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The Realism of Russia's Foreign Policy

Pages 7-31 | Published online: 01 Jul 2010


  • Hopf , Ted , ed. 1999 . Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy , University Park : Penn State University Press .
  • Proshin , Iurii . 1999 . `Russia's Foreign Debts Will Be Paid' . International Affairs (Moscow) , 45 ( 1 ) : 7 – 12 . Russia's 1998 external debt amounted to approximately $140 billion, with more than $18 billion due in interest and principal; by contrast the sum total of the Russian federal budget amounted to about $25 billion (with $ 10 billion--or just 55% of the total due--formally allocated to debt servicing; for the rest, Russia must have debt relief from G-7 country creditors, public and private, or face default). For the year 2000, external debt amounts to $155 billion as against a Russian federal budget of $33 billion.
  • 2000 . The New York Times , 9 January : 8
  • On the importance of relations with the West in securing Russia's interests see President El'tsin' s 4 July 1999 message to President Clinton in the immediate aftermath of NATO's war in Serbia, as summarised in S. Sh. A. i Kanada, 1999, 10, p. 126, and the sober and constructive official discussion of cooperation with NATO before the war in Serbia by contrast to Russian histrionics during the war itself (although here too Russian officials took pains to distinguish their views toward NATO from those toward the separate states constituting NATO, as well as the Contact Group that included five NATO states as well as Russia): compare Diplomaticheskii vestnik, 1999, 1, pp. 15-16, 21-22, 98 with 1999, 4, pp. 9-46; `Balkanskii krizis i Rossiisko-Amerikanskie otnosheniya (situatsionnyi analiz)', S. Sh. A. i Kanada, 1999, 10, pp. 41-54; and A.M. Salmin, `Rossiya, Evropa i novyi mirovoi poryadok', Polis, 1999, 2, pp. 26-30.
  • Richter , James . 1996 . “ Russian Foreign Policy and the Politics of National Identity' ” . In The Sources of Russian Foreign Policy After the Cold War , Edited by: Wallander , Celeste . 69 – 73 . Boulder , CO : Westview Press .
  • Mansfield , Edward and Snyder , Jack . 1995 . `Democratization and War' . International Security , 20 ( 1 ) Summer : 5 – 38 .
  • Lewin , Moshe . 1998 . `La Russie en mal d'Etat' . Le Monde Diplomatique , November : 1 18 – 19 . Cynthia Roberts & Thomas Sherlock, `Bringing the Russian State Back In: Explanations of the Derailed Transition to Market Democracy' (Review Article), Comparative Politics, 31,4, July 1999, pp. 477-498
  • Larrabee , F. Stephen and Karasik , Theodore W. 1997 . Foreign and Security Policy, Decisionmaking Under Yeltsin , Santa Monica : RAND .
  • Schmedt , Claudia . 1997 . Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin. Internationale und innerstaatliche Einflussfaktoren aussenpolitischen Wandels , 51 – 139 . Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang .
  • Parrish , Scott . 1996 . `Chaos in Foreign-Policy Decision-Making' . Transition (Prague) , 17 May : 30
  • Crow , Suzanne . 1993 . The Making of Foreign Policy in Russia under Yeltsin , Munich : RFE/RL Research Institute .
  • Skak , Mette . 1996 . From Empire to Anarchy. Postcommunist foreign Policy and International Relations , 137 – 191 . London : Hurst & Co. .
  • Aron , Leon . 1998 . “ `The Foreign Policy Doctrine of Postcommunist Russia and its Domestic Context' ” . In The New Russian Foreign Policy, , Edited by: Mandelbaum , Michael . 23 – 63 . New York : Council on Foreign Relations .
  • Checkel , Jeffrey . 1995 . “ `Structure, Institutions, and Process: Russia's Changing Foreign Policy' ” . In The Making of Foreign Policy, in Russia and the New States of Eurasia , Edited by: Dawisha , Adeed and Dawisha , Karen . 49 – 56 . Armonk , NY : M.E. Sharpe .
  • McFaul , Michael . 1997 . `A Precarious Peace: Domestic Politics in the Making of Russian Foreign Policy' . International Security , 22 ( 3 ) Winter : 5 – 36 .
