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Indigenous Community Health and Climate Change: Integrating Biophysical and Social Science Indicators

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  • Allen, E., and C. Seaman. 2007. Likert scales and data analyses. Quality Progress 2007:64–65.
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  • Donatuto, J., T.A. Satterfield, and R. Gregory. 2011. Poisoning the body to nourish the soul: Prioritising health risks and impacts in a Native American community. Health, Risk & Society 13(2):103–127.
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  • Satterfield, T., R. Gregory, S. Klain, M. Roberts, and K.M. Chan. 2013. Culture, intangibles and metrics in environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 117:103–114.
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  • Snover, A.K, G.S. Mauger, L.C. Whitely Binder, M. Krosby, and I. Tohver. 2013. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Washington State: Technical Summaries for Decision Makers. State of Knowledge Report prepared for the Washington State Department of Ecology. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.
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