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Evaluating the Benefits of Green Infrastructure for Coastal Areas: Location, Location, Location

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  • Aburto-Oropeza, O, E. Ezcurra, G. Danemann, V. Valdez, J. Murray, and E. Sala. 2008. Mangroves in the Gulf of California increase fishery yields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:10456–10459.
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  • Arkema, K. A., G. Guannel, G. Verutes, S. A. Wood, A. Guerry, M. Ruckelshaus, P. Kareiva, M. Lacayo, and J. M. Silver. 2013. People and property shielded from sea level rise and storms by coastal habitats. Nature Climate Change 3:913–918. doi:10.1038/nclimate1944.
  • Arkema, K. K., G. Verutes, S. A. Wood, C. Clarke, S. Rosado, M. Canto, A. Rosenthal, M. Ruckelshaus, G. Guannel, J. Toft, J. Faries, J. M. Silver, R. Griffin, and A. D. Guerry. 2015. Embedding ecosystem services in coastal planning leads to better outcomes for people and nature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:7390–7395.
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  • Guannel, G., A. Guerry, J. Brenner, J. Faries, M. Thompson, J. Silver, R. Griffin, J. Proft, M. Carey, J. Toft, and G. Verutes. 2014. Changes in the delivery of ecosystem services in Galveston Bay, TX, under a sea-level rise scenario. Report to TNC-Texas, 121pp. Austin, TX, USA. Available at www.tnc.org.
  • Guannel, G., P. Ruggiero, J. Faries, K. Arkema, M. Pinsky, G. Gelfenbaum, A. Guerry, and C.-K. Kim. 2015. Integrated modeling framework to quantify the coastal protection services supplied by vegetation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (1):324–345. doi:10.1002/2014JC009821
  • Guerry, A, J. Lubchenco, S. Polasky, R. Chaplin-Kramer, R. Griffin, M. Ruckelshaus, G. Daily, P. Kareiva, T. Ricketts, S. Pattanayak, B. Vira, I. Bateman, P. Bakker, P. Sukhdev, K. Folke, J. Rockstrom, and B. Reyers. 2015. Natural capital and ecosystem services informing decisions: From promise to practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:7348–7355.
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  • Koch, E. M., E. B. Barbier, B. R. Silliman, D. J. Reed, G. M. E. Perillo, S. D. Hacker, E. F. Granek, J. H. Primavera, N. Muthiga, S. Polasky, B. S. Halpern, C. J. Kennedy, C. V. Kappel, and E. Wolanski. 2009. Non-linearity in ecosystem services: Temporal and spatial variability in coastal protection. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:29–37. doi:10.1890/080126l
  • Kroeger, T. 2012. Dollars and sense: Economic benefits and impacts from two oyster reef restoration projects in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Arlington, VA: The Nature Conservancy, 110pp. Available at www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/oyster-restoration-study-kroeger.pdf.
  • Langridge, S. M., E. H. Hartge, R. Clark, K. Arkema, G. M. Verutes, E. E. Prahler, S. Stoner-Duncan, D. L. Revell, M. R. Caldwell, A. D. Guerry, M. Ruckelshaus, A. Abeles, C. Coburn, and K. O'Connor. 2014. Key lessons for incorporating natural infrastructure into regional climate adaptation planning. Ocean and Coastal Management 95:189–197. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.019
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  • National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). 2015. Ecosystem service assessment: Research needs for coastal green infrastructure, 40pp. , Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President. Available at www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/NSTC/cgies_research_agenda_final_082515.pdf
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  • Reddy, S., Guannel, G., Griffin, R., Faries, J., Boucher, T., Thompson, M., Brenner, J., Bernhardt, J., Verutes, G., Wood, S. A., Silver, J. A., Toft, J., Rogers, A., Maas, A., Guerry, A., Molnar, J., and DiMuro, J. L. 2016. Evaluating the role of coastal habitats and sea-level rise in hurricane risk mitigation: An ecological economic assessment method and application to a business decision. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 12 (2):328–344. doi:10.1002/ieam.1678.
  • Reguero, B., Bresch, D., Beck, M., Calil, J., and Meliane, I. 2014. Coastal risks, nature-based defenses and the economics of adaptation: An application in the Gulf of Mexico, USA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1 (34):25. doi:10.9753/icce.v34.management.25.
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  • Seabrook, J. 2013. The beach builders. Can the Jersey shore be saved? The New Yorker, July 22, 2013.
  • Sharp, R., Tallis, H. T., Ricketts, T., Guerry, A. D., Wood, S. A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Nelson, E., Ennaanay, D., Wolny, S., Olwero, N., Vigerstol, K., Pennington, D., Mendoza, G., Aukema, J., Foster, J., Forrest, J., Cameron, D., Arkema, K., Lonsdorf, E., Kennedy, C., Verutes, G., Kim, C. K., Guannel, G., Papenfus, M., Toft, J., Marsik, M., Bernhardt, J., Griffin, R., Glowinski, K., Chaumont, N., Perelman, A., Lacayo, M., Mandle, L., Hamel, P., Vogl, A. L., Rogers, L., and Bierbower, W. 2016. InVEST +VERSION+ user's guide. The Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, University of Minnesota, The Nature Conservancy, and World Wildlife Fund, Stanford, CA, USA.
  • Shepard, C. C., C. M. Crain, and M. W. Beck. 2011. The protective role of coastal marshes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 6 (11):e27374.
  • Spalding, M. D., A. McIvor, M. W. Beck, E. Koch, I. Möller, D. Reed, P. Rubinoff, T. Spencer, T. Tolhurst, T. Wamsley, B. van Wesenbeeck, E. Wolanski, and C. Woodroffe. 2013. Coastal ecosystems: A critical element of risk reduction. Conservation Letters 7 (3):293–301. doi:10.1111/conl.12074.
  • The Nature Conservancy (TNC). 2015. Coastal resilience network. Available at http://coastalresilience.org/project-areas/gulf-of-mexico/
  • Thompson, M., J. Brenner, and B. Gilmer. 2014. Informing conservation planning using future sea-level rise and storm surge modeling impact scenarios in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Ocean & Coastal Management 100:51–62.
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  • Wamsley, T. V., M. A. Cialone, J. M. Smith, J. H. Atkinson, and J. D. Rosati. 2010. The potential of wetlands in reducing storm surge. Ocean Engineering 37:59–68.