  • McFaul , Michael . 1999 . `Russia's Many Foreign Policies . Demokratizatsiya , 7 ( 4 ) Summer : 393 – 412 .
  • Ibid.
  • Rogov , Sergei . 1995 . `Rossiya i Zapad' . S. Sh. A. , 3 : 3 – 14 . Checkel, pp. 42-65. For Russian views in substantial agreement see
  • Karaganov , Sergei . 1994 . `Rudderless and Without Sails' . Moscow News , 25 December : 7 -1 January 1995,
  • Kozyrev , Andrei . 1992 . `Russia and Human Rights' . Slavic Review , 51 ( 2 ) Summer : 287 – 293 . see also Korzyrev's liberal-internationalist speech before the United Nations General Assembly in September 1992, `Vystuplenie ministra inostrannykh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii A.V. Kozyreva na 47-i sessii General' noi Assamblei OON', Diplomaticheskii vestnik, 1992, 19-20, pp. 18-20
  • Lapidus , Gail W. 1998 . `Contested Sovereignty: The Tragedy of Chechnya' . International Security , 23 ( 1 ) Summer : 7 – 8 . 28 – 41 . For a detailed analysis of this general point as applied to the Russian-Chechen war see
  • Kozyrev , Andrei . 1993 . `The New Russia and the Atlantic Alliance' . NATO Review , February : 3 – 6 .
  • Crow , Suzanne . 1993 . `Russia Asserts its Strategic Agenda' . RFE-RL Research Report , 2 ( 50 ) 17 December : 1 – 8 .
  • McFaul . “ `Russia's Many Foreign Policies' ” . 397
  • For Russian experts' views on Kozyrev and Primakov see `Balkanskii krizis i rossiisko-amerikanksie otnosheniya', pp. 45, 49, 51.
  • For background on the Moldovan civil war see Final Report on the Conflict in the Left Bank Dniestr Areas of the Republic of Moldova by the Personal Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE Council Adam Daniel Rotfeld (Poland) Director of SIPRI (Prague, 31 January 1993) as well as Adam Daniel Rotfeld, `In Search of a Political Settlement. The Case of the Conflict in Moldova', in The Challenge of Preventive Diplomacy. The Experience of the CSCE (Stockholm, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1994 100-137, and Schmedt, Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin, pp. 122-127.
  • Hill , Fiona and Jewett , P. January 1994 . `Back in the USSR'. Russian Intervention in the Internal Affairs of the Former Soviet Republics and the Implications for United States Policy Toward Russia , January , 61 Cambridge : JFK School of Government .
  • Socor , Vladimir . 1992 . `Russia's Fourteenth Army and Insurgency in Eastern Moldova' . RFE-RL Research Report , 1 ( 36 ) 11 September : 41 – 48 .
  • Anokhin , Pavel . 1994 . `Istochnik voiny v Pridnestrov' e no iskat' v Moskve' . Moskovskii Komsomolets , 5 April : 2
  • Kaufman , Stuart J. 1996 . `Spiraling to Ethnic War: Elites, Masses and Moscow in Moldova's Civil War' . International Security , 21 ( 2 ) Fall : 108 – 139 .
  • Schroder , Hans-Henning . 1993 . Eine Armee in der Krise, Die russischen Streitkrafte 1992-93: Risikofaktor oder Garant politischer Stabilitat? , Cologne : Berichte des Bundesinstituts fur ostwissenschaftliche und internationaler Studien, 45 .
  • Ibid., pp. 35-36
  • Kozyrev , Andrei . 1992 . `Partiya voiny nastupaet: i v Moldove, i v Gruzii, i v Rossii' . Izvestiya , 30 June See also Kozyrev's joint declaration with the Moldovan foreign minister as well as a CIS communique on Moldova from that period in Vneshnyaya politika Rossii. Sbornik Dokumentov, 1990-1992, pp. 323-325, 414. 37Andranik Migranyan, `Rossiya i Blizhnee Zarubezh'e', Nezavisimaya gazeta, 18 January 1994, pp. 4-5, 8
  • For background see Schmedt, Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin, pp. 84-93, and Paul Kubicek, `Russian Foreign Policy and the West', Political Science Quarterly, 114, 4, Winter 1999-2000, pp. 550-554.
