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Pentecostal Churches in Russia: Changing Self-images and Inculturation in Tyumen'

Pages 112-132 | Published online: 29 Mar 2012


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(b) Archives, Official Documents and Statistics

(c) Interviews

  • “ These interviews were all conducted by the author and are in his archive. Unless otherwise indicated, they took place in Tyumen’ ” .
  • Interview . 6 January 2005a . “ Andrei Viktorovich Knyazhev, pastor of the ‘Gospel’ (‘Blagaya vest'’) Church ” . 6 January ,
  • Interview . 20 May 2005b . “ Andrei Viktorovich Knyazhev ” . 20 May ,
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  • Interview . 18 August 2005e . “ Leonid Ivanovich Brodovsky, pastor of Tyumen’ Christian Church (Tyumenskaya khristianskaya tserkov’) ” . 18 August ,
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  • Interview . 21 March 2006b . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov, pastor of the ‘Light to the World’ (‘Svet miru’) Church ” . 21 March ,
  • Interview . 30 March 2006c . “ Aleksandr Grigor'yevich Gradusov, former head of the Department of Religions of Tyumen’ Committee on Nationalities ” . 30 March ,
  • Interview . 17 September 2006d . “ Leonid Ivanovich Brodovsky, pastor of Tyumen’ Christian Church (Tyumenskaya khristianskaya tserkov’) ” . 17 September ,
  • Interview . 1 April 2007a . “ Leonid Ivanovich Brodovsky ” . 1 April ,
  • Interview . 26 June 2007b . “ Yevgeni Nikolayevich Shestakov, pastor of a Pentecostal community under the ‘Reconciler’ Mission of Evangelisation and Charity (Missiya yevangelizatsii i blagotvoreniya ‘Primiritel'’) and rector of the Tyumen’ Biblical Seminary in Yalutorovsk ” . 26 June , Yalutorovsk
  • Interview . 18 July 2007c . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov, pastor of the ‘Light to the World’ (‘Svet miru’) Church ” . 18 July ,
  • Interview . 28 April 2008 . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov ” . 28 April ,
  • Interview . 21 June 2009 . “ Oksana Anatol'yevna Slin'ko, head of the ‘Bridge’ (‘Most’) Non-Commercial Youth Organisation (Tobol'sk) ” . 21 June , Tobol'sk
  • Interview . 16 September 2010 . “ Sergei Petrovich Ishimtsev, pastor of the ‘New Generation’ (‘Novoye pokoleniye’) Church (Tobol'sk) ” . 16 September , Tobol'sk
  • Interview . 1 February 2011a . “ Leonid Ivanovich Brodovsky, pastor of Tyumen’ Christian Church (Tyumenskaya khristianskaya tserkov’) ” . 1 February ,
  • Interview . 9 February 2011b . “ Vasili Yaroslavovich Vityuk, pastor of the ‘Word of Life’ (‘Slovo zhizni’) Church ” . 9 February , Nizhnevartovsk
  • Interview . 24 March 2011c . “ Andrei Viktorovich Knyazhev, pastor of the ‘Gospel’ (‘Blagaya vest'’) Church ” . 24 March ,
  • Interview . 31 March 2011d . “ Sergei Vasil'yevich Dubik, pastor of the ‘Exodus’ (‘Iskhod’) Church ” . 31 March ,
  • Interview . 4 April 2011e . “ Leonid Ivanovich Brodovsky, pastor of Tyumen’ Christian Church (Tyumenskaya khristianskaya tserkov’) ” . 4 April ,
  • Interview . 7 April 2011f . “ Mikhail Gennad'yevich Karlov, pastor of the ‘Cornerstone’ (‘Krayeugol'ny kamen'’) Church ” . 7 April ,
  • Interview . 7 April 2011g . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov, pastor of the ‘Light to the World’ (‘Svet miru’) Church ” . 7 April ,
  • Interview . 28 April 2011h . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov ” . 28 April ,
  • Interview . 4 May 2011i . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov ” . 4 May ,
  • Interview . 31 October 2011j . “ Maksim Yevgen'yevich Yesaulenko, pastor of ‘Cornerstone’ (‘Kraeugol'ny kamen'’) Church ” . 31 October ,
  • Interview . 1 November 2011k . “ Sergei Eduardovich Lavrenov, pastor of the ‘Light to the World’ (‘Svet miru’) Church ” . 1 November ,

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