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Special Issue Articles

Rethinking organizational resilience and strategic renewal in SMEs



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  • De Clercq, D., N. Thongpapanl, and M. Voronov. 2015. “Explaining SME Engagement in Local Sourcing: The Roles of Location-Specific Resources and Patriotism.” International Small Business Journal 33 (8): 929–950. doi:10.1177/0266242614540316.
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  • Doyle Corner, P., S. Singh, and K. Pavlovich. 2017. “Entrepreneurial Resilience and Venture Failure.” International Small Business Journal ( Online First) doi:10.1177/0266242616685604.
  • Dubihlela, J., and M. Sandada. 2014. “Impact of Strategic Planning on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ (Smes) Performance: The Role of Employee Participation, Implementation Incentives and Evaluation and Control.” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 5 (1): 45–55.
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  • Gao, S. S., M. C. Sung, and J. Zhang. 2013. “Risk Management Capability Building in SMEs: A Social Capital Perspective.” International Small Business Journal 31 (6): 677–700. doi:10.1177/0266242611431094.
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