  • Levitin , Oleg . 1995 . “ `Konflikt na Balkanakh: Diplomaticheskie Aspekty' ” . In God Planety 1995 , 399 – 403 . Moscow : Respublika .
  • Sysoev , Gennadii . 1994 . `Uroki bombovykh udarov' . Novoe vremya , 16 : 26 – 27 .
  • For Russian experts' differing views on the nature of Russian interests in the Balkans and in particular with respect to Kosovo see `Balkanskii krizis i rossiisko-amerikanskie otnosheniya', pp. 42-43.
  • 1994 . Izvestiya , 30 April : 3
  • 1994 . Izvestiya , 20 April : 1 Russian mediator Vitalii Churkin said at the time: `The Bosnian Serbs must understand that in Russia they are dealing with a great power, not a banana republic. Russia must decide whether a group of extremists can be allowed to use a great country's policy to achieve its own aims. Our unequivocal answer is: "never". If the Bosnian Serbs fire so much as one more volley at Gorazde, a tremendous crisis will erupt that will plunge the Serbian people into disaster', as translated in The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 16, 1994, p. 1
  • Igor Ivanov, the current Russian Foreign Minister, previously Primakov's deputy and long involved in Russia's Balkan diplomacy, has stated in this respect: `Our goal is to prevent differences in approach to specific problems from degenerating into a general confrontation because, in the final analysis, that would go against our own interests …'. Igor Ivanov, `La Russie et l'Asie-Pacifique', Politique Etrangere, 1999, 2, p. 310.
  • Interview with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Vitalii Churkin, Literaturnaya gazeta, 16 March 1994, p. 14, as translated in The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 10, 1994, pp. 29-30.
  • For a convincing Russian analysis that stresses both Western military pressure and Russian diplomatic flexibility as essential in moving the Belgrade and Bosnian Serbs in opening Tuzla airport, see Izvestiya, 3 March 1994, p. 2, as translated in Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report. Central Eurasia, FBIS-SOV-94-042, 3 March 1994, pp. 11-12.
  • 1994 . Izvestiya , 30 April : 3 as translated in The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 17, 1994, p. 22
  • Moore , Patrick . 1994 . `Bosnian Partition Plan Rejected' . RFE/RL Research Report, , 3 ( 33 ) 26 August : 1 – 5 .
  • 1994 . Pravda , 7 July : 3 translated in The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 27, 1994, p. 21. See also
  • 1994 . Segodnya , 29 July : 1
  • 1995 . Politika (Belgrade) , 5 January : 1 as translated in `FRY, Russia Exchange Most-Favored Nation Status', FBIS-EEU-95-007, p. 42; Tanjug (Belgrade), in English, 14 September 1994, as reprinted in `FRY, Russia sign contracts worth $1.8 billion', FBIS-EEU-94-180, 16 September 1994, p. 40; Michael Mihalka & Stan Markotich, `Kozyrev: UN and Contact Group ha[ve] Failed to Meet Commitments to Belgrade', Open Media Research Institute Daily Digest (Prague), pt. I, no. 43, 1 March 1995, p. 3
  • 1994 . Segodnya , 16 December : 3 as translated in `Russian foreign ministry condemns drawing of Croatia into Bosnian conflict', The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 50, 1994, p. 27
  • 1994 . Segodnya , 22 November : 1 as translated in `NATO Hits Serb Base; Reactions in Moscow Vary', The Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press, XLVI, 47, 1994, p. 6
  • 1994 . Russia's Evolving Foreign Policy, 1992-1994 , 53 – 68 . Columbus : OH, Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press . For a selection of translated Russian documents and commentary on the diplomacy of the war in Bosnia see
  • Parrish , Scott . 1995 . `Twisting in the Wind: Russia and the Yugoslav Conflict' . Transitions (Prague) , 3 November : 28
  • Hoffmann , David . 1995 . `Attack on Bosnia Shows Russia's Drift From West' . The Washington Post , 16 September : A20
  • 1995 . ITAR-TASS news agency , 22 July as cited in Parrish, `Twisting in the Wind', p. 29
  • Ibid., p. 31.
