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The genre regime of research evaluation: contradictory systems of value around academics’ writing


  • Anderson, L. 2013. “Publishing Strategies of Young, Highly Mobile Academics: The Question of Language in the European Context.” Language Policy 12 (3): 273–288. doi:10.1007/s10993-013-9272-0
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  • Barton, D., and McCulloch, S. 2018. “Negotiating Tensions around New Forms of Academic Writing.” Discourse, Context and Media 24: 8–15. doi:10.1016/j.dcm.2018.01.006
  • Bhatt, I., and de Roock, R. 2013. “Capturing the Sociomateriality of Digital Literacy Events.” Research in Learning Technology 21, 1–19.
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  • Kelly, A., & Burrows, R. 2012. “Measuring the Value of Sociology? Some Notes on Performative Metricization in the Contemporary Academy.” The Sociological Review 59 (s2), 131–150.
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  • Kroskrity, P. V. 2000. “Regimenting Languages: Language Ideological Perspectives.” In Regimes of Language: Ideologies, Polities, and Identities, edited by P. Kroskrity, 1–34. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
  • Kuteeva, M., and Airey, J. 2014. “Disciplinary Differences in the Use of English in Higher Education: Reflections on Recent Language Policy Developments.” Higher Education 67 (5): 533–549. doi:10.1007/s10734-013-9660-6
  • Lea, M. R., and Stierer, B. 2009. “Lecturers’ Everyday Writing as Professional Practice in the University as Workplace: New Insights into Academic Identities.” Studies in Higher Education 34 (4): 417–428. doi:10.1080/03075070902771952
  • Lea, M. R., & Stierer, B. 2011. “Changing Academic Identities in Changing Academic Workplaces: Learning from Academics’ Everyday Professional Writing Practices.” Teaching in Higher Education 16 (6): 605–616. doi:10.1080/13562517.2011.560380
  • Ledin, P., & Machin, D. 2016. “Performance Management Discourse and the Shift to an Administrative Logic of Operation: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analytical Approach.” Text & Talk 36 (4): 445–467. doi: 10.1515/text-2016-0020
  • Lillis, T. M., & Curry, M. J. 2010. Academic Writing in a Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English. London: Routledge.
  • Liu, A. H. 2015. “The Politics of Language Regimes: Comparative Analysis of Southeast Asia.” In State Traditions and Language Regimes, edited by L. Cardinal and S. K. Sonntag, 137–153. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • McCulloch, S. (2017). “Hobson’s Choice: The Effects of Research Evaluation on Academics’ Writing Practices in England.” Aslib Journal of Information Management 6w9 (5), 503–515. doi:10.1108/AJIM-12-2016-0216
  • McCulloch, S., Tusting, K., and Hamilton, M. 2017. “The Role of Networked Learning in Academics’ Writing.” Research in Learning Technology, 25: 1958. doi:10.25304/rlt.v25.1958
  • Mingers, J., and Willmott, H. 2012. “Taylorizing Business School Research: On The ‘One Best Way’ Performative Effects of Journal Ranking Lists.” Human Relations 66 (8): 1051–1073. doi:10.1177/0018726712467048
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  • Naidoo, R., and Williams, J. 2017. “The Neoliberal Regime in English Higher Education: Charters, Consumers and the Erosion of the Public Good.” Critical Studies in Education 56 (2): 208–223. doi:10.1080/17508487.2014.939098
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  • Shepherd, S. 2017. “Managerialism: An Ideal Type.” Studies in Higher Education 1–11. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1281239
  • Sonntag, S. K., and Cardinal, L. 2015. “State Traditions and Language Regimes: A Historical Institutionalism Approach to Language Policy.” Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies 8 (1): 5–21. doi:10.1515/auseur-2015-0010
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  • Tourish, D., and Willmott, H. 2015. “In Defiance of Folly: Journal Rankings, Mindless Measures and the ABS Guide.” Critical Perspectives on Accounting 26: 37–46. doi:10.1016/j.cpa.2014.02.004
  • Tusting, K., and Barton, D. 2016. “Writing Disciplines: Producing Disciplinary Knowledge in the Context of Contemporary Higher Education.” Ibérica: Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes, 3, 15–34.
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  • Wilsdon, J. et al. 2015. The Metric Tide: Report of the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment and Management. London: HEFCE. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4929.1363