CrossRef citations to date


  • Åberg, M. (2000) ‘Putnam’s Social Capital Theory Goes East: A Case Study of Western Ukraine and L’viv’, Europe-Asia Studies, 52, 2.
  • Alesina, A. & Guiliano, P. (2011) ʻFamily Ties and Political Participation', Journal of the European Economic Association, 9, 5.
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  • Delhey, J. & Newton, K. (2003) ʻWho Trusts?: The Origins of Social Trust in Seven Societies', European Societies, 5, 2.
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  • Duck, W. (2017) ʻThe Complex Dynamics of Trust and Legitimacy: Understanding Interactions between the Police and Poor Black Neighborhood Residents', ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 673, 1.
  • Ellis, D., Harper, D. & Tucker, I. (2013) ʻThe Dynamics of Impersonal Trust and Distrust in Surveillance Systems', Sociological Research Online, 18, 3.
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  • Ford, N. M. (2017) Measuring Trust in Post-Communist States; Making the Case for Particularized Trust, doctoral thesis (Tampa, FL, University of South Florida, Scholar Commons).
  • Frederiksen, M. (2012) ʻDimensions of Trust: An Empirical Revisit to Simmel’s Formal Sociology of Intersubjective Trust', Current Sociology, 60, 6.
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  • Graeff, P. & Tinggaard Svendsen, G. (2013) ʻTrust and Corruption: The Influence of Positive and Negative Social Capital on the Economic Development in the European Union', Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 47, 5.
  • Hardin, R. (2002) Trust and Trustworthiness (New York, NY, Russell Sage Foundation).
  • Horne, C. M. (2014) ʻLustration, Transitional Justice, and Social Trust in Post-Communist Countries. Repairing or Wresting the Ties that Bind?', Europe-Asia Studies, 66, 2.
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  • Jamal, A. & Nooruddin, I. (2010) ʻThe Democratic Utility of Trust: A Cross-National Analysis', The Journal of Politics, 72, 1.
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