  • Perlez , Jane . 1999 . `Kosovo Peace Plan Takes Shape as Russia Prods Serbs on Troops' . The New York Times , 16 February : A1 A3
  • For background, see Kubicek, `Russian Foreign Policy …', pp. 554-556.
  • Karaganov , S. 1988 . `Vyzovy bezopasnosti--starye i novaya' . Kommunist , 1 : 42 – 50 . On the other hand, antiquarians might consult the seldom cited S. Karaganov et al., S. Sh. A. Diktatr NATO (Moscow, 1985)
  • Schmedt, Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin, pp. 70-72.
  • The document as published in Nezavisimaya gazeta, 21 July 1995. See also `Strategiya dlya Rossii (2)', Nezavisimaya gazeta, 27 May 1994, pp. 4-5, and `Politika natsional' noi bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii (1996-2000)', Nezavisimaya gazeta, 23 May 1996, monthly supplement, pp. 1-3. For a direct statement of Karaganov's views see `Russian Foreign Policy Amidst the Economic Crisis', International Affairs (Moscow), 45 1, 1999, pp. 57-80, esp. 59-60, 69, 74.
  • Golik , Yu. V. and Karasev , V.I. 1999 . `Pochemu dazhe "demokraticheskaya" Rossiya ne usrtraivaet "svobodnyi" zapad?' . Svobodnaya mysl , 3 : 159 – 160 . For related fears of a kind of political-economic `ghettoisation' of Russia see
  • Granin , Yurii . 1999 . `Chto Vperedi? Mirovaya globalizatsiya i Rossiya' . Svobodnaya mysl , 9 : 46 – 49 .
  • Makushkin , Aleksei . 1999 . `Finansovaya globalizatsiya' . Svobodnaya mysl , 11 : 32 – 35 .
  • Davydov , Yurii P. 1998 . `Rossiya i NATO. "Posle Bala"' . S. Sh. A. , 1 : 3 – 18 . and Jeremy Bransten, `Russia: Ivanov Says Ties with NATO Have Improved Significantly', RFE/RL (Prague), 9 December 1998, at www.rferl.org/nca/features/1998/12/F.RU.98120918264 9.html.
  • Diplomaticheskii vestnik, 1999, 4, 5 and 6, passim.
  • Diplomaticheskii vestnik, 1999, 4, p. 10.
  • Livermoore , Gordon , ed. 1999 . Russian Foreign Policy, 1994-1998 , 116 – 142 . Columbus : OH, Current Digest of the post-Soviet Press . For a detailed sampling of Russian official and societal views on the war see the translated items in
  • Chernyavsky , Stanislav . 1999 . `Zakavkaz'e v planakh Vashingtona' . Svohodnaya mysl' , 7 : 56 – 61 . `Balkanskii krizis i rossiisko-amerikanskie otnosheniya', pp. 41, 50-51; Ted Hopf, `How NATO's War in Yugoslavia is Making Foreign Policy in Moscow', Policy Memo Series, 81 (Cambridge, MA, Program on New Approaches to Russian Security, October 1999); B. Kazantsev, `Serious Concern Over New NATO Strategy', International Affairs (Moscow), 45 2, 1999, pp. 23-28. Kazantsev is deputy director of the Department of European Cooperation in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. See also
  • 1999 . Diplomaticheskii vestnik , 7 : 6 – 12 . Andre Fontaine, `1979-1999: De Kaboul au Kosovo', Politique Etrangere, 1999, 3, p. 502. For the Russian texts of the peace agreement and the enabling UN Security Council Resolution (No. 1244) see
  • Wedel , Janine . 1998 . Collision and Collusion , 138 New York : St Martin's Press .
  • 1999 . `high-ranking officer in the Russian Armed Forces' . La Stampa (Turin) , 13 June According to an interview by the reputable Giulietto Chiesa with a, as translated in Johnson's List, No. 3342, item 7, 15 June 1999
  • Brucan , Silviu . 1998 . Social Change in Russia and Eastern Europe. From Party Hacks to Nouveaux Riches , 102 Westport : CT, Praeger .
  • Kaiser , Robert G. and Hoffman , David . 1999 . `Russia Had Bigger Plan in Kosovo' . The Washington Post , 25 June : A1
  • Assen Ignatow, Ideologie, Rhetorik und Realpolitik. Die ideologische Komponent der russischen Aussenpolitik (Cologne, Bundesinstitut fur ostwissenschaftiliche und internationale Studien, Bericht 20, 17 May 1999).
