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Using Conceptual Models and Qualitative Network Models to Advance Integrative Assessments of Marine Ecosystems

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  • Andrews, K. S., G. D. Williams, J. F. Samhouri, K. N. Marshall, V. Gertseva, and P. S. Levin. 2015. The legacy of a crowded ocean: Indicators, status, and trends of anthropogenic pressures in the California Current ecosystem. Environmental Conservation 42 (2):139–151.
  • Beamish, R. J., D. J. Noakes, G. A. McFarlane, L. Klyashtorin, V. V. Ivanov, and V. Kurashov. 1999. The regime concept and natural trends in the production of Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (3):516–526.
  • Burke, B. J., W. T. Peterson, B. R. Beckman, C. Morgan, E. A. Daly, and M. Litz. 2013. Multivariate models of adult Pacific salmon returns. Plos One 8 (1):e54134.
  • Ciannelli, L., M. Hunsicker, A. Beaudreau, K. Bailey, L. B. Crowder, C. Finley, C. Webb, J. Reynolds, K. Sagmiller, J. M. Anderies, D. Hawthorne, J. Parrish, S. Heppell, F. Conway, and P. Chigbu. 2014. Transdisciplinary graduate education in marine resource science and management. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1047–1051.
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  • Dambacher, J. M., P. C. Rothlisberg, and N. R. Loneragan. 2015. Qualitative mathematical models to support ecosystem-based management of Australia's Northern Prawn Fishery. Ecological Applications 25 (1):278–298.
  • Elith, J., J. R. Leathwick, and T. Hastie. 2008. A working guide to boosted regression trees. Journal of Animal Ecology 77 (4):802–813.
  • Field, J., R. Francis, and A. Strom. 2001. Toward a fisheries ecosystem plan for the Northern California Current. CalCOFI Reports 42:74–87.
  • Fletcher, P. J., C. R. Kelble, W. K. Nuttle, and G. A. Kiker. 2014. Using the integrated ecosystem assessment framework to build consensus and transfer information to managers. Ecological Indicators 44:11–25.
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  • Griffiths, S. P., R. J. Olson, and G. M. Watters. 2013. Complex wasp-waist regulation of pelagic ecosystems in the Pacific Ocean. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 23 (4):459–475.
  • Harvey, C., N. Garfield, E. Hazen, and G. Williams, eds. 2014. The California Current integrated ecosystem assessment: Phase III report. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA. http://www.noaa.gov/iea/CCIEA-Report/index.
  • Harvey, C., and P. Kareiva. 2005. Community context and the influence of non-indigenous species on juvenile salmon survival in a Columbia River reservoir. Biological Invasions 7 (4):651–663.
  • Kaplan, I. C., C. J. Brown, E. A. Fulton, I. A. Gray, J. C. Field, and A. D. M. Smith. 2013a. Impacts of depleting forage species in the California Current. Environmental Conservation 40 (4):380–393.
  • Kaplan, I. C., I. A. Gray, and P. S. Levin. 2013b. Cumulative impacts of fisheries in the California Current. Fish and Fisheries 14:515–527.
  • Kaplan, I. C., and J. Leonard. 2012. From krill to convenience stores: Forecasting the economic and ecological effects of fisheries management on the US West Coast. Marine Policy 36:947–954.
  • Keefer, M. L., R. J. Stansell, S. C. Tackley, W. T. Nagy, K. M. Gibbons, C. A. Peery, and C. C. Caudill. 2012. Use of radiotelemetry and direct observations to evaluate sea lion predation on adult Pacific salmonids at Bonneville Dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141 (5):1236–1251.
  • Kershner, J., J. F. Samhouri, C. A. James, and P. S. Levin. 2011. Selecting indicator portfolios for marine species and food webs: A Puget Sound case study. Plos One 6 (10):e25248.
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  • Levin, P. S., B. K. Wells, and M. B. Sheer, eds. 2013. California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: Phase II Report. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, Seattle, WA. Available at http://www.noaa.gov/iea/CCIEA-Report/pdf/index.html
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  • Link, J. S., T. F. Ihde, C. J. Harvey, S. K. Gaichas, J. C. Field, J. K. T. Brodziak, H. M. Townsend, and R. M. Peterman. 2012. Dealing with uncertainty in ecosystem models: The paradox of use for living marine resource management. Progress in Oceanography 102:102–114.
  • McClure, M. M., E. E. Holmes, B. L. Sanderson, and C. E. Jordan. 2003. A large-scale, multispecies status, assessment: Anadromous salmonids in the Columbia River Basin. Ecological Applications 13 (4):964–989.
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  • Metcalf, S. J., J. M. Dambacher, P. Rogers, N. Loneragan, and D. J. Gaughan. 2014. Identifying key dynamics and ideal governance structures for successful ecological management. Environmental Science and Policy 37:34–49.
  • Moore, M., B. A. Berejikian, and E. P. Tezak. 2013. A floating bridge disrupts seaward migration and increases mortality of steelhead smolts in Hood Canal, Washington State. Plos One 8 (9):e73427.
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  • Paulsen, C. M., and T. R. Fisher. 2001. Statistical relationship between parr-to-smolt survival of snake river spring-summer Chinook salmon and indices of land use. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130 (3):347–358.
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  • Poe, M. R., J. Donatuto, and T. Satterfield. 2016. Sense of place: Human wellbeing considerations for ecological restoration in Puget Sound. Coastal Management, 44 (5).
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  • Raymond, B., J. McInnes, J. M. Dambacher, S. Way, and D. M. Bergstrom. 2011. Qualitative modelling of invasive species eradication on subantarctic Macquarie Island. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (1):181–191.
  • Reum, J. C. P., B. E. Ferriss, P. S. McDonald, D. M. Farrell, C. J. Harvey, T. Klinger, and P. S. Levin. 2015. Evaluating community impacts of ocean acidification using qualitative network models. Marine Ecology Progress Series 536:11–24.
  • Samhouri, J. F., A. J. Haupt, P. S. Levin, J. S. Link, and R. Shuford. 2014. Lessons learned from developing integrated ecosystem assessments to inform marine ecosystem-based management in the USA. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5):1205–1215.
  • Samhouri, J. F., and P. S. Levin. 2012. Linking land- and sea-based activities to risk in coastal ecosystems. Biological Conservation 145 (1):118–129.
  • Schaller, H. A., C. E. Petrosky, and O. P. Langness. 1999. Contrasting patterns of productivity and survival rates for stream-type chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations of the Snake and Columbia rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (6):1031–1045.
  • Smith, M. D., E. A. Fulton, R. W. Day, L. J. Shannon, and Y. J. Shin. 2015. Ecosystem modelling in the southern Benguela: Comparisons of Atlantis, Ecopath with Ecosim, and OSMOSE under fishing scenarios. African Journal of Marine Science 37 (1):65–78.
  • Ware, D. M., and R. E. Thomson. 2005. Bottom-up ecosystem trophic dynamics determine fish production in the Northeast Pacific. Science 308 (5726):1280–1284.
  • Wright, B. E., S. D. Riemer, R. F. Brown, A. M. Ougzin, and K. A. Bucklin. 2007. Assessment of harbor seal predation on adult salmonids in a Pacific Northwest estuary. Ecological Applications 17 (2):338–351.