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Filming Fore, Shooting Scientists: Medical Research, Experimental Filmmaking, and Documentary Cinema


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  • Anderson, Warwick. 2008. The Collectors of Lost Souls. Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  • Staples, Amy J. 2005. “Popular Ethnography and Public Consumption: Sites of Contestation in Museum-Sponsored Expeditionary Film.” The Moving Image 5:50–78. doi:10.1353/mov.2005.0036.
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  • Werner, Jean-François. 2015. “The Archives of the Planet: The Life and Works of Albert Kahn.” Visual Anthropology 28 (5):438–50. doi:10.1080/08949468.2015.1086215.
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  • The Ax Fight. 1971. Directed by Napoleon Chagnon and Timothy Asch. Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources; color, 32 mins.
  • Blow Job. 1964a. Directed by Andy Warhol. New York, NY; b & w, silent, 35 mins.
  • Dead Birds. 1965. Directed by Robert Gardner. Cambridge, MA: Film Study Center of the Peabody Museum at Harvard University; color, 83 mins.
  • Empire. 1964b. Directed by Andy Warhol. New York, NY; b & w, silent, 485 mins.
  • The Genius and the Boys. 2009. Directed by Bosse Lindquist. BBC Storyville, DR-Dokumentar, Eight Millimetres, Norsk Rikskringkasting, SVT Dokumentär., Svenska Filminstitutet, Arte Geie, color, 89 mins.
  • The Hunters. 1957. Directed by John Marshall. Wilmette, IL: Texture Films; color, 72 mins.
  • Kuru: The Science and the Sorcery. 2010. Directed by Robert Bygott. Mount Lawley, Western Australia: Siamese Pty. Ltd.; color, sound, 52 mins.
  • Les Maîtres Fous. 1955. Directed by Jean Rouch. Paris, France: Films de la Pléiade; color, 36 mins.
  • Moana: A Romance of the Golden Age. 1926. Directed by Robert J. Flaherty. Hollywood, CA: Famous Players-Lasky Corporation; 85 mins., b & w, silent, 85 mins.
  • Nanook of the North. 1922. Directed by Robert J. Flaherty. Paris, France: Revillon Frères; b & w, silent, 55 mins.
  • The Quiet One. 1948. Directed by Sidney Meyers. Script by James Agee. New York: Film Documents; b & w, 65 mins.
  • Sleep. 1963. Directed by Andy Warhol. New York, NY; b & w, silent, 321 mins.
  • Trance and Dance in Bali. 1951. Directed by Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead. New York, NY: University Film Library; b & w, sound, 22 mins.
  • Yagua. 1941. Directed by Pál Fejös. Peru; b & w, sound.

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