  • Carr , E.H. 1953 . The Bolshevik Revolution , Volume III , London : Penguin .
  • Jacobson , Jan . 1994 . When the Soviet Union Entered World Politics , University of California Press .
  • Schmedt, Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin, pp. 51-139, and Skak, From Empire to Anarchy. For a survey of translated Russian documents and commentaries tracing the criticism of Kozyrev and his adjustment see Russia's Evolving Foreign Policy, 1992-1994, pp. 1-12.
  • Crow . “ `Russia Asserts its Strategic Agenda' ” . 7
  • Primakov , Evgenii M. and Churkin , Vitalii V. 1972 . Mezhdunarodnye konflikty , Moscow : Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya . See Evgenii M. Primakov, `XXVII s"ezd KPSS i issledovanie problem mirovoi ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykb otnoshenii,' Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1986, 6, p. 14 and passim;
  • Bogaturov , Aleksei . 1995 . “ `International Relations Theory in Late Communist and Early Post-Communist Russia (1985-1994)' ” . 5 – 6 .
  • Light , Margot . 1988 . Soviet Theory of International Relations , Wheatsheaf Books .
  • Schmedt, Russische Aussenpolitik unter Jelzin, pp. 69-70, and Larrabee & Karasik, Foreign and Security Policy Decisionmaking, pp. 27-28.
  • Almond , Mark . 1994 . Europe's Backyard War. The War in the Balkans , 406 London : Macmillan . For the text of a leaked British Foreign Office memorandum underscoring the importance of the British-French-Russian axis against the United States in the UN Security Council on the arms embargo issue see
  • Usov , Anatolii . 1999 . `Na puti k slavyanskomu triedinstvu' . Svobodnaya mysl' , 10 : 71 – 77 . For a sophisticated Russian analysis of the logic and limits of Russian-Ukrainian rapprochement see
  • Balmaceda , Margarita M. 1998 . `Ukraine, Russia and European Security: Thinking Beyond NATO Expansion' . Problems of post-Communism , January/February : 21 – 29 .
  • Fedorov , A. 1999 . `New Pragmatism of Russia's Foreign Policy' . International Affairs (Moscow) , 45 ( 5 ) : 48 Many professional foreign policy analysts hold this to be untenable. Thus Sergei Rogov: `The view that Russia is "destined" to be a great power is a dangerous myth', or Andrei Fedorov, Director of Political Programmes at the Foreign and Defence Policy Council: `Can we remain a figure of world importance … or should we limit ourselves to the responsibility zone directly connected with our national interests and security? … The objective political and economic situation in Russia is pushing us toward the latter'. Rogov, p. 15;
  • As demonstrated by Menon `After Empire …'.
  • Belts , Richard . 1999 . `Must War Find a Way?' . International Security , 24 ( 2 ) Fall : 191
  • Blechman , Barry and Wittes , Tamara Cofman . 1999 . `Defining Moment: The Threat and Use of Force in American Foreign Policy' . Political Science Quarterly , 114 ( 1 ) Spring
  • Trenin , Dmitrii . 1997 . “ `Predotvrashchenie, upravlenie i uregulirovanie konfliktov na territorrii byvshego SSSR: naskol'ko raskhodyatsya interesy Rossii i Zapada?' ” . In Etnicheskie i regional' nye konflikty v Egvrazii , Edited by: Koppiters , B. Vol. 3 , 118 – 138 . Moscow : Ves' Mir .
  • Bykov , Oleg . 1994 . “ `S. Sh. A.: Konets Sverkhderzhavnosti' ” . In God Planety 1994 , 269 – 275 . Moscow : Respublika . and Salmin, pp. 23-25
  • Larrabee & Karasik, Foreign and Security Policy Decisionmaking, pp. 5-11.
  • `Russian Foreign Policy: Amidst the Economic Crisis', pp. 59, 74.
  • Halbach , Uwe . 23 August 1999 . Moskau's Sudpolitik. Russland und der West im Kaspischen Raum , 23 August , Cologne : Bundesinstitut fur ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, Bericht 30 .
