council, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 11 February.
  • Interview 8. 2015. European Parliament, senior official. Brussels, Belgium, 12 February.