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Party System Change in Eastern and Western Germany Between Convergence and Dissimilarity


  • Abedi, Amir. 2017. “We Are Not in Bonn Anymore: The Impact of German Unification on Party Systems at the Federal and Land Levels.” German Politics 26 (4): 457–479.
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  • Brader, Ted, and Joshua A. Tucker. 2008. “Pathways to Partisanship: Evidence from Russia.” Post-Soviet Affairs 24 (3): 263–300.
  • Bräuninger, Thomas, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller, and Christian Stecker. 2020. Parteienwettbewerb in den Deutschen Bundesländern. 2., ed. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  • Caramani, Daniele. 2012. “The Europeanization of Electoral Politics: An Analysis of Converging Voting Distributions in 30 European Party Systems, 1970-2008.” Party Politics 18 (6): 803–823.
  • Casal Bértoa, Fernando. 2018. “The Three Waves of Party System Institutionalisation Studies: A Multi- or Uni-Dimensional Concept?” Political Studies Review 16 (1): 60–72.
  • Chiaramonte, Alessandro, and Vincenzo Emanuele. 2017. “Party System Volatility, Regeneration and de-Institutionalization in Western Europe (1945–2015).” Party Politics 23 (4): 376–388.
  • Chiaramonte, Alessandro, and Vincenzo Emanuele. 2019. “Towards Turbulent Times: Measuring and Explaining Party System (De-)Institutionalization in Western Europe (1945–2015).” Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 49 (1): 1–23.
  • Dalton, Russel J. 2014. “Interpreting Partisan Dealignment in Germany.” German Politics 23 (1-2): 134–144.
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  • Dalton, Russell J., and Steven Weldon. 2007. “Partisanship and Party System Institutionalization.” Party Politics 13 (2): 179–196.
  • Emanuele, Vincenzo, Alessandro Chiaramonte, and Sorina Soare. 2020. “Does the Iron Curtain Still Exist? The Convergence in Electoral Volatility Between Eastern and Western Europe.” Government and Opposition 55 (2): 308–326.
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  • Pappi, Franz Urban, and Jens Brandenburg. 2010. “Sozialstrukturelle Interessenlagen und Parteipräferenz in Deutschland.” KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 62 (3): 459–483.
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  • Rattinger, Hans, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf, and Aiko Wagner. 2017. “Post-Election Cross Section (Gles 2013). Za5701, Data File Version 3.0.0.”
  • Roßteutscher, Sigrid, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf, Aiko Wagner, Reinhold Melcher, and Heiko Giebler. 2018. “Post-Election Cross Section (Gles 2017), Za6801, Data File Version 4.0.0.”.
  • Rovny, Jan, and Stephen Whitefield. 2019. “Issue Dimensionality and Party Competition in Turbulent Times.” Party Politics 25 (1): 4–11.
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  • Wagner, Aiko. 2017. “A Micro Perspective on Political Competition: Electoral Availability in the European Electorates.” Acta Politica 52 (4): 502–520.
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  • Weßels, Bernhard, and Hans-Dieter Klingemann. 2006. “Parties and Voters—Representative Consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe?” International Journal of Sociology 36 (2): 11–44.
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