CrossRef citations to date
Research Articles

The park and the commons: vernacular spaces for everyday participation and cultural value


  • CABE Space. (2010). Urban Green nation: Building the evidence base. London: CABE.
  • CLG. (2016). Communities and local government committee public parks inquiry. Retrieved from https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/communities-and-local-government-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/public-parks-16-17/
  • Chappell, K. (2016). The Mancunian breakthrough. In The Fabian Society (Eds.), Green places (pp. 12–14). London: Fabian Society.
  • Edwards, D. (2015, May). Ethnography report for Manchester-Salford Cultural Ecosystem, unpublished research report for Understanding Everyday Participation.
  • Gidwani, V., & Baviskar, A. (2011, December 10). Urban commons review of urban affairs: Economic & political weekly, Volume XLVI No. 50. Retrieved from http://www.epw.in/journal/2011/50/review-urban-affairs-review-issues-specials/urban-commons.html
  • Gilmore, A., & Doyle, P. (in press). Histories of public parks in Manchester and Salford and their role in cultural policies for everyday participation. In E. Belfiore & L. Gibson (Eds.), Culture and power: Histories of participation, values and governance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Greenspace. (2011). Understanding the contribution parks and green spaces can make to improving people’s lives Retrieved from http://greenflagaward.org/media/51265/green_space.pdf
  • Heritage Lottery Fund. (2014). The state of UK parks 2014: Renaissance to risk? London: Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • Heritage Lottery Fund. (2016a). State of the UK public parks. London: Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • Heritage Lottery Fund. (2016b). State of the UK public parks research report. London: Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • Heritage Lottery Fund. (2016c). State of the UK public parks II: Public survey, Report prepared by Britain Thinks. London: Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • Howkins, A. (2011). The commons, enclosure and radical histories. In D. Feldman & J. Lawrence (Eds.), Structures and transformations in modern British history (pp. 118–141). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Keshavarz, N. (2013). Muslim perspective on neighbourhood park use in Birmingham City, United Kingdom and Aachen City, Germany (Doctoral thesis). Submitted to the Faculty of Spatial Planning Technical University of Dortmund, Dortmund.
  • Lang, L. (in press). Materializing the intangible through civic participation in Cheetham commons. In C. Lewis, & J. Symons (Eds.), Realizing the city: Ethnographic narratives of the Manchester city region. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Linebaugh, P. (2009). The magna carta manifesto: Liberties and commons for all. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Linebaugh, P. (2014). Stop thief! The commons, enclosures and resistance. Oakland, CA: PM Press.
  • Low, S., Taplin, D., & S. Scheld. (2005). Rethinking urban parks, public space and cultural diversity. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Manchester City Council. (2012). Cheetham ward plan 2012–2014. Manchester: Manchester City Council.
  • Manchester City Council. (2013). 2011 Census ward level analysis, research and performance report. Retrieved from http://www.manchester.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/21207/q05p_2011_census_ward_overview.pdf
  • Manchester City Council. (2016, February 23). Update on parks strategy: Report to neighbourhood scrutiny committee. Manchester: Manchester City Council.
  • MIER. (2008). Manchester independent economic review economic baseline study; UK archives. Retrieved from http://www.manchester-review.org.uk/project_720.html
  • Miles, A. (2016). Telling tales of participation: Exploring the interplay of time and territory in cultural boundary work using participation narratives. Cultural Trends, 5, 182–193. doi:10.1080/09548963.2016.1204046
  • Miles, A., & Gibson, L. (2016). Everyday participation and cultural value. Cultural Trends, 5(3), 151–157. doi:10.1080/09548963.2016.1204043
  • Neal, P. (2013, November). Rethinking parks. London: Nesta.
  • Nesta. (2016, February). Learning to rethink parks. London: Nesta.
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  • Osuh, C. (2015, March 26) Cheetham Hill gang behind £2 m drugs conspiracy given prison sentences totalling more than half a century, Manchester Evening News. Retrieved from www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk
  • Savage, M., Bagnall, G., & Longhurst, B. (2005). Globalisation and belonging. London: Sage.
  • Scheerhout, J. (2016, January 9). Cheetham Hill named the counterfeit capital of the UK, Manchester Evening New. Retrieved from www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk
  • Smith, A. J., Tuffin, M., Taplin, R. H., Moore, S. A., & Tonge, J. (2014). Visitor segmentation for a park system using research and managerial judgement. Journal of Ecotourism, 13(2-3), 93–109. doi:10.1080/14724049.2014.96311
  • Taplin, D., Scheld, S., & Low, S. (2002). Rapid ethnographic assessment in urban parks: A case study of independence national historical park. Human Organization, 61.1(Spring), 80–93. doi:10.17730/humo.61.1.6ayvl8t0aekf8vmy
  • Ward, D. (2014). The commons in history: Culture, conflict, and ecology. Cambridge: The MIT Press.