  • Cohen , Ariel . 1996 . `The New Great Game: Pipeline Politics in Eurasia' . Eurasia Studies , 3 ( 1 ) Spring : 2 – 15 .
  • Wallander , Celeste and Friends , Mortal . 1999 . Best Enemies. German-Russian Cooperation After the Cold War , Ithaca : Cornell University Press . For a systematic analysis with respect to Russian-German relations in the 1990s see
  • Hoffmann , David . 1999 . `Yeltsin Vows to Disallow Force in Kosovo' . The Washington Post , 19 February : A19 While Russian diplomats were working intensively within the Contact Group to craft a diplomatic settlement to the Kosovo crisis, El'tsin declared--without apparent foundation--that he had just spoken to President Clinton to delcare: `We will not allow Kosovo to be touched'.
  • William Zimmerman concludes from his study of Russian opinion and foreign policy that `a more authoritarian and less market-oriented Russia would be more prone to view the United States as threatening, would be more isolationist, and would be less inclined to reduce military spending'. William Zimmerman, `Markets, Democracy and Russian Foreign Policy', Post-Soviet Affairs, 10, 2, April-June 1994, p. 124; see also Yanov, Posle El'tsina, for specific foreign policy views of various communist and nationalist politicians.
  • Kissinger , Henry . 1994 . Diplomacy , 118 – 136 . New York : Simon and Schuster .
  • Kerr , David . 1995 . `The New Eurasianaism: The Rise of Geopolitics in Russia's Foreign Policy' . Europe-Asia Studies , 47 ( 6 ) September : 977 – 988 .
  • Yanov , Aleksandr . 1995 . Posle El'tsina , 26 – 111 . Moscow : KRUK .
  • Dugin , Aleksandr . 1997 . Osnovy Geopolitiki. Geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii , Moscow : Arktogeya .
  • Tsymbursky , V.L. 1999 . `Geopolitika kak mirovidenie i rod zanyatii' . Polis , 4 : 7 – 28 . For a more balanced Russian analysis see
  • Garnett , Sherman W. “ `Europe's Crossroads: Russia and the West in the New Borderlands' ” . Edited by: Mandelbaum . 75 The case under discussion concerned union with Belarus, which Russian liberals such as Chubais opposed because of the economic costs and the feared drag on Russia's liberal prospects in general.
  • 1994 . Nezavisimaya gazeta , 21 September See also the report submitted by Primakov' s Federal Intelligence Service as published in
  • Malcom , Neil , Pravda , Alex , Allison , Roy and Light , Margot . 1996 . Internal Factors in Russian Foreign Policy , 289 – 290 . Oxford : Oxford University Press .
  • 1992 . The New York Times , 15 December : A 16 For excerpts of Kozyrev's astounding speech, in which he affected the stance of a Zhirinovsky-like rabid nationalist, see
  • One indication of the domestic political damage that Kozyrev inflicted on himself with the speech, akin to Khrushchev' s banging the shoe at the General Assembly in 1960, is seen in the fact that the Foreign Ministry did not include this speech in its official documentary collection on Russian foreign policy between 1990 and 1992. His previous speeches at CSCE meetings were published. See Ministerstvo inostrannykh del Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Vneshnyaya politika Rossii. Sbornik dokumentov 1990-1992 (Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya, 1996). For earlier CSCE speeches by Kozyrev, see pp. 197-199, 326-328.
  • For analysis and a wealth of primary sources see Rajan Menon, `After Empire: Russia and the Southern "Near Abroad"', in Mandelbaum (ed.), pp. 100-166; in addition see Jean Radvanyi, `Transports et geostrategie au sud de la Russie', Le Monde Diplomatique, June 1998, pp. 18-19.
  • Lynch , Allen . 1994 . `Der Einfluss des Militaers auf die Aussenpolitik Russlands' . Europa Archiv, , 49 ( 15 ) 10 August : 437 – 446 .
  • Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report. Russian National Affairs, FBIS-SOV-95-037, 24 February 1995, p. 25.
  • McFaul, `Russia's Many Foreign Policies'.
  • Lloyd , John . 2000 . `The Logic of Vladimir Putin' . The New York Times Magazine , 19 March : 65

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