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Challenges to the European single market at thirty: renationalisation, resilience, or renewed integration?



  • Arras, S., and J. Beyers. 2020. “Access to European Union Agencies: Usual Suspects or Balanced Interest Representation in Open and Closed Consultations?” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58 (4): 836–855.
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  • Bulmer, S., and L. Quaglia. 2018. “The Politics and Economics of Brexit.” Journal of European Public Policy 25 (8): 1089–1098.
  • Camisão, I., and M. H. Guimarães. 2017. “The Commission, the Single Market and the Crisis: The Limits of Purposeful Opportunism.” Journal of Common Market Studies 55: 223–239.
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  • Egan, M., and M. H. Guimarães. 2017. “The Single Market: Trade Barriers and Trade Remedies.” Journal of Common Market Studies 55: 294–311.
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  • Genschel, P., and M. Jachtenfuchs. 2018. “From Market Integration to Core State Powers: The Eurozone Crisis, the Refugee Crisis and Integration Theory.” Journal of Common Market Studies 56: 178–196.
  • Grossman, E., and P. Leblond. 2011. “European Financial Integration: Finally the Great Leap Forward?” Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (2): 413–435.
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  • Herranz-Surrallés, A., I. Solorio, and J. Fairbrass. 2020. “Renegotiating Authority in the Energy Union: A Framework for Analysis.” Journal of European Integration 42 (1): 1–17.
  • Howarth, D., and A. Verdun. 2020. “Economic and Monetary Union at Twenty: A Stocktaking of a Tumultuous Second Decade: Introduction.” Journal of European Integration 42,3: 287–293.
  • Howarth, D., and L. Quaglia. 2020. “One Money, Two Markets? EMU at Twenty and European Financial Market Integration.” Journal of European Integration 42 (3): 433–448.
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  • Kudrna, Z., and F. Wasserfallen. 2020. “Conflict among Member States and the Influence of the Commission in EMU Politics.” Journal of European Public Policy. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2020.1751681.
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  • Quaglia, L., D. Howarth, and M. Liebe. 2016. “The Political Economy of European Capital Markets Union.” Journal of Common Market Studies 54 (1): 185–203.
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  • Redert, B. 2020. “Stakeholder Mobilization in Financial Regulation: A Comparison of EU Regulatory Politics over Time.” Journal of Common Market Studies 58 (6): 1433–1451.
  • Rhodes, R.A. 2007. “Understanding Governance: Ten Years On.” Organization Studies 28 (8): 1243–1264.
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  • Schimmelfennig, F. 2018. “European Integration (Theory) in Times of Crisis. A Comparison of the Euro and Schengen Crises.” Journal of European Public Policy 25 (7): 969–989.
  • Seikel, D. 2014. “How the European Commission Deepened Financial Market Integration. The Battle over the Liberalization of Public Banks in Germany.” Journal of European Public Policy 21 (2): 169–187.
  • Smeets, S., and D. Beach. 2020. “Political and Instrumental Leadership in Major EU Reforms. The Role and Influence of the EU Institutions in Setting-up the Fiscal Compact.” Journal of European Public Policy 27 (1): 63–81.
  • Steinebach, Y., and C. Knill. 2017. “Still an Entrepreneur? the Changing Role of the European Commission in EU Environmental Policy-making.” Journal of European Public Policy 24 (3): 429–446.
  • Thompson, G. 2003. Between Hierarchies and Markets: The Logic and Limits of Network Forms of Organization. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Tömmel, I., and A. Verdun, Eds. 2009. Innovative Governance in the European Union: The Politics of Multilevel Policymaking. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
  • Voltolini, B., M. Natorski, and C. Hay. 2020. “Introduction: The Politicisation of Permanent Crisis in Europe.” Journal of European Integration 42 (5): 609–624.
  • Zeitlin, J., F. Nicoli, and B. Laffan. 2019. “Introduction: The European Union beyond the Polycrisis? Integration and Politicization in an Age of Shifting Cleavages.” Journal of European Public Policy 26 (7): 963–976.