CrossRef citations to date

Antigone in the London office: documentary film, creativity and female agency



  • Agamben, G., 1998. Homo sacer: sovereign power and bare life. Translated by D. Heller-Roazen. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Alter, M.P., 1996. Antigone: myth in change. The European legacy, 1 (3), 1266–1271.
  • Appel, L., 2010. Autochthonous antigone: breaking ground. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 229–239.
  • Bolton, L., 2011. Film and female consciousness: irigaray, cinema and thinking women. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Butler, J., 1988. Performative acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory. Theatre journal, 40 (4), 519–531.
  • Butler, J., 2000. Antigone’s claim: kinship between life and death. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Chesi, D.M., 2013. Antigone's language of death and politics in the Antigone of Sophocles. Philologus: zeitschrift für antike literatur und ihre rezeption, 157 (2), 223–236.
  • Cixous, H., and Clement, C., 1986. The newly born woman. Translated by B. Wing. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Derrida, J., 1986. Glas. Translated by j. P. Leavey and R. Rand. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Eagleton, T., 2010. Lacan’s Antigone. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 101–109.
  • Ettinger, B.L., 2010. Antigone with (Out) Jocaste. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 212–228.
  • Fischer-Lichte, E., 2010. Politicizing Antigone. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 329–352.
  • Griffith, M., 2010. Psychoanalysing Antigone. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 110–134.
  • Husband and wife, 2020. Film. Directed by Marta Hawkins and Matthew Hawkins. UK: M + M Film.
  • Irigaray, L., 1985. Speculum of the other woman. Translated by G. G. Gill. Ithaka, New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Irigaray, L., 2013. In the beginning, she was. London/New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Meyer, M., 2010. Reclaiming femininity: Antigone’s “choice” in art and art history. In: S. E. Wilmer, and A. Zukauskaite, eds. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 254–279.
  • Robert, W., 2010. Antigone’s nature. Spring, Hypatia, 25 (2), 411–436.
  • Smaill, B., 2018. Forward. In: B. Ulfsdotter, and A. Backman Rogers, eds. Female authorship and the documentary image : theory, practice and aesthetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, xiii–xv.
  • Sophocles, 1998 [400–300 BC]. antigone, oedipus the king and electra. Translated by H. D. F. Kitto. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ulfsdotter, B., and Backman Rogers, A., 2018. Female authorship and the documentary image: theory, practice and aesthetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Wilmer, S.E., and Zukauskaite, A., eds. 2010. Interrogating Antigone in postmodern philosophy and criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.