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Green or Gender-Modern Nativists: Do They Exist and Do They Vote for Right-Wing Populist Parties?



  • Akkerman, Tjitske. 2015. “Gender and the Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Policy Agendas.” Patterns of Prejudice 49 (1-2): 37–60.
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  • De Lange, Sarah, and Liza Mügge. 2015. “Gender and Right-wing Populism in the Low Countries: Ideological Variations Across Parties and Time.” Patterns of Prejudice 49 (1-2): 61–80.
  • De Pryck, Kari, and François Gemenne. 2017. “The Denier-In-Chief: Climate Change, Science and the Election of Donald J. Trump.” Law and Critique 28 (2): 119–126.
  • Dietze, Gabriele, and Julia Roth. 2020. “Right-wing Populism and Gender: A Preliminary Cartography of an Emergent Field of Research.” In Right-Wing Populism and Gender. European Perspectives and Beyond, edited by Gabriele Dietze, and Julia Roth, 7–21. Bielefeld: Transcript.
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  • Jacobs, Kristof, Linn Sandberg, and Niels Spierings. 2020. “Twitter and Facebook: Populists’ Double-barreled gun?” New Media and Society 22 (4): 611–633.
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  • Lubbers, Marcel, Mérove Gijsberts, and Peer Scheepers. 2002. “Extreme Right-wing Voting in Western Europe.” European Journal of Political Research 41 (3): 345–378.
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  • Spierings, Niels. 2020a. “Why Gender and Sexuality are Both Trivial and Pivotal in Populist Radical Right Politics.” In Right-Wing Populism and Gender: European Perspectives and Beyond, edited by Gabriele Dietze, and Julia Roth, 41–58. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Spierings, Niels. 2020b. “Homonationalism and Voting for the Populist Radical Right: Addressing Unanswered Questions by Zooming in on the Dutch Case.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (1): 171–182.
  • Spierings, Niels, Marcel Lubbers, and Andrej Zaslove. 2017. “‘Sexually Modern Nativist Voters’: Do They Exist and Do They Vote for the Populist Radical Right?” Gender and Education 29 (2): 216–237.
  • Spierings, Niels, and Andrej Zaslove. 2015a. “Conclusion: Dividing the Populist Radical Right Between ‘Liberal Nativism’ and Traditional Conceptions of Gender.” Patterns of Prejudice 49 (1-2): 163–173.
  • Spierings, Niels, and Andrej Zaslove. 2015b. “Gendering the Vote for Populist Radical-Right Parties.” Patterns of Prejudice 49 (1-2): 135–162.
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