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Globalisation as Constraint and Opportunity: Reconceptualising Policy Capacity in Australia

Pages 377-399 | Published online: 14 Jul 2010


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  • Argy , Fred . 2001 . “The Liberal Economic Reforms of the Last Two Decades: A Review” . Australian Journal of Public Administration , 60 ( 3 ) For a short but comprehensive review of the progress of economic liberalism in Australia see
  • Ruggie , John Gerard . 1982 . “International Regimes, Transactions, and Change: Embedded Liberalism in the Postwar Economic Order” . International Organization , 36 ( 2 )
  • Rueschemeyer , Dietrich and Evans , Peter B. 1985 . “The State and Economic Transformation: Toward an Analysis of the Conditions Underlying Effective Intervention” . In Bringing the State Back In , Edited by: Evans , Peter , Rueschemeyer , Dietrich and Skocpol , Theda . New York : Cambridge University Press . Evans, Rueschemeyer and Skocpol, op. cit., p. 354. See also
  • Olson , Mancur . 1982 . The Rise and Decline of Nations , New Haven : Yale University Press . From a different perspective see also McEachern, op. cit.
  • Ikenberry , G. John . 1986 . “The Irony of State Strength: Comparative Responses to the Oil Shocks in the 1970s” . International Organization , 40 ( 1 ) : 135
  • Skocpol , Theda . 1985 . “Bringing the State Back hi: Strategies of Analysis in Current Research” . In Bringing the State Back In , Edited by: Evans , Peter , Rueschemeyer , Dietrich and Skocpol , Theda . New York : Cambridge University Press .
  • Jessop , Bob . 1990 . State Theory: Putting the Capitalist State in its Place , Cambridge Polity Press . For critiques, see Block, op. cit., pp. 20-22;
  • Almond , Gabriel A. 1988 . “Return to the State” . American Political Science Review , 82 ( 3 ) ch. 10;
  • Garrett , Geoffrey and Lange , Peter . 1995 . “Internationalization, Institutions, and Political Change” . International Organization , 49 ( 4 ) : 631 Although bureaucrats have argued for a smaller state, the motivation for this has, in many cases, been to strengthen the role of central agencies or, as Schwartz calls it, “the state of the fisc”. Schwarte, op. cit., p. 537. The Labor government also defied public choice analyses and assumptions. The government enacted policies that were, in the short to medium term at least, detrimental to their core working-class and public-sector constituencies. Assumptions such as those by Garrett and Lange--''Flaying the distributional game will tend to dominate the government's agenda over concerns about aggregate economic performance. Politicians cannot afford to ask what is good for society as a whole in the long run, lest they lose power in the interim”, appear to be contradicted by Labor's embrace of economic liberalism. The contradictions of the 1980s and 1990s reveal the dangers of game theoretic/rational choke assumptions and parsimonious explanations.
  • Cox , Robert W. 1992 . “Global Perestroika” . In The Socialist Register--1992 , Edited by: Miliband , Ralph and Panitch , Leo . 30 – 31 . London : Merlin Press .
  • Cox , Robert W. 1987 . Production, Power, and World Order , New York : Columbia University Press . For a more comprehensive account of the internationalisation of the state, see
  • Ikenberry , G. John . 1986 . “The State and Strategies of International Adjustment” . World Politics , 39 ( 1 ) : 54
  • Smith , W. Rand . 1993 . “International Economy and State Strategies: Recent Work in Comparative Political Economy” . Comparative Politics , 25 ( 3 ) : 368
  • Campanella , Miriam L. 1993 . “The Effects of Globalization and Turbulence on Policy-making Processes” . Government and Opposition , 28 ( 2 ) : 196
  • Halliday , Fred . 1994 . Rethinking International Relations , 81 Basingstoke : Macmillan .
  • Carew , Edna . 1991 . Fast Money 3 , 16 – 30 . Sydney : Allen & Unwin . Financial liberalisation in Australia in the early years of the Labor government was extensive, hi December 1983, the dollar was floated and most exchange controls were abandoned; in April 1984, stock exchange regulations were liberalised; in June, the government issued 40 new licences for foreign exchange dealing; in July, the ALP Federal Conference approved limited foreign bank entry; in August, restrictions on the paying of interest on deposits of less than 14 days and on cheque accounts were lifted; in September, the 30/20 rule, which had given tax concessions to life offices and pension funds that held at least 30% of their assets in commonwealth government securities, was abolished; in December, the number of bond dealing licences was increased; in January 1985, some restrictions were lifted on foreign investment in Australian securities; in February, 16 licences were announced for new foreign banks; in April, remaining ceilings on interest rates were removed except for home loans of less than $100,000; in May, the liquid assets and government securities convention was replaced by the prime assets ratio; in April 1986, interest rate ceilings for new home loans were abolished with existing loans subject to the prevailing 13.5% ceiling; in August, restrictions on money-market dealers were eased and statutory reserve deposits were to be phased out.
  • Gourevitch , Peter . 1996 . “ The Micropolitics of Microinstitutional Differences in the Analysis of Comparative Capitalism” . In National Diversity end Global Capitalism , Edited by: Berger , Suzanne and Dote , Ronald . 241 Bhaca : Cornell University Press .
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  • Butlin , N.G. , Barnard , A. and Pincus , J.J. 1982 . Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia , Sydney : Allen & Unwin .
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  • Billig , Michael . 1989 . “Conservatism and the Rhetoric of Rhetoric” . Economy and Society , 18 ( 2 ) : 132 The phrase “rhetoric of globalisation” is used to encompass earlier conceptualisations and evocations of the “imperatives” of the world political economy, such as internationalisation, interdependence, integration, or, simply, the world. Rhetoric is not being used here in the sense of “just mere rhetoric”, counterposed to “genuine action or scientific fact”. Rather, it is used in the wider sense of language designed to persuade.
  • Keating , Paul J. 1983 . “Inaugural E. G. Whitlam Lecture” 28 October 1983 . Commonwealth Record , 24-30 October : 1828
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  • Pusey , Michael . 1991 . Economic Rationalism in Canberra: A Nation Building State Changes its Mind , Melbourne : Cambridge University Press .
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  • Hall , Peter A. 25 April 1992 . “Remarks for the CES Conference on 'Deregulating the Economy: Politics and Regulation in the Advanced Industrial Democracies' ” . 25 April , 10 Mimeo
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid., pp. 11-12
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