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Post-Feminist Fatherhood and the Marginalization of the Mother in Cormac McCarthy's The Road

Works Cited

  • Åström, Berit (2015), ‘The Symbolic Annihilation of Mothers in Popular Culture: Single Father and the Death of the Mother’, Feminist Media Studies 15:4, pp. 593–607. doi: 10.1080/14680777.2014.994100
  • Åström, Berit (2017), ‘Marginalizing Motherhood: Postfeminist Fathers and Dead Mothers in Animated Film’, in Berit Åström (ed.), The Absent Mothers in the Cultural Imagination: Missing Presumed Dead, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241–58.
  • Bassin, Donna, Margaret Honey and Meryle Mahrer Kaplan (1991), Representations of Motherhood, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Boxall, Peter (2013), Twenty-First-Century Fiction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Carlson, Thomas A. (2007), ‘With the World at Heart: Reading Cormac McCarthy’s The Road with Augustine and Heidegger’, Religion and Literature 39:3, pp. 47–66.
  • Cooper, Lydia (2011a), ‘Cormac McCarthy’s The Road as Apocalyptic Grail Narrative’, Studies in the Novel 43:2, pp. 218–36. doi: 10.1353/sdn.2011.0032
  • Cooper, Lydia (2011b), No More Heroes: Narrative Perspective and Morality in Cormac McCarthy, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
  • Crowley, Jocelyn Elise (2009), ‘Taking Custody of Motherhood: Fathers’ Rights Activists and the Politics of Parenting’, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 37:3–4, pp. 223–40. doi: 10.1353/wsq.0.0167
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  • Gallivan, Euan (2008), ‘Compassionate McCarthy? The Road and Schopenhauerian Ethics’, Cormac McCarthy Journal 6:1, pp. 100–6.
  • Gamblin, Hillary (2011), ‘Discovering the Romantic in a Necrophiliac: The Questions of Misogyny in Child of God’, Cormac McCarthy Journal 9:1, pp. 28–37.
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  • Gwinner, Donovan (2011), ‘“Everything Uncoupled from Its Shoring”: Quandaries of Epistemology and Ethics in The Road’, in Sara L. Spurgeon (ed.), Cormac McCarthy: All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men, The Road, London: Continuum, pp. 137–56.
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  • Kollin, Susan (2011), ‘“Barren, Silent, Godless”: Ecodisaster and the Post-Abundant Landscape in The Road’, in Sara L. Spurgeon (ed.), Cormac McCarthy: All the Pretty Horses, No Country for Old Men, The Road, London: Continuum, pp. 157–71.
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  • Vanderheide, John (2008), ‘Sighting Leviathan: Ritualism, Daemonism and the Book of Job in McCarthy’s Latest Works’, Cormac McCarthy Journal 6:1, pp. 107–20.
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