CrossRef citations to date


  • Boa, E. 2009. “How the Global Plant Clinic Began.” Outlooks on Pest Management 20: 112–116. doi: 10.1564/20jun05
  • Brubaker, J., S. Danielsen, M. Olupot, D. Romney, and N. Ochatum. 2013. “Impact Evaluation of Plant Clinics: Teso, Uganda.” CABI Working Paper 6. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Danielsen, S., J. Centeno, J. López, L. Lezama, G. Varela, P. Castillo, C. Narváez, I. Zeledón, F. Pavón, and E. Boa. 2013. “Innovations in Plant Health Services in Nicaragua: From Grassroots Experiment to a Systems Approach.” Journal of International Development 25 (7): 968–986. doi: 10.1002/jid.1786
  • Danielsen, S., and F.B. Matsiko. 2016. “Using a Plant Health System Framework to Assess Plant Clinic Performance in Uganda.” Food Security 8 (2): 345–359. doi: 10.1007/s12571-015-0546-6
  • Danielsen, S., F.B. Matsiko, and A.M. Kjær. 2014. “Implementing Plant Clinics in the Maelstrom of Policy Reform in Uganda.” Food Security 6 (6): 807–818. doi: 10.1007/s12571-014-0388-7
  • Finegold, C., M. Oronje, M. Leach, T. Karanja, F. Chege, and S. Hobbs. 2014. “Plantwise Knowledge Bank: Building Sustainable Data and Information Processes to Support Plant Clinics in Kenya.” Agriculture Information Worldwide 6: 96–101.
  • Hirschfeld, M., T. Davis, and B. Ezeomah. 2016. “Plantwise Evidence of Impact.” Plantwise summary report. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Kilalo, D., F. Olubayo, and F. Toroitich. 2014. “Analysis of the Process of Plant Clinics: A Case Study for Kenya.” Plantwise study report. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
  • Mahr, D.L., P. Whitaker, and N. Ridgway. 2008. Biological Control of Insects and Mites: An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and their Use in Pest Management. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Mandula, B., T. Mayani, A. Chikomola, and F. Kayuni. 2016. Farmer Participation in Plant Clinics in Malawi. Lilongwe: Ministry of Agriculture of Malawi and Self-Help Africa.
  • MINAGRI. 2009. National Agricultural Extension Strategy. Kigali: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda
  • Mur, R., F. Williams, S. Danielsen, A.G. Belanger, and J. Mulema, eds. 2015. “Listening to the Silent Patient. Uganda’s Journey Towards Institutionalizing Inclusive Plant Health Services.” CABI Working Paper 7. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Nsabimana, J.D., B. Uzayisenga, and J.P. Kalisa. 2015. “Learning from Plant Health Clinics in Rwanda.” Plantwise-CABI. Kigali: Rwanda Agriculture Board.
  • Plantwise. 2015. Plantwise Strategy 2015–2020. Wallingford: CABI.
  • RAB. 2014. Plantwise Initiative in Rwanda. Annual Report. Kigali: Rwanda Agriculture Board.
  • Silvestri, S., and R. Musebe. 2016. “Participatory Assessment of Farm Level Outcomes and Impact of Crops Pests and Diseases Management.” Plantwise study report. Nairobi: CABI.
  • Vurro, M., B. Bonciani, and G. Vannacci. 2010. “Emerging Infectious Diseases of Crop Plants in Developing Countries: Impact on Agriculture and Socio-economic Consequences.” Food Security 2 (2): 113–132. doi: 10.1007/s12571-010-0062-7
  • Wennink, B., and R. Mur. 2016. “Capitalization of the Experiences with and the Results of the Twigire Muhinzi Agricultural Extension Model in Rwanda.” Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute.
  • Wright, H.J., W. Ochilo, A. Pearson, C. Finegold, M. Oronje, J. Wanjohi, R. Kamau, T. Holmes, and A. Rumsey. 2016. “Using ICT to Strengthen Agricultural Extension Systems for Plant Health.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information 17 (1): 23–36. doi: 10.1080/10496505.2015.1120214