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Original Articles

Why did he choose to die?”: A meaning-searching approach to parental suicide bereavement in youth


  • Andriessen, K., Draper, B., Dudley, M., & Mitchell, P. (2016). Pre- and post-loss features of adolescent suicide bereavement: A systematic review. Death Studies, 40, 229–246. doi:10.1080/07481187.2015.1128497
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  • Silvén Hagström, A. (2013). ‘The stranger inside’: Suicide related grief and ‘othering’ among teenage daughters after the loss of a father to suicide. Nordic Social Work Research Journal, 3, 185–192. doi:10.1080/2156857x.2013.801877
  • Silvén Hagström, A. (2014). The self-murderer from Orminge’: A bereaved daughter’s remonstrance to ‘rescue’ her Self through a performed memoir of revolt. Narrative Inquiry, 24, 218–238. ‘ doi:10.1075/ni.24.2.03hag
  • Silvén Hagström, A. (2016a). To mourn and resist stigma: Narration, meaning-making and self-formation after a parent’s suicide. Linköping: Linköping University Press.
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  • Silvén Hagström, A. (2017). Breaking the silence: Parentally suicide-bereaved youths’ self-disclosure on the Internet and the social responses of others related to stigma. Journal of Youth Studies, 20, 1077–1092. doi:10.1080/13676261.2017.1307330
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